Coyotes vs Stars

Created - sobota 4. ledna 2025 at 21:26

1 2 3 T
Coyotes 0 2 2 4
Stars 1 2 0 3
1 2 3 T
Coyotes 10 9 14 33
Stars 22 13 8 43

1st period
1. Stars , Wyatt Johnston 19 (Reilly Smith 13, Kirill Marchenko 10) at 4:25
Matt Dumba (DAL) for Tripping (Minor) at 0:40
Zach Bogosian (ARI) for Holding (Minor) at 14:19
Darren Raddysh (ARI) for Tripping (Minor) at 19:33
2nd period
2. Stars , Wyatt Johnston 20 (Brock Boeser 25, Jakob Chychrun 24) at 0:27 (PP)
3. Coyotes , Gabriel Vilardi 14 (Oliver Ekman-Larsson 17, Nick Bjugstad 24) at 10:53
4. Coyotes , Dominik Kubalik 3 (Adam Boqvist 4, Christian Fischer 3) at 13:19
5. Stars , Reilly Smith 8 (Wyatt Johnston 15, Kirill Marchenko 11) at 17:07
No Penalty
3rd period
6. Coyotes , Nick Bjugstad 11 (Gabriel Vilardi 22) at 8:30
7. Coyotes , Gabriel Vilardi 15 (Anthony Mantha 13, Nick Bjugstad 25) at 12:21 (PP)
Matt Dumba (DAL) for Cross-checking (Minor) at 11:45
Kevin Lankinen (DAL) for Slashing (Minor) at 11:57 - Logan O'Connor served the penalty.
Christian Fischer (ARI) for Cross-checking (Minor) at 18:48
Goalie Stats
Karel Vejmelka (ARI), 40 saves from 43 shots - (0,930), W, 2-6-2, 60:00 minutes
Kevin Lankinen (DAL), 29 saves from 33 shots - (0,879), L, 14-5-0, 59:28 minutes
3 StarsOfficial
1 - Wyatt Johnston (DAL)
2 - Gabriel Vilardi (ARI)
3 - Nick Bjugstad (ARI)
Referees : Tom Chmielewski and Graham Skilliter
Linesman : Ryan Daisy and David Brisebois
Game Note
Mason Marchment is injured at 2:00 of 1st period (Bruised Left Shoulder)
Level 1 -- Attendance: 7042 (100,00%) -- Ticket Income $704,200
Level 2 -- Attendance: 3706 (100,00%) -- Ticket Income $222,360
Level 3 -- Attendance: 4633 (100,00%) -- Ticket Income $185,320
Level 4 -- Attendance: 1832 (98,81%) -- Ticket Income $54,960
Luxury Box -- Attendance: 1297 (100,00%) -- Ticket Income $239,945
Game was played at the American Airlines Center.
Total Attendance: 18510 (99,88%)
Total Ticket Income: $1,406,785
Other Income: $534,578
Total Income: $1,941,363

Team Name Goals Shots Shots Attemp Shots Blocked PIM HIT PP PK FO%
Coyotes 4336366201 / 3 (33%)147%
Stars 3437456291 / 3 (33%)153%

Adam BoqvistD0112001013:120:0000:0000% 0
Anthony ManthaLW/RW0112012020:193:2911:25050% 2
Cole PerfettiC/LW/RW000-1004016:531:4210:00050% 2
Darren RaddyshD000-2200120:501:2600:5700% 0
Dominik KubalikLW/RW1011001010:550:0000:0000% 0
Dylan DeMeloD0001054124:522:4422:0200% 0
Gabriel VilardiC/RW2131015020:312:2820:44050% 2
Christian FischerC/RW0111230012:030:0001:5500% 0
Juraj SlafkovskyLW/RW000-1022113:311:2610:000100% 1
Kaapo KakkoLW/RW000-1013021:560:0000:0000% 0
Leo CarlssonC/RW000-1011016:531:4200:00043% 23
Mason MarchmentC/LW000000000:430:1100:0000% 0
Mikey AndersonD000-2000220:300:0002:0200% 0
Nick BjugstadC/RW1232026019:482:2802:59056% 39
Oliver Ekman-LarssonD0111012124:522:4412:0200% 0
Ridly GreigC/LW000-1002013:400:3001:05032% 19
Shane PintoC0001000010:090:0000:00045% 11
Zach BogosianD0002230014:160:0001:0500% 0
Adam ErneLW/RW000000108:100:0000:30050% 2
Ben HuttonD0002001011:000:0000:2800% 0
Bo HorvatC000-3033020:031:1410:00062% 26
Brock BoeserRW011-3015021:392:5000:00067% 3
Colin MillerD0002030113:090:0002:3700% 0
Jakob ChychrunD011-2021226:463:1902:5700% 0
Kirill MarchenkoLW/RW0222013015:141:1400:0000% 1
Logan O'ConnorRW000000309:000:0001:2000% 1
Matt DumbaD000-1421022:320:4501:0500% 0
Michael BuntingLW/RW000-3032020:031:1400:000100% 1
Nino NiederreiterLW/RW0000012014:072:5000:0000% 1
Oskar SundqvistC/RW0000013012:380:0001:21047% 17
Reilly SmithLW/RW1122038016:410:4501:560100% 2
Ryan GravesD000-1031121:570:0001:1300% 0
Shayne GostisbehereD000-2001123:493:1910:0000% 0
William CarrierLW0000032011:170:0000:00067% 3
Wyatt JohnstonC2132026019:392:5012:49047% 32
Zach Aston-ReeseC/LW/RW000001007:400:0000:00050% 10


5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Anthony ManthaNick BjugstadGabriel Vilardi1133328%14:21
2Mason MarchmentLeo CarlssonCole Perfetti1133129%15:11
3Juraj SlafkovskyRidly GreigKaapo Kakko1132623%12:05
4Dominik KubalikShane PintoChristian Fischer1221020%10:09
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Oliver Ekman-LarssonDylan DeMelo1314239%20:06
2Mikey AndersonDarren Raddysh1313836%18:28
3Zach BogosianAdam Boqvist1312025%13:12
4Darren RaddyshDylan DeMelo12200%0:00
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Anthony ManthaNick BjugstadGabriel Vilardi1046259%2:28
2Mason MarchmentLeo CarlssonCole Perfetti1043841%1:42
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Oliver Ekman-LarssonDylan DeMelo0146266%2:44
2Juraj SlafkovskyDarren Raddysh0143834%1:26
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Nick BjugstadChristian Fischer1315573%2:59
2Ridly GreigAnthony Mantha1314527%1:05
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Mikey AndersonDylan DeMelo1406050%2:02
2Zach BogosianOliver Ekman-Larsson1404050%2:02
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Nick Bjugstad140600%0:00 Mikey AndersonDylan DeMelo140600%0:00
2Ridly Greig140400%0:00 Zach BogosianOliver Ekman-Larsson140400%0:00
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Nick BjugstadGabriel Vilardi122500%0:00
2Cole PerfettiMason Marchment122500%0:00
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Oliver Ekman-LarssonDylan DeMelo131550%0:00
2Mikey AndersonDarren Raddysh131450%0:00
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Mason MarchmentGabriel VilardiCole PerfettiOliver Ekman-LarssonDarren Raddysh
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Ridly GreigNick BjugstadChristian FischerMikey AndersonDylan DeMelo
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
60:00 60:00 0:000:00
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Cole Perfetti, Kaapo Kakko, Gabriel VilardiAnthony Mantha, Ridly GreigGabriel Vilardi
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Mikey Anderson, Zach Bogosian, Oliver Ekman-LarssonOliver Ekman-Larsson, Darren RaddyshOliver Ekman-Larsson
Penalty Shots
Nick Bjugstad, Kaapo Kakko, Gabriel Vilardi, Zach Bogosian, Mason Marchment
Karel Vejmelka, Charlie Lindgren
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Shane Pinto, Nick Bjugstad, Mason Marchment, Gabriel Vilardi, Anthony Mantha, Dominik Kubalik, Cole Perfetti, Juraj Slafkovsky, Ridly Greig, Kaapo Kakko
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo, Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh, Zach Bogosian
Jasper Weatherby (Healthy), Dylan Guenther (Strained Right Elbow Injury), Owen Tippett (Left Foot Injury), Taylor Fedun (Healthy)


5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Michael BuntingBo HorvatBrock Boeser0144036%18:49
2Reilly SmithWyatt JohnstonKirill Marchenko0143027%14:00
3William CarrierOskar SundqvistNino Niederreiter1222222%11:17
4Adam ErneZach Aston-ReeseLogan O'Connor230815%7:40
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Shayne GostisbehereJakob Chychrun0144340%20:30
2Ryan GravesMatt Dumba2214240%20:44
3Ben HuttonColin Miller1401520%10:32
4Shayne GostisbehereJakob Chychrun12200%0:00
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Nino NiederreiterWyatt JohnstonBrock Boeser0056070%2:50
2Michael BuntingBo HorvatKirill Marchenko1044030%1:14
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Shayne GostisbehereJakob Chychrun0056082%3:19
2Matt DumbaReilly Smith1044018%0:45
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Wyatt JohnstonLogan O'Connor1406077%2:55
2Oskar SundqvistReilly Smith2304023%0:51
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Jakob ChychrunMatt Dumba1406073%2:45
2Ryan GravesColin Miller1404027%1:01
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Wyatt Johnston14060100%0:24 Jakob ChychrunMatt Dumba1406050%0:12
2Logan O'Connor140400%0:00 Ryan GravesColin Miller1404050%0:12
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Wyatt JohnstonBrock Boeser113600%0:00
2Bo HorvatMichael Bunting113400%0:00
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Shayne GostisbehereMatt Dumba122600%0:00
2Jakob ChychrunRyan Graves122400%0:00
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Michael BuntingBo HorvatBrock BoeserShayne GostisbehereJakob Chychrun
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Reilly SmithWyatt JohnstonLogan O'ConnorRyan GravesMatt Dumba
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
60:00 60:00 0:000:00
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Reilly Smith, Nino Niederreiter, Kirill MarchenkoReilly Smith, Nino NiederreiterReilly Smith
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Colin Miller, Ben Hutton, Ryan GravesColin Miller, Colin MillerBen Hutton
Penalty Shots
Brock Boeser, Wyatt Johnston, Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Reilly Smith
Kevin Lankinen, Marc-Andre Fleury
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Brock Boeser, Wyatt Johnston, Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Reilly Smith, Nino Niederreiter, Kirill Marchenko, Oskar Sundqvist, Logan O'Connor, Zach Aston-Reese
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun, Matt Dumba, Colin Miller, Ben Hutton
Anders Lee (Sprained Right Finger Injury), Calvin de Haan (Right Leg Injury)


1st period

0:01 of 1st period - Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Bo Horvat in neutral zone.
0:01 of 1st period - Oliver Ekman-Larsson is hit by Brock Boeser and loses puck.
0:08 of 1st period - Shot by Gabriel Vilardi.
0:08 of 1st period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
0:09 of 1st period - Reilly Smith wins face-off versus Leo Carlsson in Stars zone.
0:38 of 1st period - Leo Carlsson is hit by Ryan Graves and loses puck.
0:40 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Matt Dumba for Tripping.
0:41 of 1st period - Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Stars zone.
0:50 of 1st period - Shot by Gabriel Vilardi.
0:50 of 1st period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
0:51 of 1st period - Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Oskar Sundqvist in Stars zone.
0:54 of 1st period - Shot by Anthony Mantha.
0:54 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:56 of 1st period - Shot by Dylan DeMelo.
0:56 of 1st period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen with a rebound.
1:17 of 1st period - Icing by Anthony Mantha.
1:18 of 1st period - Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Coyotes zone.
1:24 of 1st period - Wyatt Johnston is hit by Dylan DeMelo and loses puck.
1:59 of 1st period - Mason Marchment is hit by Reilly Smith.
2:00 of 1st period - Mason Marchment from Coyotes is injured at 2:00 of 1st period (Bruised Left Shoulder).
2:01 of 1st period - Oskar Sundqvist wins face-off versus Leo Carlsson in Coyotes zone.
2:30 of 1st period - Shot by Leo Carlsson.
2:30 of 1st period - Deflect By Cole Perfetti.
2:30 of 1st period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
2:31 of 1st period - Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Stars zone.
2:56 of 1st period - Shot by Shane Pinto.
2:56 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:58 of 1st period - Shot by Adam Boqvist.
2:58 of 1st period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
2:59 of 1st period - Ridly Greig wins face-off versus Oskar Sundqvist in Stars zone.
3:37 of 1st period - Shot by Oskar Sundqvist.
3:37 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:07 of 1st period - Shot by Nick Bjugstad.
4:07 of 1st period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
4:08 of 1st period - Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Leo Carlsson in Stars zone.
4:08 of 1st period - Wyatt Johnston is hit by Leo Carlsson.
4:21 of 1st period - Shot by Reilly Smith.
4:21 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:23 of 1st period - Shot by Wyatt Johnston.
4:23 of 1st period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka with a rebound.
4:25 of 1st period - Shot by Wyatt Johnston.
4:25 of 1st period - Goal by Wyatt Johnston - Coyotes : 0 - Stars : 1.
4:26 of 1st period - Michael Bunting wins face-off versus Shane Pinto in neutral zone.
4:29 of 1st period - Shot by Brock Boeser.
4:29 of 1st period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
4:30 of 1st period - Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Bo Horvat in Coyotes zone.
5:02 of 1st period - Shot by Bo Horvat.
5:02 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
5:10 of 1st period - Matt Dumba is hit by Gabriel Vilardi and loses puck.
5:29 of 1st period - Shot by Oliver Ekman-Larsson.
5:29 of 1st period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen with a rebound.
5:38 of 1st period - Icing by Ryan Graves.
5:39 of 1st period - Brock Boeser wins face-off versus Shane Pinto in Stars zone.
7:06 of 1st period - Shot by Oliver Ekman-Larsson.
7:06 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:12 of 1st period - Shot by Reilly Smith.
7:12 of 1st period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka with a rebound.
7:14 of 1st period - Shot by Reilly Smith.
7:14 of 1st period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka with a rebound.
7:55 of 1st period - Shot by Oskar Sundqvist.
7:55 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:57 of 1st period - Shot by Ben Hutton.
7:57 of 1st period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
7:58 of 1st period - Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Logan O'Connor in Coyotes zone.
8:11 of 1st period - Icing by Ben Hutton.
8:12 of 1st period - Shane Pinto wins face-off versus Adam Erne in Stars zone.
8:12 of 1st period - Christian Fischer is hit by Colin Miller and loses puck.
9:09 of 1st period - Shot by Reilly Smith.
9:09 of 1st period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
9:10 of 1st period - Oskar Sundqvist wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Coyotes zone.
9:44 of 1st period - Mikey Anderson is hit by William Carrier and loses puck.
10:21 of 1st period - Shot by Kaapo Kakko.
10:21 of 1st period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
10:22 of 1st period - Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Leo Carlsson in Stars zone.
10:41 of 1st period - Shot by Leo Carlsson.
10:41 of 1st period - Deflect By Cole Perfetti.
10:41 of 1st period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
10:42 of 1st period - Ridly Greig wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Stars zone.
11:07 of 1st period - Shot by Reilly Smith.
11:07 of 1st period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
11:08 of 1st period - Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Leo Carlsson in Coyotes zone.
11:09 of 1st period - Shot by Brock Boeser.
11:09 of 1st period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
11:10 of 1st period - Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Leo Carlsson in Coyotes zone.
11:17 of 1st period - Shot by Michael Bunting.
11:17 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:19 of 1st period - Shot by Bo Horvat.
11:19 of 1st period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
11:20 of 1st period - Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Coyotes zone.
11:23 of 1st period - Shot by Wyatt Johnston.
11:23 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Darren Raddysh.
11:51 of 1st period - Shot by Reilly Smith.
11:51 of 1st period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
11:52 of 1st period - Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Ridly Greig in Coyotes zone.
11:53 of 1st period - Shot by Michael Bunting.
11:53 of 1st period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka with a rebound.
11:55 of 1st period - Shot by Ryan Graves.
11:55 of 1st period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
11:56 of 1st period - Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Ridly Greig in Coyotes zone.
12:09 of 1st period - Shot by Bo Horvat.
12:09 of 1st period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
12:10 of 1st period - Oskar Sundqvist wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Coyotes zone.
12:20 of 1st period - Off-side.
12:21 of 1st period - Ridly Greig wins face-off versus Bo Horvat in neutral zone.
12:34 of 1st period - Shot by Juraj Slafkovsky.
12:34 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:52 of 1st period - Shot by Gabriel Vilardi.
13:52 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Ryan Graves.
13:55 of 1st period - Icing by Ryan Graves.
13:56 of 1st period - Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Cole Perfetti in Stars zone.
14:03 of 1st period - Shot by Kirill Marchenko.
14:03 of 1st period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
14:04 of 1st period - Leo Carlsson wins face-off versus William Carrier in Coyotes zone.
14:04 of 1st period - Leo Carlsson is hit by Oskar Sundqvist.
14:19 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Zach Bogosian for Holding.
14:20 of 1st period - Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Coyotes zone.
15:18 of 1st period - Shot by Bo Horvat.
15:18 of 1st period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
15:19 of 1st period - Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Coyotes zone.
15:20 of 1st period - Shot by Shayne Gostisbehere.
15:20 of 1st period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
15:21 of 1st period - Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Bo Horvat in Coyotes zone.
15:27 of 1st period - Icing by Jakob Chychrun.
15:28 of 1st period - Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Stars zone.
15:35 of 1st period - Bo Horvat is hit by Christian Fischer and loses puck.
16:12 of 1st period - Icing by Shayne Gostisbehere.
16:13 of 1st period - Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Bo Horvat in Stars zone.
16:26 of 1st period - Shot by Nino Niederreiter.
16:26 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:30 of 1st period - Shot by Oskar Sundqvist.
16:30 of 1st period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
16:31 of 1st period - Zach Aston-Reese wins face-off versus Ridly Greig in Coyotes zone.
16:39 of 1st period - Icing by Colin Miller.
16:40 of 1st period - Zach Aston-Reese wins face-off versus Anthony Mantha in Stars zone.
16:40 of 1st period - Zach Aston-Reese is hit by Nick Bjugstad.
17:31 of 1st period - Icing by Logan O'Connor.
17:32 of 1st period - Leo Carlsson wins face-off versus Zach Aston-Reese in Stars zone.
18:01 of 1st period - Shot by Leo Carlsson.
18:01 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:26 of 1st period - Shot by Michael Bunting.
18:26 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Mikey Anderson.
18:28 of 1st period - Shot by Brock Boeser.
18:28 of 1st period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
18:29 of 1st period - Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Shane Pinto in Coyotes zone.
18:34 of 1st period - Shot by Wyatt Johnston.
18:34 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:36 of 1st period - Shot by Kirill Marchenko.
18:36 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:38 of 1st period - Shot by Wyatt Johnston.
18:38 of 1st period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
18:39 of 1st period - Oskar Sundqvist wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Coyotes zone.
18:41 of 1st period - Nino Niederreiter is hit by Dylan DeMelo and loses puck.
18:48 of 1st period - Shot by William Carrier.
18:48 of 1st period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
18:49 of 1st period - Reilly Smith wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Coyotes zone.
18:50 of 1st period - Shot by Kirill Marchenko.
18:50 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:52 of 1st period - Shot by Reilly Smith.
18:52 of 1st period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
18:53 of 1st period - Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Coyotes zone.
19:14 of 1st period - Shot by Anthony Mantha.
19:14 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Jakob Chychrun.
19:16 of 1st period - Shot by Nick Bjugstad.
19:16 of 1st period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
19:17 of 1st period - Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Ridly Greig in Stars zone.
19:33 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Darren Raddysh for Tripping.
19:34 of 1st period - Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Coyotes zone.
19:45 of 1st period - Nick Bjugstad is hit by Nino Niederreiter and loses puck.
19:56 of 1st period - Shot by Jakob Chychrun.
19:56 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
Goals for this period are 0 for Coyotes vs 1 for Stars.
Shots for this period are 10 for Coyotes vs 22 for Stars.

2nd period

0:01 of 2nd period - Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in neutral zone.
0:10 of 2nd period - Shot by Jakob Chychrun.
0:10 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Mikey Anderson.
0:20 of 2nd period - Oliver Ekman-Larsson is hit by Wyatt Johnston and loses puck.
0:27 of 2nd period - Shot by Brock Boeser.
0:27 of 2nd period - Deflect By Wyatt Johnston.
0:27 of 2nd period - Goal by Wyatt Johnston - Coyotes : 0 - Stars : 2.
0:28 of 2nd period - Zach Aston-Reese wins face-off versus Leo Carlsson in neutral zone.
0:28 of 2nd period - Matt Dumba is hit by Kaapo Kakko and loses puck.
0:52 of 2nd period - Shot by Logan O'Connor.
0:52 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:54 of 2nd period - Shot by Matt Dumba.
0:54 of 2nd period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
0:55 of 2nd period - Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Coyotes zone.
1:10 of 2nd period - Shot by Brock Boeser.
1:10 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:12 of 2nd period - Shot by Jakob Chychrun.
1:12 of 2nd period - The goal is going for a video replay.
1:12 of 2nd period - The goal is refused.
1:13 of 2nd period - Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Ridly Greig in Coyotes zone.
1:48 of 2nd period - Icing by Ridly Greig.
1:49 of 2nd period - Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Ridly Greig in Coyotes zone.
2:28 of 2nd period - Nick Bjugstad is hit by Jakob Chychrun.
3:01 of 2nd period - Icing by Oliver Ekman-Larsson.
3:02 of 2nd period - Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Coyotes zone.
3:02 of 2nd period - Nick Bjugstad is hit by Reilly Smith.
3:31 of 2nd period - Icing by Adam Boqvist.
3:32 of 2nd period - Leo Carlsson wins face-off versus Oskar Sundqvist in Coyotes zone.
3:32 of 2nd period - Leo Carlsson is hit by William Carrier.
4:52 of 2nd period - Shot by Reilly Smith.
4:52 of 2nd period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
4:53 of 2nd period - Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Bo Horvat in Coyotes zone.
4:58 of 2nd period - Brock Boeser is hit by Nick Bjugstad and loses puck.
5:03 of 2nd period - Shot by Nick Bjugstad.
5:03 of 2nd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
5:04 of 2nd period - Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Zach Aston-Reese in Stars zone.
5:25 of 2nd period - Dylan DeMelo is hit by Zach Aston-Reese and loses puck.
5:53 of 2nd period - Icing by Matt Dumba.
5:54 of 2nd period - Adam Erne wins face-off versus Ridly Greig in Stars zone.
6:09 of 2nd period - Shot by Michael Bunting.
6:09 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Juraj Slafkovsky.
6:51 of 2nd period - Leo Carlsson is hit by Bo Horvat and loses puck.
7:30 of 2nd period - Kirill Marchenko is hit by Zach Bogosian and loses puck.
7:38 of 2nd period - Wyatt Johnston is hit by Zach Bogosian and loses puck.
7:57 of 2nd period - Shot by William Carrier.
7:57 of 2nd period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
7:58 of 2nd period - Shane Pinto wins face-off versus Zach Aston-Reese in Coyotes zone.
8:18 of 2nd period - Shot by Logan O'Connor.
8:18 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:28 of 2nd period - Shot by Ridly Greig.
9:28 of 2nd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
9:29 of 2nd period - Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Oskar Sundqvist in Stars zone.
9:42 of 2nd period - Shot by Anthony Mantha.
9:42 of 2nd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
9:43 of 2nd period - Leo Carlsson wins face-off versus Bo Horvat in Stars zone.
9:46 of 2nd period - Shot by Cole Perfetti.
9:46 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:51 of 2nd period - Off-side.
9:52 of 2nd period - Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Leo Carlsson in neutral zone.
10:08 of 2nd period - Shot by Kaapo Kakko.
10:08 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Jakob Chychrun.
10:10 of 2nd period - Shot by Dylan DeMelo.
10:10 of 2nd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
10:11 of 2nd period - Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Stars zone.
10:13 of 2nd period - Gabriel Vilardi is hit by Colin Miller and loses puck.
10:19 of 2nd period - Off-side.
10:20 of 2nd period - Brock Boeser wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in neutral zone.
10:27 of 2nd period - Dylan DeMelo is hit by Michael Bunting and loses puck.
10:47 of 2nd period - Shot by Gabriel Vilardi.
10:47 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:49 of 2nd period - Shot by Nick Bjugstad.
10:49 of 2nd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen with a rebound.
10:53 of 2nd period - Shot by Gabriel Vilardi.
10:53 of 2nd period - Goal by Gabriel Vilardi - Coyotes : 1 - Stars : 2.
10:54 of 2nd period - Oskar Sundqvist wins face-off versus Ridly Greig in neutral zone.
11:14 of 2nd period - Shot by Oskar Sundqvist.
11:14 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:20 of 2nd period - Shot by Oskar Sundqvist.
11:20 of 2nd period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
11:21 of 2nd period - Leo Carlsson wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Coyotes zone.
11:30 of 2nd period - Shot by Cole Perfetti.
11:30 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Shayne Gostisbehere.
11:44 of 2nd period - Shot by Kirill Marchenko.
11:44 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:55 of 2nd period - Reilly Smith is hit by Oliver Ekman-Larsson and loses puck.
12:24 of 2nd period - Shot by Nick Bjugstad.
12:24 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:40 of 2nd period - Shot by Gabriel Vilardi.
12:40 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:47 of 2nd period - Icing by Matt Dumba.
12:48 of 2nd period - Shane Pinto wins face-off versus Brock Boeser in Stars zone.
12:58 of 2nd period - Brock Boeser is hit by Zach Bogosian and loses puck.
13:19 of 2nd period - Shot by Dominik Kubalik.
13:19 of 2nd period - Goal by Dominik Kubalik - Coyotes : 2 - Stars : 2.
13:20 of 2nd period - Leo Carlsson wins face-off versus Nino Niederreiter in neutral zone.
13:26 of 2nd period - Icing by Colin Miller.
13:27 of 2nd period - Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Oskar Sundqvist in Stars zone.
13:39 of 2nd period - Icing by Dylan DeMelo.
13:40 of 2nd period - Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Gabriel Vilardi in Coyotes zone.
13:40 of 2nd period - Michael Bunting is hit by Dylan DeMelo and loses puck.
13:51 of 2nd period - Shot by Michael Bunting.
13:51 of 2nd period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
13:52 of 2nd period - Oskar Sundqvist wins face-off versus Ridly Greig in Coyotes zone.
13:55 of 2nd period - Shot by Nino Niederreiter.
13:55 of 2nd period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
13:56 of 2nd period - Ridly Greig wins face-off versus Bo Horvat in Coyotes zone.
14:19 of 2nd period - Juraj Slafkovsky is hit by Bo Horvat and loses puck.
15:20 of 2nd period - Shot by Anthony Mantha.
15:20 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:50 of 2nd period - Leo Carlsson is hit by Bo Horvat and loses puck.
16:04 of 2nd period - Dominik Kubalik is hit by Matt Dumba and loses puck.
16:26 of 2nd period - Icing by Matt Dumba.
16:27 of 2nd period - Oskar Sundqvist wins face-off versus Ridly Greig in Stars zone.
16:37 of 2nd period - Icing by Mikey Anderson.
16:38 of 2nd period - Juraj Slafkovsky wins face-off versus Kirill Marchenko in Coyotes zone.
16:43 of 2nd period - Shot by Ridly Greig.
16:43 of 2nd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen with a rebound.
17:07 of 2nd period - Shot by Reilly Smith.
17:07 of 2nd period - Goal by Reilly Smith - Coyotes : 2 - Stars : 3.
17:08 of 2nd period - Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Oskar Sundqvist in neutral zone.
17:08 of 2nd period - Nick Bjugstad is hit by William Carrier.
17:27 of 2nd period - Oskar Sundqvist is hit by Dylan DeMelo.
17:36 of 2nd period - Nino Niederreiter is hit by Dylan DeMelo and loses puck.
17:45 of 2nd period - Shot by Nino Niederreiter.
17:45 of 2nd period - Deflect By Oskar Sundqvist.
17:45 of 2nd period - Shot Hit the Post.
17:47 of 2nd period - Shot by Matt Dumba.
17:47 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:49 of 2nd period - Shot by Nino Niederreiter.
17:49 of 2nd period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
17:50 of 2nd period - Cole Perfetti wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Coyotes zone.
17:54 of 2nd period - Mikey Anderson is hit by Colin Miller and loses puck.
18:05 of 2nd period - Mikey Anderson is hit by Kirill Marchenko and loses puck.
18:12 of 2nd period - Shot by Wyatt Johnston.
18:12 of 2nd period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
18:13 of 2nd period - Shane Pinto wins face-off versus Zach Aston-Reese in Coyotes zone.
18:44 of 2nd period - Shot by Dominik Kubalik.
18:44 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:23 of 2nd period - Shot by Bo Horvat.
19:23 of 2nd period - Deflect By Brock Boeser.
19:23 of 2nd period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
19:24 of 2nd period - Ridly Greig wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Coyotes zone.
19:29 of 2nd period - Shot by Kaapo Kakko.
19:29 of 2nd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
19:30 of 2nd period - Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Ridly Greig in Stars zone.
19:30 of 2nd period - Wyatt Johnston is hit by Juraj Slafkovsky.
19:40 of 2nd period - Shot by Kirill Marchenko.
19:40 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:42 of 2nd period - Shot by Kirill Marchenko.
19:42 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:50 of 2nd period - Shot by Reilly Smith.
19:50 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Dylan DeMelo.
19:52 of 2nd period - Shot by Wyatt Johnston.
19:52 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:58 of 2nd period - Shot by Wyatt Johnston.
19:58 of 2nd period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka with a rebound.
Goals for this period are 2 for Coyotes vs 2 for Stars.
Shots for this period are 9 for Coyotes vs 13 for Stars.

3rd period

0:01 of 3rd period - Gabriel Vilardi wins face-off versus Bo Horvat in neutral zone.
0:04 of 3rd period - Shot by Anthony Mantha.
0:04 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:06 of 3rd period - Shot by Dylan DeMelo.
0:06 of 3rd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
0:07 of 3rd period - Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Stars zone.
0:12 of 3rd period - Nick Bjugstad is hit by Matt Dumba and loses puck.
0:33 of 3rd period - Shot by Gabriel Vilardi.
0:33 of 3rd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
0:34 of 3rd period - Leo Carlsson wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Stars zone.
1:50 of 3rd period - Shot by Brock Boeser.
1:50 of 3rd period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
1:51 of 3rd period - Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Oskar Sundqvist in Coyotes zone.
2:01 of 3rd period - Icing by William Carrier.
2:02 of 3rd period - William Carrier wins face-off versus Shane Pinto in Stars zone.
2:02 of 3rd period - Colin Miller is hit by Christian Fischer and loses puck.
2:33 of 3rd period - Shot by Shane Pinto.
2:33 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Colin Miller.
4:29 of 3rd period - Shot by Juraj Slafkovsky.
4:29 of 3rd period - Deflect By Kaapo Kakko.
4:29 of 3rd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen with a rebound.
4:31 of 3rd period - Shot by Ridly Greig.
4:31 of 3rd period - Deflect By Juraj Slafkovsky.
4:31 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
5:22 of 3rd period - Shot by Anthony Mantha.
5:22 of 3rd period - Shot Hit the Post.
5:24 of 3rd period - Shot by Nick Bjugstad.
5:24 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
5:42 of 3rd period - Shot by Nick Bjugstad.
5:42 of 3rd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
5:43 of 3rd period - Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Leo Carlsson in Stars zone.
5:50 of 3rd period - Shot by Jakob Chychrun.
5:50 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
5:58 of 3rd period - Shot by Cole Perfetti.
5:58 of 3rd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen with a rebound.
6:02 of 3rd period - Shot by Cole Perfetti.
6:02 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
6:04 of 3rd period - Shot by Kaapo Kakko.
6:04 of 3rd period - Deflect By Cole Perfetti.
6:04 of 3rd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
6:05 of 3rd period - Leo Carlsson wins face-off versus Oskar Sundqvist in Stars zone.
6:20 of 3rd period - Shot by Leo Carlsson.
6:20 of 3rd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen with a rebound.
6:49 of 3rd period - Shot by Ridly Greig.
6:49 of 3rd period - Deflect By Juraj Slafkovsky.
6:49 of 3rd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
6:50 of 3rd period - Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Ridly Greig in Stars zone.
7:04 of 3rd period - Shot by Michael Bunting.
7:04 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:26 of 3rd period - Ridly Greig is hit by Jakob Chychrun and loses puck.
7:41 of 3rd period - Jakob Chychrun is hit by Juraj Slafkovsky and loses puck.
7:48 of 3rd period - Mikey Anderson is hit by Michael Bunting.
8:09 of 3rd period - Shot by Anthony Mantha.
8:09 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:30 of 3rd period - Shot by Nick Bjugstad.
8:30 of 3rd period - Goal by Nick Bjugstad - Coyotes : 3 - Stars : 3.
8:31 of 3rd period - Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Leo Carlsson in neutral zone.
8:38 of 3rd period - Leo Carlsson is hit by Reilly Smith and loses puck.
9:09 of 3rd period - Cole Perfetti is hit by Ryan Graves and loses puck.
9:28 of 3rd period - Shot by Oskar Sundqvist.
9:28 of 3rd period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka with a rebound.
10:37 of 3rd period - Shot by Ridly Greig.
10:37 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:57 of 3rd period - Shot by Logan O'Connor.
10:57 of 3rd period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
10:58 of 3rd period - Leo Carlsson wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Coyotes zone.
10:58 of 3rd period - Leo Carlsson is hit by Wyatt Johnston.
11:36 of 3rd period - Shot by Wyatt Johnston.
11:36 of 3rd period - Deflect By Kirill Marchenko.
11:36 of 3rd period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
11:37 of 3rd period - Shane Pinto wins face-off versus Bo Horvat in Coyotes zone.
11:37 of 3rd period - Shane Pinto is hit by Michael Bunting.
11:44 of 3rd period - Shane Pinto is hit by Ryan Graves and loses puck.
11:45 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Matt Dumba for Cross-checking.
11:46 of 3rd period - Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Stars zone.
11:53 of 3rd period - Shot by Dylan DeMelo.
11:53 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:55 of 3rd period - Shot by Oliver Ekman-Larsson.
11:55 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:57 of 3rd period - Shot by Dylan DeMelo.
11:57 of 3rd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
11:57 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Kevin Lankinen for Slashing.
11:58 of 3rd period - Anthony Mantha wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Stars zone.
12:07 of 3rd period - Shot by Cole Perfetti.
12:07 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:09 of 3rd period - Shot by Juraj Slafkovsky.
12:09 of 3rd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
12:10 of 3rd period - Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Stars zone.
12:13 of 3rd period - Shot by Anthony Mantha.
12:13 of 3rd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
12:14 of 3rd period - Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Stars zone.
12:21 of 3rd period - Shot by Gabriel Vilardi.
12:21 of 3rd period - Goal by Gabriel Vilardi - Coyotes : 4 - Stars : 3.
12:22 of 3rd period - Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in neutral zone.
12:34 of 3rd period - Off-side.
12:35 of 3rd period - Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Leo Carlsson in neutral zone.
12:35 of 3rd period - Wyatt Johnston is hit by Anthony Mantha.
12:42 of 3rd period - Icing by Dylan DeMelo.
12:43 of 3rd period - Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Leo Carlsson in Coyotes zone.
13:23 of 3rd period - Shot by Oliver Ekman-Larsson.
13:23 of 3rd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
13:24 of 3rd period - Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Oskar Sundqvist in Stars zone.
13:39 of 3rd period - Shot by Anthony Mantha.
13:39 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:14 of 3rd period - Brock Boeser is hit by Christian Fischer and loses puck.
14:32 of 3rd period - Icing by Zach Bogosian.
14:33 of 3rd period - William Carrier wins face-off versus Shane Pinto in Coyotes zone.
14:44 of 3rd period - Shot by Dominik Kubalik.
14:44 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:55 of 3rd period - Shot by Oskar Sundqvist.
14:55 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:57 of 3rd period - Shot by Oskar Sundqvist.
14:57 of 3rd period - Deflect By Nino Niederreiter.
14:57 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:49 of 3rd period - Icing by Matt Dumba.
15:50 of 3rd period - Oskar Sundqvist wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Stars zone.
16:34 of 3rd period - Shot by Nick Bjugstad.
16:34 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:45 of 3rd period - Icing by Jakob Chychrun.
16:46 of 3rd period - Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Ridly Greig in Stars zone.
17:19 of 3rd period - Shot by Reilly Smith.
17:19 of 3rd period - Deflect By Wyatt Johnston.
17:19 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:21 of 3rd period - Shot by Reilly Smith.
17:21 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Oliver Ekman-Larsson.
17:25 of 3rd period - Shot by Kirill Marchenko.
17:25 of 3rd period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
17:26 of 3rd period - Zach Aston-Reese wins face-off versus Leo Carlsson in Coyotes zone.
17:29 of 3rd period - Shot by Adam Erne.
17:29 of 3rd period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka with a rebound.
17:31 of 3rd period - Shot by Logan O'Connor.
17:31 of 3rd period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound.
17:32 of 3rd period - Leo Carlsson wins face-off versus Zach Aston-Reese in Coyotes zone.
17:41 of 3rd period - Shot by Cole Perfetti.
17:41 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:51 of 3rd period - Shot by Logan O'Connor.
17:51 of 3rd period - Stopped by Karel Vejmelka with a rebound.
18:47 of 3rd period - Icing by Matt Dumba.
18:48 of 3rd period - Zach Aston-Reese wins face-off versus Shane Pinto in Stars zone.
18:48 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Christian Fischer for Cross-checking.
18:49 of 3rd period - Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Coyotes zone.
18:57 of 3rd period - Icing by Shayne Gostisbehere.
18:58 of 3rd period - Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Stars zone.
19:04 of 3rd period - Stars, Kevin Lankinen is pulled from the net.
19:35 of 3rd period - Icing by Nino Niederreiter.
19:36 of 3rd period - Kevin Lankinen from Stars was sent back in the game.
19:36 of 3rd period - Ridly Greig wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Stars zone.
Goals for this period are 2 for Coyotes vs 0 for Stars.
Shots for this period are 14 for Coyotes vs 8 for Stars.

Full Play-by-Play

1st period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Bo Horvat in neutral zone. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Oliver Ekman-Larsson is hit by Brock Boeser and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan DeMelo for Coyotes. Dylan DeMelo moves puck in Stars zone. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi. Shot by Gabriel Vilardi. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Mason Marchment, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Wyatt Johnston, Reilly Smith, Kirill Marchenko are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Wyatt Johnston is ejected from face-off, Reilly Smith takes his place. Reilly Smith wins face-off versus Leo Carlsson in Stars zone. Pass to Kirill Marchenko. Pass to Reilly Smith. Reilly Smith loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Mason Marchment for Coyotes. Pass to Leo Carlsson. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass to Darren Raddysh. Pass to Mason Marchment. Pass to Leo Carlsson. Pass by Leo Carlsson intercepted by Ryan Graves. Pass by Ryan Graves intercepted by Leo Carlsson in neutral zone. Pass to Darren Raddysh in Stars zone. Pass to Mason Marchment. Pass to Leo Carlsson. Leo Carlsson is hit by Ryan Graves and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Leo Carlsson for Coyotes. Minor Penalty to Matt Dumba for Tripping. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Wyatt Johnston, Logan O'Connor are on ice for Stars. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Jakob Chychrun, Colin Miller are on ice for Stars. Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Stars zone. Pass to Logan O'Connor. Pass by Logan O'Connor intercepted by Anthony Mantha in neutral zone. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson in Stars zone. Pass to Nick Bjugstad. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi. Shot by Gabriel Vilardi. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Oskar Sundqvist, Reilly Smith are on ice for Stars. Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Oskar Sundqvist in Stars zone. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Shot by Anthony Mantha. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan DeMelo for Coyotes. Shot by Dylan DeMelo. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Oliver Ekman-Larsson for Coyotes. Pass by Oliver Ekman-Larsson intercepted by Jakob Chychrun.

Time : 1. Pass to Oskar Sundqvist. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Oskar Sundqvist. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Wyatt Johnston, Logan O'Connor are on ice for Stars. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Colin Miller are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Karel Vejmelka. Pass to Dylan DeMelo. Pass to Nick Bjugstad in neutral zone. Nick Bjugstad moves puck in Stars zone. Pass by Nick Bjugstad intercepted by Colin Miller. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Colin Miller. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Jakob Chychrun, Ben Hutton are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Karel Vejmelka. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Icing by Anthony Mantha. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Jakob Chychrun, Colin Miller are on ice for Stars. Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Coyotes zone. Pass to Logan O'Connor. Pass to Jakob Chychrun. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Wyatt Johnston is hit by Dylan DeMelo and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan DeMelo for Coyotes. Pass to Nick Bjugstad in neutral zone. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi in Stars zone. Pass to Nick Bjugstad. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass to Nick Bjugstad. Pass to Dylan DeMelo. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Dylan DeMelo. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Mason Marchment, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Juraj Slafkovsky, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Colin Miller. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Colin Miller. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Oskar Sundqvist, Reilly Smith are on ice for Stars. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Jakob Chychrun, Ben Hutton are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Darren Raddysh. Pass by Darren Raddysh intercepted by Ben Hutton in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Ben Hutton. Puck retreived by Mason Marchment. Mason Marchment is hit by Reilly Smith.

Time : 2. Mason Marchment from Coyotes is injured at 2:00 of 1st period (Bruised Left Shoulder). PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Ridly Greig, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Colin Miller are on ice for Stars. Oskar Sundqvist wins face-off versus Leo Carlsson in Coyotes zone. Pass to Reilly Smith. Pass to Oskar Sundqvist. Pass to Reilly Smith. Pass to Oskar Sundqvist. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Oskar Sundqvist. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Jakob Chychrun, Ben Hutton are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Karel Vejmelka. Pass to Juraj Slafkovsky. Pass to Ridly Greig. Ridly Greig moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Cole Perfetti in Stars zone. Pass to Leo Carlsson. Shot by Leo Carlsson. Deflect By Cole Perfetti. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Wyatt Johnston, Logan O'Connor are on ice for Stars. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Colin Miller are on ice for Stars. Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Stars zone. Pass to Logan O'Connor. Pass by Logan O'Connor intercepted by Oliver Ekman-Larsson in neutral zone. Pass by Oliver Ekman-Larsson intercepted by Wyatt Johnston in Stars zone. Pass to Ryan Graves in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Shane Pinto, Dominik Kubalik, Christian Fischer are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Zach Bogosian, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Coyotes. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Ryan Graves. Free Puck Retrieved by Karel Vejmelka. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Ryan Graves in neutral zone. Pass to Brock Boeser in Coyotes zone. Pass by Brock Boeser intercepted by Adam Boqvist. Pass to Christian Fischer in neutral zone. Pass by Christian Fischer intercepted by Matt Dumba in Stars zone. Pass by Matt Dumba intercepted by Zach Bogosian in neutral zone. Pass to Shane Pinto in Stars zone. Shot by Shane Pinto. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Boqvist for Coyotes. Shot by Adam Boqvist. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Ridly Greig, Juraj Slafkovsky, Kaapo Kakko are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Oskar Sundqvist, William Carrier, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Ridly Greig wins face-off versus Oskar Sundqvist in Stars zone. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson.

Time : 3. Pass by Oliver Ekman-Larsson intercepted by Jakob Chychrun. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere in neutral zone. Shayne Gostisbehere moves puck in Coyotes zone. Shayne Gostisbehere loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jakob Chychrun for Stars. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Pass by Nino Niederreiter intercepted by Dylan DeMelo. Pass by Dylan DeMelo intercepted by Jakob Chychrun. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Pass to Jakob Chychrun. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Pass by Nino Niederreiter intercepted by Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass by Oliver Ekman-Larsson intercepted by Jakob Chychrun in neutral zone. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere in Coyotes zone. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass to Oskar Sundqvist. Shot by Oskar Sundqvist. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jakob Chychrun for Stars. Pass by Jakob Chychrun intercepted by Dylan DeMelo. Pass by Dylan DeMelo intercepted by William Carrier. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by William Carrier. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Karel Vejmelka. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass to Juraj Slafkovsky. Pass to Dylan DeMelo. Dylan DeMelo moves puck in neutral zone. Dylan DeMelo moves puck in Stars zone. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Dylan DeMelo. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Matt Dumba.

Time : 4. Pass by Matt Dumba intercepted by Nick Bjugstad in neutral zone. Pass to Mikey Anderson in Stars zone. Pass to Darren Raddysh. Pass to Nick Bjugstad. Shot by Nick Bjugstad. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Gabriel Vilardi, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Wyatt Johnston, Reilly Smith, Kirill Marchenko are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Hutton, Colin Miller are on ice for Stars. Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Leo Carlsson in Stars zone. Pass to Reilly Smith. Wyatt Johnston is hit by Leo Carlsson. Pass to Wyatt Johnston in neutral zone. Wyatt Johnston loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kirill Marchenko for Stars. Kirill Marchenko moves puck in Coyotes zone. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Pass to Reilly Smith. Shot by Reilly Smith. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Wyatt Johnston for Stars. Shot by Wyatt Johnston. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Wyatt Johnston for Stars. Shot by Wyatt Johnston. Goal by Wyatt Johnston - Coyotes : 0 - Stars : 1. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Shane Pinto, Dominik Kubalik, Christian Fischer are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Zach Bogosian, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Bo Horvat is ejected from face-off, Michael Bunting takes his place. Michael Bunting wins face-off versus Shane Pinto in neutral zone. Pass to Brock Boeser. Brock Boeser moves puck in Coyotes zone. Shot by Brock Boeser. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Bo Horvat in Coyotes zone. Pass to Darren Raddysh. Darren Raddysh loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Darren Raddysh for Coyotes. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Pass to Nick Bjugstad. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi in neutral zone. Gabriel Vilardi moves puck in Stars zone. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi. Pass to Mikey Anderson. Pass by Mikey Anderson intercepted by Matt Dumba. Pass to Bo Horvat. Bo Horvat moves puck in neutral zone.

Time : 5. Bo Horvat moves puck in Coyotes zone. Shot by Bo Horvat. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Darren Raddysh for Coyotes. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi in neutral zone. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Anthony Mantha. Puck retreived by Matt Dumba. Matt Dumba is hit by Gabriel Vilardi and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Gabriel Vilardi for Coyotes. Pass to Nick Bjugstad. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Nick Bjugstad. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Kaapo Kakko, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Ryan Graves. Pass by Ryan Graves intercepted by Leo Carlsson. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass to Leo Carlsson. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Shot by Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan DeMelo for Coyotes. Pass to Leo Carlsson. Pass to Dylan DeMelo. Pass by Dylan DeMelo intercepted by Ryan Graves. Icing by Ryan Graves. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Shane Pinto, Dominik Kubalik, Christian Fischer are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Zach Bogosian, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Coyotes. Bo Horvat is ejected from face-off, Brock Boeser takes his place. Brock Boeser wins face-off versus Shane Pinto in Stars zone. Pass to Bo Horvat. Bo Horvat moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Bo Horvat intercepted by Zach Bogosian in Coyotes zone. Pass to Dominik Kubalik. Dominik Kubalik moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Shane Pinto in Stars zone. Shane Pinto loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Boqvist for Coyotes. Pass to Dominik Kubalik.

Time : 6. Pass to Zach Bogosian. Pass to Shane Pinto. Pass to Dominik Kubalik. Pass to Shane Pinto. Pass by Shane Pinto intercepted by Matt Dumba. Pass by Matt Dumba intercepted by Shane Pinto in neutral zone. Pass to Dominik Kubalik in Stars zone. Pass to Shane Pinto. Pass to Dominik Kubalik. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Dominik Kubalik. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Kaapo Kakko, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Matt Dumba. Pass to Bo Horvat. Pass by Bo Horvat intercepted by Cole Perfetti in neutral zone. Pass to Leo Carlsson. Pass to Dylan DeMelo. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Dylan DeMelo. Puck retreived by Matt Dumba. Pass to Bo Horvat in neutral zone. Pass to Ryan Graves. Ryan Graves moves puck in Coyotes zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Ryan Graves. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Wyatt Johnston, Reilly Smith, Kirill Marchenko are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan DeMelo. Pass to Kaapo Kakko in neutral zone. Pass to Cole Perfetti in Stars zone. Pass to Dylan DeMelo. Pass to Leo Carlsson.

Time : 7. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Shot by Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jakob Chychrun for Stars. Pass to Reilly Smith in neutral zone. Reilly Smith moves puck in Coyotes zone. Shot by Reilly Smith. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Reilly Smith for Stars. Shot by Reilly Smith. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Kirill Marchenko for Stars. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Pass by Wyatt Johnston intercepted by Dylan DeMelo. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Puck retreived by Reilly Smith. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere in neutral zone. Shayne Gostisbehere moves puck in Coyotes zone. Pass by Shayne Gostisbehere intercepted by Dylan DeMelo. Pass by Dylan DeMelo intercepted by Reilly Smith in neutral zone. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere in Coyotes zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Shayne Gostisbehere. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Oskar Sundqvist, William Carrier, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Hutton, Colin Miller are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Karel Vejmelka. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass by Oliver Ekman-Larsson intercepted by Oskar Sundqvist in neutral zone. Pass to William Carrier in Coyotes zone. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Pass to Oskar Sundqvist. Shot by Oskar Sundqvist. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Hutton for Stars. Shot by Ben Hutton. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Zach Aston-Reese, Adam Erne, Logan O'Connor are on ice for Stars. Zach Aston-Reese is ejected from face-off, Logan O'Connor takes his place. Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Logan O'Connor in Coyotes zone. Pass to Anthony Mantha.

Time : 8. Anthony Mantha moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Anthony Mantha. Puck retreived by Zach Aston-Reese. Pass by Zach Aston-Reese intercepted by Darren Raddysh in neutral zone. Pass by Darren Raddysh intercepted by Ben Hutton in Stars zone. Icing by Ben Hutton. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Shane Pinto, Dominik Kubalik, Christian Fischer are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Zach Bogosian, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Coyotes. Zach Aston-Reese is ejected from face-off, Adam Erne takes his place. Shane Pinto wins face-off versus Adam Erne in Stars zone. Pass to Christian Fischer. Christian Fischer is hit by Colin Miller and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Colin Miller for Stars. Pass to Logan O'Connor in neutral zone. Pass to Adam Erne. Pass by Adam Erne intercepted by Adam Boqvist in Coyotes zone. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Logan O'Connor in neutral zone. Pass by Logan O'Connor intercepted by Adam Boqvist in Coyotes zone. Pass to Shane Pinto. Pass by Shane Pinto intercepted by Adam Erne. Pass by Adam Erne intercepted by Zach Bogosian. Pass by Zach Bogosian intercepted by Ben Hutton in neutral zone. Pass by Ben Hutton intercepted by Shane Pinto. Pass to Dominik Kubalik in Stars zone. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass to Dominik Kubalik. Dominik Kubalik loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Colin Miller for Stars. Pass to Logan O'Connor in neutral zone. Pass to Adam Erne. Pass to Logan O'Connor in Coyotes zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Logan O'Connor. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Wyatt Johnston, Reilly Smith, Kirill Marchenko are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Karel Vejmelka. Pass to Zach Bogosian. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Adam Boqvist moves puck in neutral zone. Adam Boqvist loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Wyatt Johnston for Stars.

Time : 9. Pass to Jakob Chychrun in Coyotes zone. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Pass to Reilly Smith. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass to Reilly Smith. Shot by Reilly Smith. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Oskar Sundqvist, William Carrier, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Stars. Oskar Sundqvist wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Coyotes zone. Pass to William Carrier. Pass to Jakob Chychrun. Pass by Jakob Chychrun intercepted by Mikey Anderson. Pass to Nick Bjugstad. Nick Bjugstad loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Darren Raddysh for Coyotes. Pass to Anthony Mantha in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Bjugstad in Stars zone. Pass by Nick Bjugstad intercepted by Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass by Shayne Gostisbehere intercepted by Nick Bjugstad in neutral zone. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi in Stars zone. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Pass by Anthony Mantha intercepted by Jakob Chychrun. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Shayne Gostisbehere. Puck retreived by Mikey Anderson. Mikey Anderson is hit by William Carrier and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Oskar Sundqvist for Stars. Pass to Jakob Chychrun. Pass by Jakob Chychrun intercepted by Mikey Anderson. Pass to Nick Bjugstad in neutral zone. Pass to Anthony Mantha in Stars zone. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Anthony Mantha. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Ridly Greig, Juraj Slafkovsky, Kaapo Kakko are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Shayne Gostisbehere.

Time : 10. Pass to Jakob Chychrun in neutral zone. Jakob Chychrun moves puck in Coyotes zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Jakob Chychrun. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Wyatt Johnston, Reilly Smith, Kirill Marchenko are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Karel Vejmelka. Pass to Dylan DeMelo. Pass to Juraj Slafkovsky in neutral zone. Pass to Kaapo Kakko in Stars zone. Pass to Ridly Greig. Pass to Dylan DeMelo. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass to Kaapo Kakko. Shot by Kaapo Kakko. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Anthony Mantha, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Zach Bogosian, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Hutton, Colin Miller are on ice for Stars. Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Leo Carlsson in Stars zone. Pass to Brock Boeser. Pass by Brock Boeser intercepted by Cole Perfetti. Pass to Zach Bogosian. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass to Leo Carlsson. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass to Leo Carlsson. Shot by Leo Carlsson. Deflect By Cole Perfetti. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Ridly Greig, Juraj Slafkovsky, Kaapo Kakko are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Wyatt Johnston, Reilly Smith, Kirill Marchenko are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Ridly Greig wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Stars zone. Pass to Juraj Slafkovsky. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass by Oliver Ekman-Larsson intercepted by Ryan Graves. Pass to Kirill Marchenko. Pass to Wyatt Johnston in neutral zone. Wyatt Johnston moves puck in Coyotes zone. Pass to Reilly Smith.

Time : 11. Pass to Ryan Graves. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Pass to Reilly Smith. Shot by Reilly Smith. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Gabriel Vilardi, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Hutton, Colin Miller are on ice for Stars. Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Leo Carlsson in Coyotes zone. Pass to Brock Boeser. Shot by Brock Boeser. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Kaapo Kakko, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Leo Carlsson in Coyotes zone. Pass to Brock Boeser. Pass to Michael Bunting. Shot by Michael Bunting. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Bo Horvat for Stars. Shot by Bo Horvat. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Wyatt Johnston, Reilly Smith, Kirill Marchenko are on ice for Stars. Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Coyotes zone. Pass to Reilly Smith. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Shot by Wyatt Johnston. Shot Blocked by Darren Raddysh. Free Puck Retrieved by Shayne Gostisbehere for Stars. Pass to Jakob Chychrun. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass to Reilly Smith. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass to Jakob Chychrun. Pass to Reilly Smith. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass to Reilly Smith. Shot by Reilly Smith. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Ridly Greig, Juraj Slafkovsky, Kaapo Kakko are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Ridly Greig in Coyotes zone. Pass to Michael Bunting. Shot by Michael Bunting. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Ryan Graves for Stars. Shot by Ryan Graves. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Ridly Greig in Coyotes zone. Pass to Michael Bunting.

Time : 12. Pass to Matt Dumba. Pass to Brock Boeser. Pass to Bo Horvat. Shot by Bo Horvat. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Oskar Sundqvist, William Carrier, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Oskar Sundqvist wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Coyotes zone. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass by Shayne Gostisbehere intercepted by Mikey Anderson. Pass to Anthony Mantha in neutral zone. Pass by Anthony Mantha intercepted by Shayne Gostisbehere in Stars zone. Pass by Shayne Gostisbehere intercepted by Mikey Anderson in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Ridly Greig, Juraj Slafkovsky, Kaapo Kakko are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Ridly Greig wins face-off versus Bo Horvat in neutral zone. Pass to Juraj Slafkovsky. Juraj Slafkovsky moves puck in Stars zone. Pass to Ridly Greig. Pass to Dylan DeMelo. Pass by Dylan DeMelo intercepted by Jakob Chychrun. Pass by Jakob Chychrun intercepted by Dylan DeMelo in neutral zone. Pass to Juraj Slafkovsky in Stars zone. Shot by Juraj Slafkovsky. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Oliver Ekman-Larsson for Coyotes. Pass by Oliver Ekman-Larsson intercepted by Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass to Brock Boeser in neutral zone. Pass to Bo Horvat in Coyotes zone. Pass by Bo Horvat intercepted by Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass to Juraj Slafkovsky. Juraj Slafkovsky moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Dylan DeMelo in Stars zone. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass to Juraj Slafkovsky. Pass to Dylan DeMelo. Pass by Dylan DeMelo intercepted by Jakob Chychrun.

Time : 13. Pass by Jakob Chychrun intercepted by Ridly Greig in neutral zone. Pass to Dylan DeMelo in Stars zone. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass by Shayne Gostisbehere intercepted by Darren Raddysh in neutral zone. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi in Stars zone. Pass by Gabriel Vilardi intercepted by Jakob Chychrun. Pass to Brock Boeser. Pass to Jakob Chychrun. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere in neutral zone. Shayne Gostisbehere moves puck in Coyotes zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Shayne Gostisbehere. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Wyatt Johnston, Reilly Smith, Kirill Marchenko are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Darren Raddysh. Pass to Anthony Mantha in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Anthony Mantha. Puck retreived by Kirill Marchenko. Pass to Ryan Graves. Pass to Reilly Smith in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Reilly Smith. Puck retreived by Mikey Anderson. Pass to Nick Bjugstad. Nick Bjugstad moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Pass to Mikey Anderson in Stars zone. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi. Shot by Gabriel Vilardi. Shot Blocked by Ryan Graves. Free Puck Retrieved by Ryan Graves for Stars. Icing by Ryan Graves. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Kaapo Kakko, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Zach Bogosian, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Coyotes. Leo Carlsson is ejected from face-off, Cole Perfetti takes his place. Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Cole Perfetti in Stars zone. Pass to Reilly Smith.

Time : 14. Reilly Smith moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Kirill Marchenko in Coyotes zone. Shot by Kirill Marchenko. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Oskar Sundqvist, William Carrier, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Hutton, Colin Miller are on ice for Stars. Oskar Sundqvist is ejected from face-off, William Carrier takes his place. Leo Carlsson wins face-off versus William Carrier in Coyotes zone. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Leo Carlsson is hit by Oskar Sundqvist. Adam Boqvist moves puck in neutral zone. Adam Boqvist moves puck in Stars zone. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Ben Hutton. Pass to Nino Niederreiter in neutral zone. Pass to Colin Miller in Coyotes zone. Pass to Oskar Sundqvist. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Minor Penalty to Zach Bogosian for Holding. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Christian Fischer are on ice for Coyotes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Mikey Anderson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Wyatt Johnston, Nino Niederreiter, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Matt Dumba, Reilly Smith are on ice for Stars. Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Coyotes zone. Pass to Mikey Anderson. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Mikey Anderson. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Darren Raddysh, Oliver Ekman-Larsson are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Reilly Smith. Pass to Nino Niederreiter in neutral zone. Pass to Wyatt Johnston in Coyotes zone. Pass to Brock Boeser. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Pass to Brock Boeser. Brock Boeser loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Dumba for Stars. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Pass to Brock Boeser. Pass by Brock Boeser intercepted by Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass by Oliver Ekman-Larsson intercepted by Matt Dumba in neutral zone. Pass by Matt Dumba intercepted by Darren Raddysh in Coyotes zone. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Darren Raddysh. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Ridly Greig, Anthony Mantha are on ice for Coyotes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Mikey Anderson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Matt Dumba. Pass to Brock Boeser. Brock Boeser moves puck in neutral zone.

Time : 15. Brock Boeser moves puck in Coyotes zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Brock Boeser. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Kirill Marchenko are on ice for Stars. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan DeMelo. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Dylan DeMelo. Puck retreived by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass to Bo Horvat in neutral zone. Pass to Michael Bunting in Coyotes zone. Pass to Bo Horvat. Shot by Bo Horvat. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Christian Fischer are on ice for Coyotes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Darren Raddysh, Oliver Ekman-Larsson are on ice for Coyotes. Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Coyotes zone. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere. Shot by Shayne Gostisbehere. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Mikey Anderson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Bo Horvat in Coyotes zone. Pass to Christian Fischer. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Christian Fischer. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Darren Raddysh, Oliver Ekman-Larsson are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Jakob Chychrun. Icing by Jakob Chychrun. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Mikey Anderson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Stars zone. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass to Bo Horvat in neutral zone. Pass by Bo Horvat intercepted by Mikey Anderson. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Mikey Anderson. Puck retreived by Bo Horvat. Bo Horvat is hit by Christian Fischer and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Christian Fischer for Coyotes. Pass to Mikey Anderson. Pass to Nick Bjugstad. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Nick Bjugstad. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Ridly Greig, Anthony Mantha are on ice for Coyotes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Darren Raddysh, Oliver Ekman-Larsson are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Kirill Marchenko. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Shayne Gostisbehere. Puck retreived by Darren Raddysh. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Darren Raddysh. Puck retreived by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Jakob Chychrun.

Time : 16. Pass to Michael Bunting in neutral zone. Pass to Bo Horvat in Coyotes zone. Pass by Bo Horvat intercepted by Darren Raddysh. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Darren Raddysh. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Christian Fischer are on ice for Coyotes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Mikey Anderson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Shayne Gostisbehere. Icing by Shayne Gostisbehere. Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Bo Horvat in Stars zone. Pass to Mikey Anderson. Pass to Dylan DeMelo. Pass to Nick Bjugstad. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Oskar Sundqvist, William Carrier, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Kaapo Kakko, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Zach Bogosian, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Coyotes. Pass by Nick Bjugstad intercepted by Matt Dumba. Pass to Nino Niederreiter in neutral zone. Pass to Ryan Graves in Coyotes zone. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Shot by Nino Niederreiter. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nino Niederreiter for Stars. Pass to Oskar Sundqvist. Shot by Oskar Sundqvist. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Ridly Greig, Juraj Slafkovsky, Kaapo Kakko are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Zach Aston-Reese, Adam Erne, Logan O'Connor are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Hutton, Colin Miller are on ice for Stars. Zach Aston-Reese wins face-off versus Ridly Greig in Coyotes zone. Pass to Logan O'Connor. Pass by Logan O'Connor intercepted by Dylan DeMelo. Pass to Ridly Greig in neutral zone. Pass by Ridly Greig intercepted by Colin Miller in Stars zone. Icing by Colin Miller. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. Nick Bjugstad is ejected from face-off, Anthony Mantha takes his place. Zach Aston-Reese wins face-off versus Anthony Mantha in Stars zone. Pass to Adam Erne. Zach Aston-Reese is hit by Nick Bjugstad. Adam Erne moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Adam Erne. Puck retreived by Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass to Anthony Mantha in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Bjugstad. Nick Bjugstad moves puck in Stars zone. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi. Pass to Nick Bjugstad.

Time : 17. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Pass to Dylan DeMelo. Pass by Dylan DeMelo intercepted by Ben Hutton. Pass to Logan O'Connor in neutral zone. Pass by Logan O'Connor intercepted by Oliver Ekman-Larsson in Coyotes zone. Pass by Oliver Ekman-Larsson intercepted by Ben Hutton. Pass by Ben Hutton intercepted by Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Gabriel Vilardi. Puck retreived by Zach Aston-Reese. Pass by Zach Aston-Reese intercepted by Dylan DeMelo. Pass to Nick Bjugstad. Pass to Dylan DeMelo. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Dylan DeMelo. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Kaapo Kakko, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Logan O'Connor. Icing by Logan O'Connor. Leo Carlsson wins face-off versus Zach Aston-Reese in Stars zone. Pass to Kaapo Kakko. Pass by Kaapo Kakko intercepted by Ben Hutton. Pass to Zach Aston-Reese. Pass to Logan O'Connor in neutral zone. Pass to Adam Erne in Coyotes zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Adam Erne. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Karel Vejmelka. Pass to Darren Raddysh. Pass to Cole Perfetti in neutral zone. Pass by Cole Perfetti intercepted by Brock Boeser. Pass by Brock Boeser intercepted by Darren Raddysh in Coyotes zone. Pass to Cole Perfetti in neutral zone. Pass to Mikey Anderson in Stars zone.

Time : 18. Pass to Leo Carlsson. Shot by Leo Carlsson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jakob Chychrun for Stars. Pass to Bo Horvat in neutral zone. Pass to Brock Boeser in Coyotes zone. Brock Boeser loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jakob Chychrun for Stars. Pass to Bo Horvat. Pass to Brock Boeser. Pass to Jakob Chychrun. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass to Michael Bunting. Shot by Michael Bunting. Shot Blocked by Mikey Anderson. Free Puck Retrieved by Brock Boeser for Stars. Shot by Brock Boeser. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Shane Pinto, Dominik Kubalik, Christian Fischer are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Wyatt Johnston, Reilly Smith, Kirill Marchenko are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Shane Pinto in Coyotes zone. Pass to Reilly Smith. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Shot by Wyatt Johnston. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Kirill Marchenko for Stars. Shot by Kirill Marchenko. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Wyatt Johnston for Stars. Shot by Wyatt Johnston. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Oskar Sundqvist, William Carrier, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Stars. Oskar Sundqvist wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Coyotes zone. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Nino Niederreiter is hit by Dylan DeMelo and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan DeMelo for Coyotes. Pass by Dylan DeMelo intercepted by Matt Dumba. Pass to William Carrier. Shot by William Carrier. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Wyatt Johnston, Reilly Smith, Kirill Marchenko are on ice for Stars. Wyatt Johnston is ejected from face-off, Reilly Smith takes his place. Reilly Smith wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Coyotes zone. Pass to Kirill Marchenko. Shot by Kirill Marchenko. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Reilly Smith for Stars. Shot by Reilly Smith. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Coyotes zone. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi. Pass to Anthony Mantha in neutral zone. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi.

Time : 19. Gabriel Vilardi moves puck in Stars zone. Pass to Nick Bjugstad. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Shot by Anthony Mantha. Shot Blocked by Jakob Chychrun. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Bjugstad for Coyotes. Shot by Nick Bjugstad. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Ridly Greig, Juraj Slafkovsky, Kaapo Kakko are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Ridly Greig in Stars zone. Pass to Michael Bunting. Pass to Brock Boeser in neutral zone. Pass to Michael Bunting. Pass to Brock Boeser in Coyotes zone. Pass to Ryan Graves. Pass to Brock Boeser. Minor Penalty to Darren Raddysh for Tripping. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Christian Fischer are on ice for Coyotes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Mikey Anderson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Wyatt Johnston, Nino Niederreiter, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Coyotes zone. Pass to Dylan DeMelo. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Dylan DeMelo. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Zach Bogosian, Oliver Ekman-Larsson are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Pass to Brock Boeser. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Shayne Gostisbehere. Puck retreived by Nick Bjugstad. Nick Bjugstad is hit by Nino Niederreiter and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jakob Chychrun for Stars. Pass by Jakob Chychrun intercepted by Zach Bogosian. Pass by Zach Bogosian intercepted by Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Pass to Jakob Chychrun. Shot by Jakob Chychrun. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brock Boeser for Stars. Pass to Jakob Chychrun.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 0 for Coyotes vs 1 for Stars. Shots for this period are 10 for Coyotes vs 22 for Stars.

2nd period

Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Christian Fischer are on ice for Coyotes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Mikey Anderson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Wyatt Johnston, Nino Niederreiter, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in neutral zone. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere. Shayne Gostisbehere moves puck in Coyotes zone. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Pass to Jakob Chychrun. Shot by Jakob Chychrun. Shot Blocked by Mikey Anderson. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikey Anderson for Coyotes. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Mikey Anderson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Ridly Greig, Anthony Mantha are on ice for Coyotes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Zach Bogosian, Oliver Ekman-Larsson are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Jakob Chychrun. Pass to Brock Boeser in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Brock Boeser. Puck retreived by Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Oliver Ekman-Larsson is hit by Wyatt Johnston and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Wyatt Johnston for Stars. Pass to Jakob Chychrun. Pass to Brock Boeser. Shot by Brock Boeser. Deflect By Wyatt Johnston. Goal by Wyatt Johnston - Coyotes : 0 - Stars : 2. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Kaapo Kakko, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Zach Aston-Reese, Adam Erne, Logan O'Connor are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Zach Aston-Reese wins face-off versus Leo Carlsson in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Dumba. Matt Dumba is hit by Kaapo Kakko and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ryan Graves for Stars. Ryan Graves moves puck in Coyotes zone. Ryan Graves loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Dumba for Stars. Pass to Logan O'Connor. Pass to Adam Erne. Pass to Logan O'Connor. Pass to Matt Dumba. Pass to Ryan Graves. Pass to Logan O'Connor. Pass to Ryan Graves. Pass to Matt Dumba. Pass to Logan O'Connor. Shot by Logan O'Connor. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Dumba for Stars. Shot by Matt Dumba. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Coyotes zone. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass to Brock Boeser.

Time : 1. Pass to Michael Bunting. Pass to Brock Boeser. Shot by Brock Boeser. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jakob Chychrun for Stars. Shot by Jakob Chychrun. The goal is going for a video replay. The goal is refused. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Ridly Greig, Juraj Slafkovsky, Kaapo Kakko are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Wyatt Johnston, Reilly Smith, Kirill Marchenko are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Ridly Greig in Coyotes zone. Pass to Reilly Smith. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Pass to Reilly Smith. Pass by Reilly Smith intercepted by Mikey Anderson. Pass to Darren Raddysh in neutral zone. Darren Raddysh moves puck in Stars zone. Darren Raddysh loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Dumba for Stars. Pass to Reilly Smith. Pass by Reilly Smith intercepted by Darren Raddysh. Pass to Kaapo Kakko. Pass to Mikey Anderson. Pass by Mikey Anderson intercepted by Matt Dumba. Pass to Wyatt Johnston in neutral zone. Pass by Wyatt Johnston intercepted by Darren Raddysh in Coyotes zone. Pass to Juraj Slafkovsky. Pass to Ridly Greig. Icing by Ridly Greig. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Ridly Greig in Coyotes zone. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass to Jakob Chychrun. Pass to Bo Horvat. Pass to Jakob Chychrun.

Time : 2. Pass by Jakob Chychrun intercepted by Mikey Anderson. Pass to Juraj Slafkovsky in neutral zone. Juraj Slafkovsky moves puck in Stars zone. Pass to Mikey Anderson. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Mikey Anderson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass to Brock Boeser. Pass to Bo Horvat in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Bo Horvat. Puck retreived by Dylan DeMelo. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass to Nick Bjugstad in neutral zone. Nick Bjugstad moves puck in Stars zone. Nick Bjugstad is hit by Jakob Chychrun. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Pass to Dylan DeMelo. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Pass by Anthony Mantha intercepted by Jakob Chychrun. Pass to Brock Boeser in neutral zone. Brock Boeser moves puck in Coyotes zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Brock Boeser. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Oskar Sundqvist, William Carrier, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass to Dylan DeMelo. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson.

Time : 3. Icing by Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Wyatt Johnston, Reilly Smith, Kirill Marchenko are on ice for Stars. Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Coyotes zone. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi. Nick Bjugstad is hit by Reilly Smith. Gabriel Vilardi moves puck in neutral zone. Gabriel Vilardi moves puck in Stars zone. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Gabriel Vilardi. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Kaapo Kakko, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Zach Bogosian, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Matt Dumba. Pass by Matt Dumba intercepted by Cole Perfetti in neutral zone. Pass by Cole Perfetti intercepted by Wyatt Johnston in Stars zone. Pass to Reilly Smith. Reilly Smith moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Reilly Smith intercepted by Zach Bogosian in Coyotes zone. Pass by Zach Bogosian intercepted by Wyatt Johnston in neutral zone. Pass by Wyatt Johnston intercepted by Zach Bogosian in Coyotes zone. Pass by Zach Bogosian intercepted by Ryan Graves. Pass by Ryan Graves intercepted by Adam Boqvist. Icing by Adam Boqvist. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Oskar Sundqvist, William Carrier, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Hutton, Colin Miller are on ice for Stars. Leo Carlsson wins face-off versus Oskar Sundqvist in Coyotes zone. Pass to Kaapo Kakko. Leo Carlsson is hit by William Carrier. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass to Kaapo Kakko. Kaapo Kakko moves puck in neutral zone. Kaapo Kakko loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Zach Bogosian for Coyotes. Zach Bogosian moves puck in Stars zone. Pass by Zach Bogosian intercepted by Nino Niederreiter. Pass by Nino Niederreiter intercepted by Leo Carlsson. Pass by Leo Carlsson intercepted by Ben Hutton. Pass to Oskar Sundqvist in neutral zone. Pass by Oskar Sundqvist intercepted by Zach Bogosian in Coyotes zone. Pass by Zach Bogosian intercepted by Nino Niederreiter.

Time : 4. Pass by Nino Niederreiter intercepted by Adam Boqvist. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Ben Hutton in neutral zone. Pass by Ben Hutton intercepted by Zach Bogosian in Coyotes zone. Pass to Adam Boqvist in neutral zone. Adam Boqvist moves puck in Stars zone. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Adam Boqvist. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Shane Pinto, Dominik Kubalik, Christian Fischer are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Colin Miller. Pass by Colin Miller intercepted by Mikey Anderson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Mikey Anderson. Puck retreived by Colin Miller. Pass to Nino Niederreiter in neutral zone. Pass to Colin Miller in Coyotes zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Colin Miller. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Wyatt Johnston, Reilly Smith, Kirill Marchenko are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikey Anderson. Pass by Mikey Anderson intercepted by Shayne Gostisbehere in neutral zone. Pass to Wyatt Johnston in Coyotes zone. Pass by Wyatt Johnston intercepted by Darren Raddysh. Pass by Darren Raddysh intercepted by Reilly Smith in neutral zone. Pass to Wyatt Johnston in Coyotes zone. Pass to Reilly Smith. Pass by Reilly Smith intercepted by Mikey Anderson. Pass by Mikey Anderson intercepted by Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass by Shayne Gostisbehere intercepted by Darren Raddysh. Pass by Darren Raddysh intercepted by Wyatt Johnston. Pass to Jakob Chychrun. Pass to Reilly Smith. Shot by Reilly Smith. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Bo Horvat in Coyotes zone. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi. Pass to Dylan DeMelo in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Dylan DeMelo. Puck retreived by Brock Boeser. Brock Boeser is hit by Nick Bjugstad and loses puck.

Time : 5. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan DeMelo for Coyotes. Pass to Nick Bjugstad. Shot by Nick Bjugstad. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Zach Aston-Reese, Adam Erne, Logan O'Connor are on ice for Stars. Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Zach Aston-Reese in Stars zone. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass by Oliver Ekman-Larsson intercepted by Logan O'Connor. Pass by Logan O'Connor intercepted by Dylan DeMelo in neutral zone. Pass to Anthony Mantha in Stars zone. Pass by Anthony Mantha intercepted by Matt Dumba. Pass to Logan O'Connor in neutral zone. Pass to Adam Erne in Coyotes zone. Pass by Adam Erne intercepted by Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass by Oliver Ekman-Larsson intercepted by Ryan Graves in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Ryan Graves. Puck retreived by Dylan DeMelo. Dylan DeMelo is hit by Zach Aston-Reese and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Bjugstad for Coyotes. Pass to Dylan DeMelo in neutral zone. Dylan DeMelo moves puck in Stars zone. Pass to Nick Bjugstad. Pass by Nick Bjugstad intercepted by Matt Dumba. Pass to Logan O'Connor in neutral zone. Pass by Logan O'Connor intercepted by Dylan DeMelo. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi in Stars zone. Pass by Gabriel Vilardi intercepted by Matt Dumba. Pass by Matt Dumba intercepted by Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Gabriel Vilardi. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Kaapo Kakko, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Matt Dumba. Icing by Matt Dumba. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Ridly Greig, Juraj Slafkovsky, Kaapo Kakko are on ice for Coyotes. Zach Aston-Reese is ejected from face-off, Adam Erne takes his place. Adam Erne wins face-off versus Ridly Greig in Stars zone. Pass to Logan O'Connor. Pass to Ryan Graves in neutral zone.

Time : 6. Ryan Graves moves puck in Coyotes zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Ryan Graves. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Karel Vejmelka. Pass to Darren Raddysh. Pass by Darren Raddysh intercepted by Jakob Chychrun. Pass to Michael Bunting. Shot by Michael Bunting. Shot Blocked by Juraj Slafkovsky. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikey Anderson for Coyotes. Pass by Mikey Anderson intercepted by Bo Horvat in neutral zone. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere in Coyotes zone. Pass to Brock Boeser. Pass by Brock Boeser intercepted by Mikey Anderson. Pass to Juraj Slafkovsky. Pass to Ridly Greig. Pass by Ridly Greig intercepted by Jakob Chychrun. Pass to Bo Horvat. Pass by Bo Horvat intercepted by Darren Raddysh. Pass to Juraj Slafkovsky in neutral zone. Pass to Mikey Anderson in Stars zone. Pass to Ridly Greig. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Ridly Greig. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Gabriel Vilardi, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Zach Bogosian, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Bo Horvat. Pass by Bo Horvat intercepted by Zach Bogosian. Pass by Zach Bogosian intercepted by Bo Horvat. Pass to Brock Boeser in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Brock Boeser. Puck retreived by Leo Carlsson. Leo Carlsson is hit by Bo Horvat and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Shayne Gostisbehere for Stars. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Shayne Gostisbehere. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Wyatt Johnston, Reilly Smith, Kirill Marchenko are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Hutton, Colin Miller are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Leo Carlsson. Pass to Cole Perfetti.

Time : 7. Pass by Cole Perfetti intercepted by Ben Hutton. Pass by Ben Hutton intercepted by Zach Bogosian. Pass by Zach Bogosian intercepted by Wyatt Johnston in neutral zone. Pass to Reilly Smith in Coyotes zone. Pass to Kirill Marchenko. Kirill Marchenko loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Colin Miller for Stars. Pass to Ben Hutton. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Pass to Kirill Marchenko. Pass by Kirill Marchenko intercepted by Zach Bogosian. Pass by Zach Bogosian intercepted by Wyatt Johnston in neutral zone. Pass to Kirill Marchenko in Coyotes zone. Kirill Marchenko is hit by Zach Bogosian and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Wyatt Johnston for Stars. Wyatt Johnston is hit by Zach Bogosian and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Colin Miller for Stars. Pass to Reilly Smith. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Reilly Smith. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Oskar Sundqvist, William Carrier, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Karel Vejmelka. Pass to Zach Bogosian. Pass by Zach Bogosian intercepted by Matt Dumba in neutral zone. Pass to Ryan Graves in Coyotes zone. Pass to William Carrier. Shot by William Carrier. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Shane Pinto, Dominik Kubalik, Christian Fischer are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Zach Aston-Reese, Adam Erne, Logan O'Connor are on ice for Stars. Shane Pinto wins face-off versus Zach Aston-Reese in Coyotes zone. Pass to Christian Fischer.

Time : 8. Pass by Christian Fischer intercepted by Adam Erne in neutral zone. Pass by Adam Erne intercepted by Dylan DeMelo in Coyotes zone. Pass by Dylan DeMelo intercepted by Ryan Graves in neutral zone. Pass to Logan O'Connor. Pass by Logan O'Connor intercepted by Dylan DeMelo in Coyotes zone. Pass by Dylan DeMelo intercepted by Matt Dumba in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Matt Dumba. Puck retreived by Dylan DeMelo. Pass by Dylan DeMelo intercepted by Zach Aston-Reese. Pass to Logan O'Connor. Shot by Logan O'Connor. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan DeMelo for Coyotes. Pass by Dylan DeMelo intercepted by Matt Dumba in neutral zone. Pass by Matt Dumba intercepted by Dominik Kubalik. Pass by Dominik Kubalik intercepted by Ryan Graves in Stars zone. Pass to Logan O'Connor in neutral zone. Logan O'Connor moves puck in Coyotes zone. Pass by Logan O'Connor intercepted by Dylan DeMelo. Pass by Dylan DeMelo intercepted by Ryan Graves in neutral zone. Pass by Ryan Graves intercepted by Dylan DeMelo. Pass by Dylan DeMelo intercepted by Ryan Graves in Stars zone. Pass to Logan O'Connor. Pass to Adam Erne in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Adam Erne. Puck retreived by Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass by Oliver Ekman-Larsson intercepted by Logan O'Connor in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Logan O'Connor. Puck retreived by Dominik Kubalik. Pass to Shane Pinto in neutral zone. Pass to Christian Fischer in Stars zone. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Christian Fischer. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Ridly Greig, Juraj Slafkovsky, Kaapo Kakko are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Matt Dumba. Pass by Matt Dumba intercepted by Ridly Greig.

Time : 9. Pass by Ridly Greig intercepted by Ryan Graves. Pass by Ryan Graves intercepted by Juraj Slafkovsky. Pass by Juraj Slafkovsky intercepted by Ryan Graves. Pass to Zach Aston-Reese in neutral zone. Zach Aston-Reese moves puck in Coyotes zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Zach Aston-Reese. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Karel Vejmelka. Pass to Darren Raddysh. Pass to Kaapo Kakko in neutral zone. Kaapo Kakko moves puck in Stars zone. Pass to Juraj Slafkovsky. Pass to Kaapo Kakko. Pass to Mikey Anderson. Pass to Juraj Slafkovsky. Pass to Ridly Greig. Shot by Ridly Greig. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Zach Bogosian, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Oskar Sundqvist, William Carrier, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Hutton, Colin Miller are on ice for Stars. Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Oskar Sundqvist in Stars zone. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Shot by Anthony Mantha. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Kaapo Kakko, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Leo Carlsson wins face-off versus Bo Horvat in Stars zone. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Shot by Cole Perfetti. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brock Boeser for Stars. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Leo Carlsson in neutral zone. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere. Shayne Gostisbehere moves puck in Coyotes zone. Pass to Bo Horvat. Bo Horvat loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan DeMelo for Coyotes.

Time : 10. Pass to Cole Perfetti in neutral zone. Pass to Kaapo Kakko in Stars zone. Shot by Kaapo Kakko. Shot Blocked by Jakob Chychrun. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan DeMelo for Coyotes. Shot by Dylan DeMelo. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Wyatt Johnston, Reilly Smith, Kirill Marchenko are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Hutton, Colin Miller are on ice for Stars. Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Stars zone. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi. Gabriel Vilardi is hit by Colin Miller and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Colin Miller for Stars. Pass to Wyatt Johnston in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Bo Horvat is ejected from face-off, Brock Boeser takes his place. Brock Boeser wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in neutral zone. Pass to Michael Bunting. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Michael Bunting. Puck retreived by Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass to Dylan DeMelo in neutral zone. Dylan DeMelo is hit by Michael Bunting and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Bjugstad for Coyotes. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi in Stars zone. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Pass by Anthony Mantha intercepted by Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass to Jakob Chychrun in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Jakob Chychrun. Puck retreived by Nick Bjugstad. Pass to Anthony Mantha in neutral zone. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi in Stars zone. Shot by Gabriel Vilardi. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Bjugstad for Coyotes. Shot by Nick Bjugstad. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Oliver Ekman-Larsson for Coyotes. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi. Shot by Gabriel Vilardi. Goal by Gabriel Vilardi - Coyotes : 1 - Stars : 2. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Ridly Greig, Juraj Slafkovsky, Kaapo Kakko are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Oskar Sundqvist, William Carrier, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Oskar Sundqvist wins face-off versus Ridly Greig in neutral zone. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Nino Niederreiter moves puck in Coyotes zone. Nino Niederreiter loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Dumba for Stars. Pass by Matt Dumba intercepted by Darren Raddysh.

Time : 11. Pass by Darren Raddysh intercepted by William Carrier in neutral zone. Pass to Nino Niederreiter in Coyotes zone. Pass by Nino Niederreiter intercepted by Darren Raddysh. Pass by Darren Raddysh intercepted by William Carrier in neutral zone. Pass to Oskar Sundqvist. Oskar Sundqvist moves puck in Coyotes zone. Shot by Oskar Sundqvist. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Oskar Sundqvist for Stars. Pass to Ryan Graves. Pass to Oskar Sundqvist. Shot by Oskar Sundqvist. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Kaapo Kakko, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Wyatt Johnston, Reilly Smith, Kirill Marchenko are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Leo Carlsson wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Coyotes zone. Pass to Dylan DeMelo. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson in neutral zone. Oliver Ekman-Larsson moves puck in Stars zone. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Shot by Cole Perfetti. Shot Blocked by Shayne Gostisbehere. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan DeMelo for Coyotes. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass by Oliver Ekman-Larsson intercepted by Jakob Chychrun. Pass to Kirill Marchenko in neutral zone. Kirill Marchenko moves puck in Coyotes zone. Shot by Kirill Marchenko. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Reilly Smith for Stars. Pass to Jakob Chychrun. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass to Reilly Smith. Reilly Smith is hit by Oliver Ekman-Larsson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan DeMelo for Coyotes. Pass to Leo Carlsson.

Time : 12. Leo Carlsson moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Kaapo Kakko. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson in Stars zone. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Jakob Chychrun. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Pass by Wyatt Johnston intercepted by Mikey Anderson in neutral zone. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi in Stars zone. Pass to Nick Bjugstad. Shot by Nick Bjugstad. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Shayne Gostisbehere for Stars. Pass to Wyatt Johnston in neutral zone. Pass to Jakob Chychrun in Coyotes zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Jakob Chychrun. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Karel Vejmelka. Pass to Mikey Anderson. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi in neutral zone. Gabriel Vilardi moves puck in Stars zone. Shot by Gabriel Vilardi. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Dumba for Stars. Pass by Matt Dumba intercepted by Darren Raddysh. Pass by Darren Raddysh intercepted by Matt Dumba. Icing by Matt Dumba. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Shane Pinto, Dominik Kubalik, Christian Fischer are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Zach Bogosian, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Coyotes. Bo Horvat is ejected from face-off, Brock Boeser takes his place. Shane Pinto wins face-off versus Brock Boeser in Stars zone. Pass to Dominik Kubalik. Pass to Zach Bogosian. Pass to Christian Fischer. Pass by Christian Fischer intercepted by Ryan Graves. Pass to Brock Boeser in neutral zone. Brock Boeser moves puck in Coyotes zone. Brock Boeser is hit by Zach Bogosian and loses puck.

Time : 13. Free Puck Retrieved by Zach Bogosian for Coyotes. Pass to Shane Pinto. Shane Pinto moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Dominik Kubalik. Dominik Kubalik moves puck in Stars zone. Pass to Christian Fischer. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass to Dominik Kubalik. Shot by Dominik Kubalik. Goal by Dominik Kubalik - Coyotes : 2 - Stars : 2. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Kaapo Kakko, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Oskar Sundqvist, William Carrier, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Hutton, Colin Miller are on ice for Stars. Oskar Sundqvist is ejected from face-off, Nino Niederreiter takes his place. Leo Carlsson wins face-off versus Nino Niederreiter in neutral zone. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass to Leo Carlsson in Stars zone. Pass by Leo Carlsson intercepted by Colin Miller. Icing by Colin Miller. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Oskar Sundqvist in Stars zone. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Pass by Anthony Mantha intercepted by Ben Hutton. Pass by Ben Hutton intercepted by Dylan DeMelo. Pass by Dylan DeMelo intercepted by Ben Hutton. Pass to Nino Niederreiter in neutral zone. Pass by Nino Niederreiter intercepted by Dylan DeMelo in Coyotes zone. Icing by Dylan DeMelo. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Nick Bjugstad is ejected from face-off, Gabriel Vilardi takes his place. Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Gabriel Vilardi in Coyotes zone. Pass to Michael Bunting. Michael Bunting is hit by Dylan DeMelo and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ryan Graves for Stars. Pass to Brock Boeser. Pass to Michael Bunting. Shot by Michael Bunting. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Ridly Greig, Juraj Slafkovsky, Kaapo Kakko are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Oskar Sundqvist, William Carrier, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Oskar Sundqvist wins face-off versus Ridly Greig in Coyotes zone. Pass to Jakob Chychrun. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Shot by Nino Niederreiter. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Ridly Greig wins face-off versus Bo Horvat in Coyotes zone. Pass to Juraj Slafkovsky. Juraj Slafkovsky moves puck in neutral zone.

Time : 14. Pass to Ridly Greig in Stars zone. Pass to Juraj Slafkovsky. Juraj Slafkovsky loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikey Anderson for Coyotes. Pass to Kaapo Kakko. Pass by Kaapo Kakko intercepted by Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass to Brock Boeser in neutral zone. Pass to Michael Bunting. Pass by Michael Bunting intercepted by Mikey Anderson in Coyotes zone. Pass to Juraj Slafkovsky. Juraj Slafkovsky moves puck in neutral zone. Juraj Slafkovsky is hit by Bo Horvat and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Darren Raddysh for Coyotes. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Darren Raddysh. Puck retreived by Jakob Chychrun. Pass by Jakob Chychrun intercepted by Mikey Anderson in neutral zone. Pass to Ridly Greig. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Ridly Greig. Puck retreived by Brock Boeser. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere in neutral zone. Shayne Gostisbehere moves puck in Coyotes zone. Pass by Shayne Gostisbehere intercepted by Mikey Anderson. Pass to Darren Raddysh in neutral zone. Darren Raddysh moves puck in Stars zone. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Darren Raddysh. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Jakob Chychrun. Pass by Jakob Chychrun intercepted by Oliver Ekman-Larsson in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Bjugstad. Pass to Dylan DeMelo in Stars zone.

Time : 15. Pass to Nick Bjugstad. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Pass by Anthony Mantha intercepted by Jakob Chychrun. Pass by Jakob Chychrun intercepted by Nick Bjugstad. Pass by Nick Bjugstad intercepted by Jakob Chychrun. Pass by Jakob Chychrun intercepted by Anthony Mantha in neutral zone. Pass to Dylan DeMelo in Stars zone. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Shot by Anthony Mantha. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan DeMelo for Coyotes. Pass by Dylan DeMelo intercepted by Jakob Chychrun. Pass by Jakob Chychrun intercepted by Nick Bjugstad in neutral zone. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Anthony Mantha moves puck in Stars zone. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi. Pass to Nick Bjugstad. Pass by Nick Bjugstad intercepted by Jakob Chychrun. Pass by Jakob Chychrun intercepted by Dylan DeMelo. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Dylan DeMelo. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Dominik Kubalik, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Zach Bogosian, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Bo Horvat. Pass to Brock Boeser in neutral zone. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Shayne Gostisbehere. Puck retreived by Leo Carlsson. Leo Carlsson is hit by Bo Horvat and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jakob Chychrun for Stars. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Jakob Chychrun. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Oskar Sundqvist, William Carrier, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Boqvist. Pass to Dominik Kubalik.

Time : 16. Dominik Kubalik moves puck in neutral zone. Dominik Kubalik moves puck in Stars zone. Dominik Kubalik is hit by Matt Dumba and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ryan Graves for Stars. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Pass to William Carrier in neutral zone. Pass by William Carrier intercepted by Zach Bogosian in Coyotes zone. Pass by Zach Bogosian intercepted by Oskar Sundqvist in neutral zone. Pass by Oskar Sundqvist intercepted by Adam Boqvist in Coyotes zone. Pass to Dominik Kubalik in neutral zone. Pass to Leo Carlsson in Stars zone. Pass by Leo Carlsson intercepted by Matt Dumba. Icing by Matt Dumba. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Ridly Greig, Juraj Slafkovsky, Kaapo Kakko are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Oskar Sundqvist wins face-off versus Ridly Greig in Stars zone. Pass to Matt Dumba. Pass to Nino Niederreiter in neutral zone. Pass to Oskar Sundqvist. Pass to Ryan Graves in Coyotes zone. Pass by Ryan Graves intercepted by Mikey Anderson. Icing by Mikey Anderson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Wyatt Johnston, Reilly Smith, Kirill Marchenko are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Hutton, Colin Miller are on ice for Stars. Wyatt Johnston is ejected from face-off, Kirill Marchenko takes his place. Ridly Greig is ejected from face-off, Juraj Slafkovsky takes his place. Juraj Slafkovsky wins face-off versus Kirill Marchenko in Coyotes zone. Pass to Kaapo Kakko. Pass to Juraj Slafkovsky in neutral zone. Pass to Ridly Greig in Stars zone. Shot by Ridly Greig. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Hutton for Stars. Pass to Reilly Smith in neutral zone. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Pass to Reilly Smith in Coyotes zone. Pass to Kirill Marchenko.

Time : 17. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Pass to Reilly Smith. Shot by Reilly Smith. Goal by Reilly Smith - Coyotes : 2 - Stars : 3. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Oskar Sundqvist, William Carrier, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Oskar Sundqvist in neutral zone. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Nick Bjugstad is hit by William Carrier. Oliver Ekman-Larsson moves puck in Stars zone. Pass by Oliver Ekman-Larsson intercepted by Ryan Graves. Pass to Oskar Sundqvist in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Dumba. Matt Dumba moves puck in Coyotes zone. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Pass to Matt Dumba. Pass to Oskar Sundqvist. Oskar Sundqvist is hit by Dylan DeMelo. Pass to William Carrier. Pass to Oskar Sundqvist. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Nino Niederreiter is hit by Dylan DeMelo and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nino Niederreiter for Stars. Pass to Ryan Graves. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Shot by Nino Niederreiter. Deflect By Oskar Sundqvist. Shot Hit the Post. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Dumba for Stars. Shot by Matt Dumba. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nino Niederreiter for Stars. Shot by Nino Niederreiter. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Kaapo Kakko, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Wyatt Johnston, Reilly Smith, Kirill Marchenko are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Hutton, Colin Miller are on ice for Stars. Leo Carlsson is ejected from face-off, Cole Perfetti takes his place. Cole Perfetti wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Coyotes zone. Pass to Mikey Anderson. Mikey Anderson moves puck in neutral zone. Mikey Anderson moves puck in Stars zone. Mikey Anderson is hit by Colin Miller and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Colin Miller for Stars. Pass by Colin Miller intercepted by Leo Carlsson.

Time : 18. Pass by Leo Carlsson intercepted by Colin Miller. Pass to Reilly Smith in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Reilly Smith. Puck retreived by Mikey Anderson. Mikey Anderson is hit by Kirill Marchenko and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Reilly Smith for Stars. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Shot by Wyatt Johnston. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Shane Pinto, Dominik Kubalik, Christian Fischer are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Zach Bogosian, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Zach Aston-Reese, Adam Erne, Logan O'Connor are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Shane Pinto wins face-off versus Zach Aston-Reese in Coyotes zone. Pass to Dominik Kubalik. Dominik Kubalik moves puck in neutral zone. Dominik Kubalik moves puck in Stars zone. Pass by Dominik Kubalik intercepted by Jakob Chychrun. Pass to Logan O'Connor in neutral zone. Logan O'Connor moves puck in Coyotes zone. Pass to Jakob Chychrun. Pass by Jakob Chychrun intercepted by Zach Bogosian. Pass by Zach Bogosian intercepted by Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass to Jakob Chychrun. Pass by Jakob Chychrun intercepted by Adam Boqvist. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Adam Erne in neutral zone. Pass by Adam Erne intercepted by Shane Pinto. Pass to Dominik Kubalik in Stars zone. Shot by Dominik Kubalik. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Boqvist for Coyotes. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Logan O'Connor. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere in neutral zone. Shayne Gostisbehere moves puck in Coyotes zone. Shayne Gostisbehere loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Zach Bogosian for Coyotes. Pass by Zach Bogosian intercepted by Shayne Gostisbehere in neutral zone. Pass by Shayne Gostisbehere intercepted by Adam Boqvist in Coyotes zone.

Time : 19. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Shayne Gostisbehere in neutral zone. Pass by Shayne Gostisbehere intercepted by Adam Boqvist in Coyotes zone. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Logan O'Connor in neutral zone. Pass by Logan O'Connor intercepted by Adam Boqvist in Coyotes zone. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Zach Aston-Reese. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Zach Aston-Reese. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Zach Bogosian. Pass by Zach Bogosian intercepted by Ryan Graves in neutral zone. Pass by Ryan Graves intercepted by Adam Boqvist in Coyotes zone. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Michael Bunting. Pass to Bo Horvat. Shot by Bo Horvat. Deflect By Brock Boeser. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Ridly Greig, Juraj Slafkovsky, Kaapo Kakko are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Wyatt Johnston, Reilly Smith, Kirill Marchenko are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Hutton, Colin Miller are on ice for Stars. Ridly Greig wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Coyotes zone. Pass to Kaapo Kakko. Kaapo Kakko moves puck in neutral zone. Kaapo Kakko moves puck in Stars zone. Shot by Kaapo Kakko. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Ridly Greig in Stars zone. Pass to Reilly Smith. Wyatt Johnston is hit by Juraj Slafkovsky. Reilly Smith moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Pass to Kirill Marchenko in Coyotes zone. Shot by Kirill Marchenko. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Kirill Marchenko for Stars. Shot by Kirill Marchenko. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Ryan Graves for Stars. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Pass to Reilly Smith. Shot by Reilly Smith. Shot Blocked by Dylan DeMelo. Free Puck Retrieved by Wyatt Johnston for Stars. Shot by Wyatt Johnston. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Reilly Smith for Stars. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Shot by Wyatt Johnston. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Reilly Smith for Stars.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 2 for Coyotes vs 2 for Stars. Shots for this period are 9 for Coyotes vs 13 for Stars.

3rd period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Nick Bjugstad is ejected from face-off, Gabriel Vilardi takes his place. Gabriel Vilardi wins face-off versus Bo Horvat in neutral zone. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Anthony Mantha moves puck in Stars zone. Shot by Anthony Mantha. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan DeMelo for Coyotes. Shot by Dylan DeMelo. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Stars zone. Pass to Michael Bunting. Pass to Bo Horvat in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Bo Horvat. Puck retreived by Nick Bjugstad. Nick Bjugstad is hit by Matt Dumba and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Bo Horvat for Stars. Pass to Brock Boeser. Pass to Bo Horvat. Pass by Bo Horvat intercepted by Nick Bjugstad. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi in neutral zone. Gabriel Vilardi moves puck in Stars zone. Pass by Gabriel Vilardi intercepted by Matt Dumba. Pass by Matt Dumba intercepted by Darren Raddysh in neutral zone. Pass to Anthony Mantha in Stars zone. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi. Shot by Gabriel Vilardi. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Kaapo Kakko, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Wyatt Johnston, Reilly Smith, Kirill Marchenko are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Leo Carlsson wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Stars zone. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass by Cole Perfetti intercepted by Wyatt Johnston. Pass to Jakob Chychrun. Pass by Jakob Chychrun intercepted by Kaapo Kakko in neutral zone. Pass by Kaapo Kakko intercepted by Jakob Chychrun in Stars zone. Pass by Jakob Chychrun intercepted by Dylan DeMelo in neutral zone. Pass by Dylan DeMelo intercepted by Jakob Chychrun in Stars zone. Pass by Jakob Chychrun intercepted by Leo Carlsson. Pass by Leo Carlsson intercepted by Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass to Wyatt Johnston in neutral zone. Pass to Jakob Chychrun in Coyotes zone.

Time : 1. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass to Jakob Chychrun. Pass by Jakob Chychrun intercepted by Kaapo Kakko. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass by Oliver Ekman-Larsson intercepted by Jakob Chychrun. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Pass to Reilly Smith. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Wyatt Johnston. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass to Leo Carlsson. Pass to Cole Perfetti in neutral zone. Pass to Kaapo Kakko. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Kaapo Kakko. Puck retreived by Matt Dumba. Pass by Matt Dumba intercepted by Dylan DeMelo in neutral zone. Pass to Cole Perfetti in Stars zone. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Cole Perfetti. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Matt Dumba. Pass to Brock Boeser. Brock Boeser moves puck in neutral zone. Brock Boeser moves puck in Coyotes zone. Shot by Brock Boeser. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Oskar Sundqvist, William Carrier, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Hutton, Colin Miller are on ice for Stars. Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Oskar Sundqvist in Coyotes zone. Pass to Mikey Anderson. Pass to Nick Bjugstad in neutral zone. Nick Bjugstad moves puck in Stars zone. Pass by Nick Bjugstad intercepted by William Carrier.

Time : 2. Icing by William Carrier. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Shane Pinto, Dominik Kubalik, Christian Fischer are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Zach Bogosian, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Coyotes. Oskar Sundqvist is ejected from face-off, William Carrier takes his place. William Carrier wins face-off versus Shane Pinto in Stars zone. Pass to Colin Miller. Colin Miller is hit by Christian Fischer and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Zach Bogosian for Coyotes. Pass by Zach Bogosian intercepted by Nino Niederreiter. Pass by Nino Niederreiter intercepted by Shane Pinto. Pass by Shane Pinto intercepted by Colin Miller. Pass to Oskar Sundqvist in neutral zone. Pass by Oskar Sundqvist intercepted by Zach Bogosian in Coyotes zone. Pass to Christian Fischer in neutral zone. Pass by Christian Fischer intercepted by Colin Miller in Stars zone. Pass by Colin Miller intercepted by Dominik Kubalik. Pass by Dominik Kubalik intercepted by Ben Hutton. Pass by Ben Hutton intercepted by Dominik Kubalik. Pass to Shane Pinto. Pass by Shane Pinto intercepted by Ben Hutton. Pass by Ben Hutton intercepted by Christian Fischer in neutral zone. Pass to Shane Pinto in Stars zone. Shot by Shane Pinto. Shot Blocked by Colin Miller. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Boqvist for Coyotes. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Ben Hutton. Pass by Ben Hutton intercepted by Zach Bogosian. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Ben Hutton. Pass by Ben Hutton intercepted by Dominik Kubalik in neutral zone. Pass by Dominik Kubalik intercepted by Colin Miller in Stars zone. Pass by Colin Miller intercepted by Adam Boqvist in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Adam Boqvist. Puck retreived by Ben Hutton. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Pass to William Carrier.

Time : 3. William Carrier moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Oskar Sundqvist in Coyotes zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Oskar Sundqvist. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Zach Bogosian. Pass by Zach Bogosian intercepted by Jakob Chychrun in neutral zone. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere. Shayne Gostisbehere moves puck in Coyotes zone. Pass by Shayne Gostisbehere intercepted by Adam Boqvist. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Jakob Chychrun in neutral zone. Pass by Jakob Chychrun intercepted by Adam Boqvist in Coyotes zone. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass by Shayne Gostisbehere intercepted by Zach Bogosian. Pass by Zach Bogosian intercepted by Brock Boeser in neutral zone. Pass by Brock Boeser intercepted by Zach Bogosian in Coyotes zone. Pass by Zach Bogosian intercepted by Brock Boeser in neutral zone. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere in Coyotes zone. Pass by Shayne Gostisbehere intercepted by Adam Boqvist. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Jakob Chychrun in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Jakob Chychrun. Puck retreived by Dominik Kubalik. Pass by Dominik Kubalik intercepted by Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass by Shayne Gostisbehere intercepted by Zach Bogosian. Pass to Christian Fischer. Pass by Christian Fischer intercepted by Brock Boeser in neutral zone.

Time : 4. Pass to Bo Horvat in Coyotes zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Bo Horvat. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Wyatt Johnston, Reilly Smith, Kirill Marchenko are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Zach Bogosian. Pass to Shane Pinto in neutral zone. Pass to Dominik Kubalik in Stars zone. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Dominik Kubalik. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Ridly Greig, Juraj Slafkovsky, Kaapo Kakko are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Ryan Graves. Pass by Ryan Graves intercepted by Ridly Greig in neutral zone. Pass to Juraj Slafkovsky in Stars zone. Pass to Ridly Greig. Pass to Juraj Slafkovsky. Shot by Juraj Slafkovsky. Deflect By Kaapo Kakko. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Ridly Greig for Coyotes. Shot by Ridly Greig. Deflect By Juraj Slafkovsky. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Juraj Slafkovsky for Coyotes. Pass to Kaapo Kakko. Pass to Darren Raddysh. Pass to Mikey Anderson. Pass to Juraj Slafkovsky. Pass to Kaapo Kakko. Pass to Mikey Anderson. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Mikey Anderson.

Time : 5. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Ryan Graves. Pass by Ryan Graves intercepted by Dylan DeMelo in neutral zone. Pass by Dylan DeMelo intercepted by Matt Dumba. Pass by Matt Dumba intercepted by Oliver Ekman-Larsson in Coyotes zone. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi in neutral zone. Pass to Anthony Mantha in Stars zone. Pass to Nick Bjugstad. Nick Bjugstad loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan DeMelo for Coyotes. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Shot by Anthony Mantha. Shot Hit the Post. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Bjugstad for Coyotes. Shot by Nick Bjugstad. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Anthony Mantha for Coyotes. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi. Pass to Nick Bjugstad. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass to Dylan DeMelo. Pass to Nick Bjugstad. Shot by Nick Bjugstad. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Kaapo Kakko, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Leo Carlsson in Stars zone. Pass to Brock Boeser. Pass to Jakob Chychrun in neutral zone. Jakob Chychrun moves puck in Coyotes zone. Shot by Jakob Chychrun. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Darren Raddysh for Coyotes. Pass to Cole Perfetti in neutral zone. Cole Perfetti moves puck in Stars zone. Shot by Cole Perfetti. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Darren Raddysh for Coyotes.

Time : 6. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Shot by Cole Perfetti. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Kaapo Kakko for Coyotes. Shot by Kaapo Kakko. Deflect By Cole Perfetti. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Gabriel Vilardi, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Oskar Sundqvist, William Carrier, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Hutton, Colin Miller are on ice for Stars. Leo Carlsson wins face-off versus Oskar Sundqvist in Stars zone. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass to Dylan DeMelo. Pass by Dylan DeMelo intercepted by Colin Miller. Pass by Colin Miller intercepted by Oliver Ekman-Larsson in neutral zone. Pass by Oliver Ekman-Larsson intercepted by Colin Miller. Pass by Colin Miller intercepted by Gabriel Vilardi. Pass to Leo Carlsson in Stars zone. Shot by Leo Carlsson. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Leo Carlsson for Coyotes. Pass by Leo Carlsson intercepted by Colin Miller. Pass by Colin Miller intercepted by Leo Carlsson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Leo Carlsson. Puck retreived by Nino Niederreiter. Pass to William Carrier in neutral zone. Pass by William Carrier intercepted by Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass to Cole Perfetti in Stars zone. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Gabriel Vilardi. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Ridly Greig, Juraj Slafkovsky, Kaapo Kakko are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Ben Hutton. Pass by Ben Hutton intercepted by Darren Raddysh. Pass to Juraj Slafkovsky. Pass to Ridly Greig. Shot by Ridly Greig. Deflect By Juraj Slafkovsky. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Ridly Greig in Stars zone. Pass to Jakob Chychrun. Pass to Bo Horvat in neutral zone. Pass to Brock Boeser. Brock Boeser moves puck in Coyotes zone. Brock Boeser loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Bo Horvat for Stars.

Time : 7. Pass to Michael Bunting. Shot by Michael Bunting. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brock Boeser for Stars. Pass to Michael Bunting. Pass to Brock Boeser. Brock Boeser loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brock Boeser for Stars. Pass to Bo Horvat. Pass by Bo Horvat intercepted by Juraj Slafkovsky. Pass to Kaapo Kakko in neutral zone. Pass to Ridly Greig in Stars zone. Ridly Greig is hit by Jakob Chychrun and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jakob Chychrun for Stars. Pass to Michael Bunting in neutral zone. Pass to Brock Boeser in Coyotes zone. Pass by Brock Boeser intercepted by Mikey Anderson. Pass to Kaapo Kakko in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Kaapo Kakko. Puck retreived by Jakob Chychrun. Jakob Chychrun is hit by Juraj Slafkovsky and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Bo Horvat for Stars. Bo Horvat moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Bo Horvat. Puck retreived by Mikey Anderson. Mikey Anderson is hit by Michael Bunting. Pass to Juraj Slafkovsky in neutral zone. Pass to Mikey Anderson. Mikey Anderson moves puck in Stars zone. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Mikey Anderson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Zach Bogosian, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass to Brock Boeser in neutral zone.

Time : 8. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Brock Boeser. Puck retreived by Adam Boqvist. Pass to Anthony Mantha in neutral zone. Anthony Mantha moves puck in Stars zone. Shot by Anthony Mantha. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Boqvist for Coyotes. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Brock Boeser. Pass to Jakob Chychrun in neutral zone. Jakob Chychrun moves puck in Coyotes zone. Jakob Chychrun loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Bjugstad for Coyotes. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi. Pass to Nick Bjugstad. Nick Bjugstad moves puck in neutral zone. Nick Bjugstad moves puck in Stars zone. Shot by Nick Bjugstad. Goal by Nick Bjugstad - Coyotes : 3 - Stars : 3. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Anthony Mantha, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Wyatt Johnston, Reilly Smith, Kirill Marchenko are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Leo Carlsson in neutral zone. Pass to Kirill Marchenko. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Kirill Marchenko. Puck retreived by Cole Perfetti. Pass to Leo Carlsson in neutral zone. Leo Carlsson is hit by Reilly Smith and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Oliver Ekman-Larsson for Coyotes. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Puck retreived by Reilly Smith. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Pass to Reilly Smith. Pass by Reilly Smith intercepted by Dylan DeMelo. Pass by Dylan DeMelo intercepted by Kirill Marchenko. Pass by Kirill Marchenko intercepted by Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass to Leo Carlsson. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass to Dylan DeMelo.

Time : 9. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Pass by Anthony Mantha intercepted by Ryan Graves. Pass by Ryan Graves intercepted by Leo Carlsson in neutral zone. Pass to Cole Perfetti in Stars zone. Cole Perfetti is hit by Ryan Graves and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Leo Carlsson for Coyotes. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Leo Carlsson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Shane Pinto, Dominik Kubalik, Christian Fischer are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Zach Bogosian, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Matt Dumba. Pass to Wyatt Johnston in neutral zone. Pass to Reilly Smith in Coyotes zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Reilly Smith. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Oskar Sundqvist, William Carrier, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Hutton, Colin Miller are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Karel Vejmelka. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Pass by Adam Boqvist intercepted by Ben Hutton in neutral zone. Pass to Oskar Sundqvist in Coyotes zone. Shot by Oskar Sundqvist. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Zach Bogosian for Coyotes. Pass by Zach Bogosian intercepted by Nino Niederreiter in neutral zone. Pass by Nino Niederreiter intercepted by Zach Bogosian in Coyotes zone. Pass to Christian Fischer in neutral zone. Pass by Christian Fischer intercepted by Nino Niederreiter. Pass by Nino Niederreiter intercepted by Dominik Kubalik. Pass to Shane Pinto in Stars zone. Pass by Shane Pinto intercepted by Colin Miller. Pass by Colin Miller intercepted by Adam Boqvist in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Adam Boqvist. Puck retreived by Colin Miller. Pass by Colin Miller intercepted by Adam Boqvist in neutral zone. Pass to Shane Pinto in Stars zone. Pass to Dominik Kubalik. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Dominik Kubalik.

Time : 10. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Ridly Greig, Juraj Slafkovsky, Kaapo Kakko are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Ben Hutton. Pass by Ben Hutton intercepted by Ridly Greig in neutral zone. Pass to Kaapo Kakko in Stars zone. Pass to Juraj Slafkovsky. Pass to Darren Raddysh. Pass to Mikey Anderson. Pass to Kaapo Kakko. Pass by Kaapo Kakko intercepted by Colin Miller. Pass by Colin Miller intercepted by Kaapo Kakko in neutral zone. Pass to Ridly Greig. Pass by Ridly Greig intercepted by Ben Hutton in Stars zone. Pass to Oskar Sundqvist in neutral zone. Pass to Colin Miller. Colin Miller moves puck in Coyotes zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Colin Miller. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Zach Aston-Reese, Adam Erne, Logan O'Connor are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Karel Vejmelka. Pass to Mikey Anderson. Pass to Ridly Greig in neutral zone. Ridly Greig moves puck in Stars zone. Shot by Ridly Greig. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Dumba for Stars. Pass to Zach Aston-Reese in neutral zone. Pass to Logan O'Connor in Coyotes zone. Pass to Matt Dumba. Pass to Logan O'Connor. Pass to Matt Dumba. Pass to Ryan Graves. Pass to Logan O'Connor. Shot by Logan O'Connor. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Gabriel Vilardi, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Wyatt Johnston, Reilly Smith, Kirill Marchenko are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Leo Carlsson wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Coyotes zone. Pass to Dylan DeMelo. Leo Carlsson is hit by Wyatt Johnston.

Time : 11. Pass to Cole Perfetti in neutral zone. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson in Stars zone. Pass to Dylan DeMelo. Pass by Dylan DeMelo intercepted by Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass by Shayne Gostisbehere intercepted by Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass to Leo Carlsson. Pass by Leo Carlsson intercepted by Jakob Chychrun. Pass to Wyatt Johnston in neutral zone. Pass by Wyatt Johnston intercepted by Dylan DeMelo in Coyotes zone. Pass by Dylan DeMelo intercepted by Wyatt Johnston. Pass to Reilly Smith. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Shot by Wyatt Johnston. Deflect By Kirill Marchenko. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Shane Pinto, Dominik Kubalik, Christian Fischer are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Zach Bogosian, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Shane Pinto wins face-off versus Bo Horvat in Coyotes zone. Pass to Adam Boqvist. Shane Pinto is hit by Michael Bunting. Pass to Christian Fischer in neutral zone. Pass to Shane Pinto in Stars zone. Shane Pinto is hit by Ryan Graves and loses puck. Minor Penalty to Matt Dumba for Cross-checking. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Wyatt Johnston, Logan O'Connor are on ice for Stars. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Jakob Chychrun, Colin Miller are on ice for Stars. Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Stars zone. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass to Dylan DeMelo. Pass to Nick Bjugstad. Pass to Dylan DeMelo. Shot by Dylan DeMelo. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Oliver Ekman-Larsson for Coyotes. Shot by Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan DeMelo for Coyotes. Shot by Dylan DeMelo. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Minor Penalty to Kevin Lankinen for Slashing. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Anthony Mantha, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Juraj Slafkovsky, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Penalty Kill Forward 3vs5 Lineup #1 - Wyatt Johnston are on ice for Stars. Penalty Kill 3vs5 Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Colin Miller are on ice for Stars. Leo Carlsson is ejected from face-off, Anthony Mantha takes his place. Anthony Mantha wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Stars zone. Pass to Leo Carlsson.

Time : 12. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass to Juraj Slafkovsky. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Shot by Cole Perfetti. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Juraj Slafkovsky for Coyotes. Shot by Juraj Slafkovsky. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Penalty Kill 3vs5 Defense Lineup #1 - Jakob Chychrun, Colin Miller are on ice for Stars. Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Stars zone. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Shot by Anthony Mantha. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Stars zone. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi. Shot by Gabriel Vilardi. Goal by Gabriel Vilardi - Coyotes : 4 - Stars : 3. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Wyatt Johnston, Reilly Smith are on ice for Stars. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Jakob Chychrun, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in neutral zone. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Off-side. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Anthony Mantha, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Leo Carlsson in neutral zone. Pass to Jakob Chychrun. Wyatt Johnston is hit by Anthony Mantha. Jakob Chychrun moves puck in Coyotes zone. Pass by Jakob Chychrun intercepted by Dylan DeMelo. Icing by Dylan DeMelo. Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Leo Carlsson in Coyotes zone. Pass to Reilly Smith. Pass by Reilly Smith intercepted by Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass to Leo Carlsson. Leo Carlsson moves puck in neutral zone. Leo Carlsson moves puck in Stars zone. Leo Carlsson loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Oliver Ekman-Larsson for Coyotes. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Pass to Leo Carlsson.

Time : 13. Leo Carlsson loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Anthony Mantha for Coyotes. Pass to Dylan DeMelo. Pass to Leo Carlsson. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Pass to Leo Carlsson. Leo Carlsson loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan DeMelo for Coyotes. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Shot by Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Juraj Slafkovsky, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Oskar Sundqvist, Adam Erne are on ice for Stars. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Colin Miller are on ice for Stars. Nick Bjugstad wins face-off versus Oskar Sundqvist in Stars zone. Pass to Juraj Slafkovsky. Pass to Nick Bjugstad. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi. Pass to Juraj Slafkovsky. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Shot by Anthony Mantha. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Bjugstad for Coyotes. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi. Pass by Gabriel Vilardi intercepted by Colin Miller. Pass to Oskar Sundqvist in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Oskar Sundqvist. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Wyatt Johnston, Reilly Smith are on ice for Stars. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Jakob Chychrun, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Bjugstad. Pass to Anthony Mantha in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Shane Pinto, Dominik Kubalik, Christian Fischer are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Zach Bogosian, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Coyotes. Pass to Shane Pinto in Stars zone.

Time : 14. Pass to Dominik Kubalik. Pass by Dominik Kubalik intercepted by Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass to Bo Horvat in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Bo Horvat. Puck retreived by Adam Boqvist. Pass to Shane Pinto in neutral zone. Pass to Dominik Kubalik. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Dominik Kubalik. Puck retreived by Brock Boeser. Brock Boeser is hit by Christian Fischer and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jakob Chychrun for Stars. Pass to Bo Horvat in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Bo Horvat. Puck retreived by Christian Fischer. Pass to Zach Bogosian. Zach Bogosian moves puck in neutral zone. Zach Bogosian loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brock Boeser for Stars. Pass to Michael Bunting in Coyotes zone. Pass by Michael Bunting intercepted by Zach Bogosian. Icing by Zach Bogosian. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Oskar Sundqvist, William Carrier, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Oskar Sundqvist is ejected from face-off, William Carrier takes his place. William Carrier wins face-off versus Shane Pinto in Coyotes zone. Pass to Matt Dumba. Pass by Matt Dumba intercepted by Zach Bogosian. Pass by Zach Bogosian intercepted by Matt Dumba in neutral zone. Pass by Matt Dumba intercepted by Shane Pinto in Coyotes zone. Pass to Dominik Kubalik in neutral zone. Dominik Kubalik moves puck in Stars zone. Shot by Dominik Kubalik. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nino Niederreiter for Stars. Pass to Oskar Sundqvist. Pass to Ryan Graves in neutral zone. Ryan Graves moves puck in Coyotes zone. Ryan Graves loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Dumba for Stars. Pass to Oskar Sundqvist. Shot by Oskar Sundqvist. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Oskar Sundqvist for Stars. Shot by Oskar Sundqvist. Deflect By Nino Niederreiter. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Ryan Graves for Stars.

Time : 15. Pass to Matt Dumba. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Pass to Oskar Sundqvist. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Pass by Nino Niederreiter intercepted by Zach Bogosian. Pass to Shane Pinto in neutral zone. Pass to Zach Bogosian. Zach Bogosian moves puck in Stars zone. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Zach Bogosian. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Kaapo Kakko, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Pass to Oskar Sundqvist in neutral zone. Pass by Oskar Sundqvist intercepted by Oliver Ekman-Larsson in Coyotes zone. Pass to Kaapo Kakko. Kaapo Kakko moves puck in neutral zone. Kaapo Kakko loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kaapo Kakko for Coyotes. Pass to Cole Perfetti in Stars zone. Pass to Leo Carlsson. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Pass by Oliver Ekman-Larsson intercepted by Ryan Graves. Pass by Ryan Graves intercepted by Leo Carlsson. Pass by Leo Carlsson intercepted by Matt Dumba. Icing by Matt Dumba. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Oskar Sundqvist wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Stars zone. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Nino Niederreiter moves puck in neutral zone. Nino Niederreiter moves puck in Coyotes zone. Nino Niederreiter loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikey Anderson for Coyotes. Pass by Mikey Anderson intercepted by Matt Dumba.

Time : 16. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Matt Dumba. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Bo Horvat, Michael Bunting, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Karel Vejmelka. Pass to Mikey Anderson. Pass by Mikey Anderson intercepted by Bo Horvat in neutral zone. Pass to Brock Boeser in Coyotes zone. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass by Shayne Gostisbehere intercepted by Mikey Anderson. Pass by Mikey Anderson intercepted by Bo Horvat in neutral zone. Pass to Brock Boeser. Pass to Michael Bunting in Coyotes zone. Pass to Bo Horvat. Pass by Bo Horvat intercepted by Darren Raddysh. Pass to Gabriel Vilardi in neutral zone. Pass to Anthony Mantha in Stars zone. Pass by Anthony Mantha intercepted by Brock Boeser. Pass by Brock Boeser intercepted by Darren Raddysh. Pass to Nick Bjugstad. Shot by Nick Bjugstad. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikey Anderson for Coyotes. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Mikey Anderson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Kaapo Kakko, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass by Shayne Gostisbehere intercepted by Dylan DeMelo in neutral zone. Pass by Dylan DeMelo intercepted by Jakob Chychrun in Stars zone. Icing by Jakob Chychrun. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Ridly Greig, Juraj Slafkovsky, Kaapo Kakko are on ice for Coyotes. Bo Horvat wins face-off versus Ridly Greig in Stars zone. Pass to Brock Boeser. Brock Boeser moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere in Coyotes zone. Pass to Brock Boeser. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass to Jakob Chychrun.

Time : 17. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Jakob Chychrun. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Wyatt Johnston, Reilly Smith, Kirill Marchenko are on ice for Stars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Hutton, Colin Miller are on ice for Stars. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan DeMelo. Pass to Kaapo Kakko in neutral zone. Pass to Oliver Ekman-Larsson in Stars zone. Pass by Oliver Ekman-Larsson intercepted by Ben Hutton. Pass to Reilly Smith in neutral zone. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Pass to Reilly Smith. Reilly Smith moves puck in Coyotes zone. Shot by Reilly Smith. Deflect By Wyatt Johnston. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Reilly Smith for Stars. Shot by Reilly Smith. Shot Blocked by Oliver Ekman-Larsson. Free Puck Retrieved by Reilly Smith for Stars. Pass to Kirill Marchenko. Shot by Kirill Marchenko. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Gabriel Vilardi, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Zach Bogosian, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Zach Aston-Reese, Adam Erne, Logan O'Connor are on ice for Stars. Zach Aston-Reese wins face-off versus Leo Carlsson in Coyotes zone. Pass to Adam Erne. Shot by Adam Erne. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Logan O'Connor for Stars. Shot by Logan O'Connor. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Leo Carlsson, Kaapo Kakko, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Mikey Anderson, Darren Raddysh are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Graves, Matt Dumba are on ice for Stars. Leo Carlsson wins face-off versus Zach Aston-Reese in Coyotes zone. Pass to Mikey Anderson. Mikey Anderson moves puck in neutral zone. Mikey Anderson moves puck in Stars zone. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Shot by Cole Perfetti. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Dumba for Stars. Pass to Logan O'Connor in neutral zone. Logan O'Connor moves puck in Coyotes zone. Shot by Logan O'Connor. Stopped by Karel Vejmelka with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Dumba for Stars. Pass by Matt Dumba intercepted by Darren Raddysh. Pass to Cole Perfetti in neutral zone.

Time : 18. Pass to Mikey Anderson in Stars zone. Pass by Mikey Anderson intercepted by Ryan Graves. Pass to Logan O'Connor in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Coyotes zone by Logan O'Connor. Puck retreived by Darren Raddysh. Pass to Kaapo Kakko in neutral zone. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Cole Perfetti moves puck in Stars zone. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Cole Perfetti. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Ryan Graves. Pass by Ryan Graves intercepted by Oliver Ekman-Larsson in neutral zone. Pass to Dylan DeMelo in Stars zone. Pass by Dylan DeMelo intercepted by Matt Dumba. Pass by Matt Dumba intercepted by Dylan DeMelo in neutral zone. Pass by Dylan DeMelo intercepted by Matt Dumba in Stars zone. Pass to Logan O'Connor. Pass by Logan O'Connor intercepted by Nick Bjugstad in neutral zone. Pass by Nick Bjugstad intercepted by Logan O'Connor. Pass to Adam Erne. Pass by Adam Erne intercepted by Dylan DeMelo. Dylan DeMelo moves puck in Stars zone. Pass by Dylan DeMelo intercepted by Ryan Graves. Pass by Ryan Graves intercepted by Nick Bjugstad in neutral zone. Pass by Nick Bjugstad intercepted by Matt Dumba in Stars zone. Icing by Matt Dumba. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Shane Pinto, Dominik Kubalik, Christian Fischer are on ice for Coyotes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Zach Bogosian, Adam Boqvist are on ice for Coyotes. Zach Aston-Reese wins face-off versus Shane Pinto in Stars zone. Pass to Logan O'Connor. Minor Penalty to Christian Fischer for Cross-checking. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Gabriel Vilardi are on ice for Coyotes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Mikey Anderson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Wyatt Johnston, Nino Niederreiter, Brock Boeser are on ice for Stars. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Shayne Gostisbehere, Jakob Chychrun are on ice for Stars. Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Coyotes zone. Pass to Brock Boeser. Pass by Brock Boeser intercepted by Dylan DeMelo. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Dylan DeMelo. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Zach Bogosian, Oliver Ekman-Larsson are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere. Icing by Shayne Gostisbehere. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Mikey Anderson, Dylan DeMelo are on ice for Coyotes. Wyatt Johnston wins face-off versus Nick Bjugstad in Stars zone. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere.

Time : 19. Shayne Gostisbehere moves puck in neutral zone. Shayne Gostisbehere moves puck in Coyotes zone. Shayne Gostisbehere loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jakob Chychrun for Stars. Stars, Kevin Lankinen is pulled from the net. Pass to Brock Boeser. Pass to Jakob Chychrun. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Pass to Brock Boeser. Pass to Wyatt Johnston. Pass to Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Pass by Nino Niederreiter intercepted by Dylan DeMelo. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Dylan DeMelo. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Ridly Greig, Anthony Mantha are on ice for Coyotes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Zach Bogosian, Oliver Ekman-Larsson are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Nino Niederreiter. Icing by Nino Niederreiter. Kevin Lankinen from Stars was sent back in the game. Ridly Greig wins face-off versus Wyatt Johnston in Stars zone. Pass to Anthony Mantha. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Anthony Mantha. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Bjugstad, Anthony Mantha are on ice for Coyotes. Puck retreived by Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass to Brock Boeser in neutral zone. Pass by Brock Boeser intercepted by Zach Bogosian in Coyotes zone. Puck is dumped in Stars zone by Zach Bogosian. Puck retreived by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Jakob Chychrun. Pass by Jakob Chychrun intercepted by Anthony Mantha in neutral zone. Pass to Zach Bogosian in Stars zone. Pass by Zach Bogosian intercepted by Shayne Gostisbehere. Pass to Jakob Chychrun in neutral zone. Jakob Chychrun moves puck in Coyotes zone.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 2 for Coyotes vs 0 for Stars. Shots for this period are 14 for Coyotes vs 8 for Stars.