Kraken vs Avalanche

Created - neděle 22. prosince 2024 at 20:38

1 2 3 T
Kraken 3 0 1 4
Avalanche 1 3 2 6
1 2 3 T
Kraken 9 10 11 30
Avalanche 12 17 9 38

1st period
1. Kraken , Tyson Jost 2 (Travis Hamonic 5, Will Cuylle 11) at 2:52
2. Kraken , Uvis Balinskis 3 (Travis Boyd 3, Will Cuylle 12) at 3:47
3. Kraken , Brendan Gallagher 8 (Logan Cooley 12, Wyatt Kaiser 1) at 9:59
4. Avalanche , Jakub Vrana 4 (Sam Steel 10) at 19:25
Tanner Pearson (SEA) for Slashing (Minor) at 7:09
Eeli Tolvanen (COL) for High sticking (Minor) at 17:10
2nd period
5. Avalanche , Sebastian Aho 24 (Ryan O'Reilly 18) at 11:17
6. Avalanche , Trevor Moore 15 (Mark Scheifele 25, Patrick Kane 17) at 14:56
7. Avalanche , Patrick Kane 8 (Cam Fowler 17) at 16:56
Robert Bortuzzo (COL) for Slashing (Minor) at 3:37
3rd period
8. Avalanche , Mark Scheifele 10 (Patrick Kane 18) at 2:50
9. Kraken , Tanner Pearson 7 (Pius Suter 16, Blake Wheeler 13) at 11:05
10. Avalanche , Trevor Moore 16 (Sebastian Aho 28, Aaron Ekblad 13) at 19:43 (Empty Net)
Mark Scheifele (COL) for Fighting (Major) at 17:58
Justin Holl (SEA) for Fighting (Major) at 17:58
Goalie Stats
Alex Lyon (SEA), 32 saves from 37 shots - (0,865), L, 10-14-1, 58:17 minutes
Connor Hellebuyck (COL), 26 saves from 30 shots - (0,867), W, 15-5-3, 60:00 minutes
3 StarsOfficial
1 - Sebastian Aho (COL)
2 - Trevor Moore (COL)
3 - Patrick Kane (COL)
Referees : Brett Roeland and Chris Schlenker
Linesman : Brad Kovachik and Brent Hooks
Game Note
Justin Holl beats up Mark Scheifele at 17:58 of 3rd period
Trevor Moore has scored in a empty net!
Level 1 -- Attendance: 6743 (100,00%) -- Ticket Income $728,244
Level 2 -- Attendance: 3503 (100,00%) -- Ticket Income $238,204
Level 3 -- Attendance: 4048 (89,92%) -- Ticket Income $170,016
Level 4 -- Attendance: 1597 (88,67%) -- Ticket Income $51,104
Luxury Box -- Attendance: 1260 (100,00%) -- Ticket Income $254,520
Game was played at the Ball Arena.
Total Attendance: 17151 (96,31%)
Total Ticket Income: $1,442,088
Other Income: $547,993
Total Income: $1,990,081

Team Name Goals Shots Shots Attemp Shots Blocked PIM HIT PP PK FO%
Kraken 4306197180 / 2 (0%)048%
Avalanche 63871119170 / 1 (0%)052%

Alex IafalloC/LW000-1003020:162:1610:430100% 2
Anthony BeauvillierLW/RW000000107:490:0000:0000% 0
Blake WheelerRW011-1021018:290:0000:0000% 0
Brendan GallagherRW101-1023119:332:1600:0000% 1
Ethan BearD0001011217:182:2501:1900% 0
Justin HollD000-2510020:471:3301:1900% 0
Logan CooleyC0110002020:102:1601:16038% 21
Matthew PecaC000000109:050:0001:16054% 13
Pius SuterC011-2016021:331:4220:43061% 36
Sam GagnerC/RW000002109:311:4200:0000% 1
Tanner PearsonLW101-1223020:101:4200:0000% 1
Travis BoydC/RW0110000010:280:0000:0000% 0
Travis HamonicD011-1042224:301:3310:4000% 0
Trevor van RiemsdykD000-1010125:222:2500:4000% 0
Tyson JostC1010001010:280:0000:00033% 15
Uvis BalinskisD1011023113:500:0000:0000% 0
Will CuylleLW0220002010:280:0000:0000% 2
Wyatt KaiserD011-2000218:120:0000:0000% 0
Aaron EkbladD0112020123:300:5701:4500% 0
Cam FowlerD011-1001223:331:0211:4500% 0
Dante FabbroD000-2010121:530:0002:1300% 0
David PerronLW/RW0001031020:341:0200:00067% 3
Eeli TolvanenLW/RW0001234014:400:0000:00067% 3
Frederik OlofssonC/LW000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Graham SlaggertC000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Jakub VranaLW/RW1011004014:430:0000:0200% 0
Marco ScandellaD0002010413:350:0000:0000% 0
Mark ScheifeleC112-1506019:510:5700:00058% 24
Patrick KaneRW123-1005020:331:2200:0000% 4
Riley NashC/RW000000000:370:3700:0000% 0
Robert BortuzzoD0002201113:070:0000:0000% 0
Ryan O'ReillyC0112003021:531:0200:40042% 26
Sam SteelC/LW0111012016:160:3700:42067% 18
Sebastian AhoC/LW/RW1122025124:491:2203:16060% 10
Timothy LiljegrenD0001022022:220:0002:1300% 0
Trevor MooreC/LW/RW2020024124:030:5703:16025% 4


5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Tanner PearsonPius SuterBlake Wheeler1223535%18:29
2Alex IafalloLogan CooleyBrendan Gallagher1223131%16:38
3Will CuylleTyson JostTravis Boyd1311920%10:28
4Anthony BeauvillierMatthew PecaSam Gagner4101515%7:49
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Trevor van RiemsdykTravis Hamonic1314241%21:38
2Justin HollWyatt Kaiser1313534%18:12
3Uvis BalinskisEthan Bear1402325%13:34
4Trevor van RiemsdykJustin Holl12200%0:00
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Alex IafalloLogan CooleyBrendan Gallagher1045057%2:16
2Tanner PearsonPius SuterSam Gagner1045043%1:42
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Trevor van RiemsdykEthan Bear1135061%2:25
2Travis HamonicJustin Holl1135039%1:33
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Pius SuterAlex Iafallo2305036%0:43
2Matthew PecaTanner Pearson2305064%1:16
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Trevor van RiemsdykTravis Hamonic1405034%0:40
2Ethan BearJustin Holl1405066%1:19
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Pius Suter140500%0:00 Trevor van RiemsdykTravis Hamonic140500%0:00
2Matthew Peca140500%0:00 Ethan BearJustin Holl140500%0:00
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Travis BoydAnthony Beauvillier122500%0:00
2Tyson JostWill Cuylle122500%0:00
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Wyatt KaiserJustin Holl122500%0:00
2Ethan BearUvis Balinskis122500%0:00
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Alex IafalloPius SuterBrendan GallagherTrevor van RiemsdykTravis Hamonic
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Alex IafalloPius SuterBlake WheelerTrevor van RiemsdykJustin Holl
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
60:00 60:00 0:390:00
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Logan Cooley, Tanner Pearson, Travis BoydLogan Cooley, Sam GagnerLogan Cooley
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Uvis Balinskis, Travis Hamonic, Justin HollUvis Balinskis, Uvis BalinskisWyatt Kaiser
Penalty Shots
Blake Wheeler, Brendan Gallagher, Alex Iafallo, Sam Gagner, Logan Cooley
Alex Lyon, Cal Petersen
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Blake Wheeler, Brendan Gallagher, Alex Iafallo, Pius Suter, Logan Cooley, Travis Boyd, Tanner Pearson, Anthony Beauvillier, Sam Gagner, Will Cuylle
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic, Justin Holl, Ethan Bear, Uvis Balinskis
Will Butcher (Healthy), Spencer Martin (Healthy)


5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1David PerronRyan O'ReillySebastian Aho0234037%19:32
2Trevor MooreMark ScheifelePatrick Kane0144036%19:11
3Jakub VranaSam SteelEeli Tolvanen0231527%14:41
4Trevor MooreMark ScheifelePatrick Kane01450%0:00
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Aaron EkbladTimothy Liljegren0234038%20:09
2Dante FabbroCam Fowler0234038%20:07
3Marco ScandellaRobert Bortuzzo0501525%13:08
4Dante FabbroCam Fowler02350%0:00
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Sebastian AhoMark ScheifelePatrick Kane0056048%0:57
2David PerronSebastian AhoPatrick Kane0054052%1:02
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Cam FowlerRyan O'Reilly0056052%1:02
2Trevor MooreAaron Ekblad0054048%0:57
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Sebastian AhoTrevor Moore0417097%3:52
2Ryan O'ReillySam Steel050303%0:06
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Cam FowlerAaron Ekblad0507044%1:45
2Timothy LiljegrenDante Fabbro0503056%2:13
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Ryan O'Reilly050700%0:00 Cam FowlerAaron Ekblad050700%0:00
2Sebastian Aho050300%0:00 Timothy LiljegrenDante Fabbro050300%0:00
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Ryan O'ReillyPatrick Kane014600%0:00
2Mark ScheifeleSebastian Aho023400%0:00
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Timothy LiljegrenAaron Ekblad032600%0:00
2Cam FowlerDante Fabbro032400%0:00
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Sebastian AhoMark ScheifelePatrick KaneCam FowlerAaron Ekblad
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Sebastian AhoRyan O'ReillyTrevor MooreCam FowlerAaron Ekblad
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
60:00 60:00 0:000:39
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Sebastian Aho, Trevor Moore, Ryan O'ReillyTrevor Moore, Mark ScheifeleRyan O'Reilly
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Timothy Liljegren, Cam Fowler, Aaron EkbladTimothy Liljegren, Timothy LiljegrenMarco Scandella
Penalty Shots
Sebastian Aho, Patrick Kane, Mark Scheifele, Ryan O'Reilly, Trevor Moore
Connor Hellebuyck, Filip Gustavsson
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Sebastian Aho, Patrick Kane, Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sam Steel, Eeli Tolvanen, Riley Nash, Jakub Vrana
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Cam Fowler, Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren, Dante Fabbro, Marco Scandella


1st period

0:01 of 1st period - Ryan O'Reilly wins face-off versus Pius Suter in neutral zone.
0:33 of 1st period - Trevor van Riemsdyk is hit by David Perron and loses puck.
1:00 of 1st period - Cam Fowler is hit by Blake Wheeler and loses puck.
2:02 of 1st period - Off-side.
2:03 of 1st period - David Perron wins face-off versus Matthew Peca in neutral zone.
2:03 of 1st period - Aaron Ekblad is hit by Sam Gagner and loses puck.
2:14 of 1st period - Icing by Ethan Bear.
2:15 of 1st period - Matthew Peca wins face-off versus Sam Steel in Kraken zone.
2:27 of 1st period - Shot by Anthony Beauvillier.
2:27 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:29 of 1st period - Shot by Matthew Peca.
2:29 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Marco Scandella.
2:31 of 1st period - Shot by Uvis Balinskis.
2:31 of 1st period - Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound.
2:32 of 1st period - Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Avalanche zone.
2:42 of 1st period - Will Cuylle is hit by Trevor Moore and loses puck.
2:52 of 1st period - Shot by Tyson Jost.
2:52 of 1st period - Goal by Tyson Jost - Kraken : 1 - Avalanche : 0.
2:53 of 1st period - Alex Iafallo wins face-off versus Sebastian Aho in neutral zone.
3:06 of 1st period - Wyatt Kaiser is hit by Sebastian Aho and loses puck.
3:22 of 1st period - Shot by Ryan O'Reilly.
3:22 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
3:23 of 1st period - Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Kraken zone.
3:45 of 1st period - Shot by Will Cuylle.
3:45 of 1st period - Deflect By Travis Boyd.
3:45 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Cam Fowler.
3:47 of 1st period - Shot by Uvis Balinskis.
3:47 of 1st period - Goal by Uvis Balinskis - Kraken : 2 - Avalanche : 0.
3:48 of 1st period - Ryan O'Reilly wins face-off versus Pius Suter in neutral zone.
4:09 of 1st period - Aaron Ekblad is hit by Blake Wheeler and loses puck.
4:42 of 1st period - Sebastian Aho is hit by Justin Holl and loses puck.
5:06 of 1st period - Shot by Mark Scheifele.
5:06 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Wyatt Kaiser.
5:29 of 1st period - Shot by Mark Scheifele.
5:29 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
5:30 of 1st period - Sam Steel wins face-off versus Logan Cooley in Kraken zone.
5:31 of 1st period - Shot by Eeli Tolvanen.
5:31 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
5:33 of 1st period - Shot by Eeli Tolvanen.
5:33 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
6:34 of 1st period - Icing by Trevor van Riemsdyk.
6:35 of 1st period - Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Will Cuylle in Kraken zone.
6:40 of 1st period - Shot by Mark Scheifele.
6:40 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Lyon with a rebound.
7:06 of 1st period - Off-side.
7:07 of 1st period - Pius Suter wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in neutral zone.
7:09 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Tanner Pearson for Slashing.
7:10 of 1st period - Matthew Peca wins face-off versus Patrick Kane in Kraken zone.
7:16 of 1st period - Icing by Cam Fowler.
7:17 of 1st period - Pius Suter wins face-off versus Sebastian Aho in Avalanche zone.
7:34 of 1st period - Shot by Cam Fowler.
7:34 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
7:35 of 1st period - Pius Suter wins face-off versus Mark Scheifele in Kraken zone.
7:58 of 1st period - Icing by Sebastian Aho.
7:59 of 1st period - Pius Suter wins face-off versus Patrick Kane in Avalanche zone.
8:37 of 1st period - Shot by Ryan O'Reilly.
8:37 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:20 of 1st period - Shot by Jakub Vrana.
9:20 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
9:21 of 1st period - Sam Steel wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Kraken zone.
9:30 of 1st period - Shot by Eeli Tolvanen.
9:30 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
9:31 of 1st period - Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Pius Suter in Kraken zone.
9:32 of 1st period - Shot by Patrick Kane.
9:32 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
9:33 of 1st period - Pius Suter wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in Kraken zone.
9:43 of 1st period - Shot by Tanner Pearson.
9:43 of 1st period - Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound.
9:44 of 1st period - Logan Cooley wins face-off versus Mark Scheifele in Avalanche zone.
9:57 of 1st period - Shot by Logan Cooley.
9:57 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:59 of 1st period - Shot by Brendan Gallagher.
9:59 of 1st period - Goal by Brendan Gallagher - Kraken : 3 - Avalanche : 0.
10:00 of 1st period - Pius Suter wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in neutral zone.
10:44 of 1st period - Icing by Dante Fabbro.
10:45 of 1st period - Logan Cooley wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in Avalanche zone.
11:17 of 1st period - Shot by Brendan Gallagher.
11:17 of 1st period - Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck with a rebound.
11:19 of 1st period - Shot by Alex Iafallo.
11:19 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:21 of 1st period - Shot by Alex Iafallo.
11:21 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:23 of 1st period - Shot by Justin Holl.
11:23 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:36 of 1st period - Off-side.
11:37 of 1st period - Sam Steel wins face-off versus Matthew Peca in neutral zone.
11:43 of 1st period - Sam Gagner is hit by Eeli Tolvanen and loses puck.
11:51 of 1st period - Off-side.
11:52 of 1st period - Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Pius Suter in neutral zone.
12:00 of 1st period - Icing by Trevor van Riemsdyk.
12:01 of 1st period - Pius Suter wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in Kraken zone.
12:30 of 1st period - Shot by Pius Suter.
12:30 of 1st period - Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound.
12:31 of 1st period - Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Logan Cooley in Avalanche zone.
12:31 of 1st period - Mark Scheifele is hit by Brendan Gallagher.
12:57 of 1st period - Shot by Trevor Moore.
12:57 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:11 of 1st period - Shot by Mark Scheifele.
13:11 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Lyon with a rebound.
14:48 of 1st period - Off-side.
14:49 of 1st period - Sam Steel wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in neutral zone.
15:19 of 1st period - Shot by Tyson Jost.
15:19 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:21 of 1st period - Shot by Ethan Bear.
15:21 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Marco Scandella.
15:23 of 1st period - Shot by Uvis Balinskis.
15:23 of 1st period - Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound.
15:24 of 1st period - Pius Suter wins face-off versus Mark Scheifele in Avalanche zone.
15:24 of 1st period - Trevor van Riemsdyk is hit by Aaron Ekblad and loses puck.
15:35 of 1st period - Shot by Mark Scheifele.
15:35 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Lyon with a rebound.
15:37 of 1st period - Shot by Aaron Ekblad.
15:37 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:39 of 1st period - Shot by Timothy Liljegren.
15:39 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
15:40 of 1st period - Ryan O'Reilly wins face-off versus Matthew Peca in Kraken zone.
16:04 of 1st period - Shot by Ryan O'Reilly.
16:04 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:06 of 1st period - Shot by Sebastian Aho.
16:06 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:39 of 1st period - Shot by Trevor Moore.
16:39 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
16:40 of 1st period - Sam Steel wins face-off versus Pius Suter in Kraken zone.
16:59 of 1st period - Shot by Jakub Vrana.
16:59 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:10 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Eeli Tolvanen for High sticking.
17:11 of 1st period - Sebastian Aho wins face-off versus Logan Cooley in Avalanche zone.
17:21 of 1st period - Off-side.
17:22 of 1st period - Pius Suter wins face-off versus Sebastian Aho in neutral zone.
17:39 of 1st period - Shot by Pius Suter.
17:39 of 1st period - Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound.
17:40 of 1st period - Logan Cooley wins face-off versus Sebastian Aho in Avalanche zone.
18:41 of 1st period - Shot by Sam Gagner.
18:41 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:25 of 1st period - Shot by Jakub Vrana.
19:25 of 1st period - Goal by Jakub Vrana - Kraken : 3 - Avalanche : 1.
19:26 of 1st period - Trevor Moore wins face-off versus Logan Cooley in neutral zone.
19:31 of 1st period - Shot by Mark Scheifele.
19:31 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
Goals for this period are 3 for Kraken vs 1 for Avalanche.
Shots for this period are 9 for Kraken vs 12 for Avalanche.

2nd period

0:01 of 2nd period - Pius Suter wins face-off versus Mark Scheifele in neutral zone.
0:18 of 2nd period - Shot by Timothy Liljegren.
0:18 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:39 of 2nd period - Shot by Patrick Kane.
0:39 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
0:40 of 2nd period - Ryan O'Reilly wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Kraken zone.
0:47 of 2nd period - Shot by Sebastian Aho.
0:47 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
0:48 of 2nd period - Ryan O'Reilly wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Kraken zone.
0:49 of 2nd period - Shot by David Perron.
0:49 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:51 of 2nd period - Shot by Sebastian Aho.
0:51 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Wyatt Kaiser.
0:53 of 2nd period - Shot by Ryan O'Reilly.
0:53 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
0:54 of 2nd period - Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in Kraken zone.
1:01 of 2nd period - Wyatt Kaiser is hit by Dante Fabbro and loses puck.
2:18 of 2nd period - Icing by Trevor van Riemsdyk.
2:19 of 2nd period - Pius Suter wins face-off versus Trevor Moore in Kraken zone.
3:04 of 2nd period - Mark Scheifele is hit by Uvis Balinskis and loses puck.
3:20 of 2nd period - Icing by Ethan Bear.
3:21 of 2nd period - Logan Cooley wins face-off versus Eeli Tolvanen in Kraken zone.
3:27 of 2nd period - Off-side.
3:28 of 2nd period - Matthew Peca wins face-off versus Sam Steel in neutral zone.
3:36 of 2nd period - Shot by Anthony Beauvillier.
3:36 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:37 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Robert Bortuzzo for Slashing.
3:38 of 2nd period - Sebastian Aho wins face-off versus Logan Cooley in Avalanche zone.
4:05 of 2nd period - Shot by Alex Iafallo.
4:05 of 2nd period - Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound.
4:06 of 2nd period - Sebastian Aho wins face-off versus Sam Gagner in Avalanche zone.
4:06 of 2nd period - Trevor Moore is hit by Tanner Pearson and loses puck.
4:11 of 2nd period - Shot by Tanner Pearson.
4:11 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Sebastian Aho.
4:13 of 2nd period - Shot by Tanner Pearson.
4:13 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:15 of 2nd period - Shot by Pius Suter.
4:15 of 2nd period - Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound.
4:16 of 2nd period - Sebastian Aho wins face-off versus Pius Suter in Avalanche zone.
4:31 of 2nd period - Shot by Travis Hamonic.
4:31 of 2nd period - Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound.
4:32 of 2nd period - Sebastian Aho wins face-off versus Logan Cooley in Avalanche zone.
4:32 of 2nd period - Timothy Liljegren is hit by Brendan Gallagher and loses puck.
5:38 of 2nd period - Shot by Tyson Jost.
5:38 of 2nd period - Deflect By Will Cuylle.
5:38 of 2nd period - Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound.
5:39 of 2nd period - Sam Steel wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Avalanche zone.
5:49 of 2nd period - Tyson Jost is hit by Eeli Tolvanen.
5:57 of 2nd period - Shot by Will Cuylle.
5:57 of 2nd period - Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound.
5:58 of 2nd period - Pius Suter wins face-off versus Sam Steel in Avalanche zone.
5:58 of 2nd period - Pius Suter is hit by Timothy Liljegren.
6:11 of 2nd period - Tanner Pearson is hit by Aaron Ekblad and loses puck.
6:22 of 2nd period - Shot by Eeli Tolvanen.
6:22 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
6:23 of 2nd period - Logan Cooley wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in Kraken zone.
6:23 of 2nd period - Logan Cooley is hit by Sebastian Aho.
6:35 of 2nd period - Shot by Sebastian Aho.
6:35 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
6:36 of 2nd period - Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Matthew Peca in Kraken zone.
7:08 of 2nd period - Shot by Trevor Moore.
7:08 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Ethan Bear.
7:10 of 2nd period - Shot by Trevor Moore.
7:10 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Uvis Balinskis.
7:29 of 2nd period - Ethan Bear is hit by Sam Steel and loses puck.
7:41 of 2nd period - Shot by Sam Steel.
7:41 of 2nd period - Deflect By Jakub Vrana.
7:41 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:43 of 2nd period - Shot by Sam Steel.
7:43 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon with a rebound.
7:45 of 2nd period - Shot by Eeli Tolvanen.
7:45 of 2nd period - Deflect By Jakub Vrana.
7:45 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
7:46 of 2nd period - David Perron wins face-off versus Pius Suter in Kraken zone.
7:47 of 2nd period - Shot by Ryan O'Reilly.
7:47 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:01 of 2nd period - Shot by Tanner Pearson.
8:01 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:11 of 2nd period - Shot by Pius Suter.
8:11 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Marco Scandella.
8:13 of 2nd period - Shot by Travis Hamonic.
8:13 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Robert Bortuzzo.
8:15 of 2nd period - Shot by Pius Suter.
8:15 of 2nd period - Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck with a rebound.
8:25 of 2nd period - Shot by Pius Suter.
8:25 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:27 of 2nd period - Shot by Blake Wheeler.
8:27 of 2nd period - Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound.
8:28 of 2nd period - Sam Steel wins face-off versus Logan Cooley in Avalanche zone.
8:59 of 2nd period - Shot by Alex Iafallo.
8:59 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:26 of 2nd period - Icing by Jakub Vrana.
9:27 of 2nd period - Eeli Tolvanen wins face-off versus Pius Suter in Avalanche zone.
9:51 of 2nd period - Shot by Uvis Balinskis.
9:51 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Aaron Ekblad.
9:53 of 2nd period - Shot by Ethan Bear.
9:53 of 2nd period - Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound.
9:54 of 2nd period - Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Avalanche zone.
10:25 of 2nd period - Mark Scheifele is hit by Travis Hamonic and loses puck.
10:30 of 2nd period - Shot by Trevor Moore.
10:30 of 2nd period - Shot Hit the Post.
11:11 of 2nd period - Icing by Justin Holl.
11:12 of 2nd period - Ryan O'Reilly wins face-off versus Pius Suter in Kraken zone.
11:17 of 2nd period - Shot by Sebastian Aho.
11:17 of 2nd period - Goal by Sebastian Aho - Kraken : 3 - Avalanche : 2.
11:18 of 2nd period - Logan Cooley wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in neutral zone.
12:18 of 2nd period - Off-side.
12:19 of 2nd period - Eeli Tolvanen wins face-off versus Pius Suter in neutral zone.
12:30 of 2nd period - Travis Hamonic is hit by Eeli Tolvanen and loses puck.
12:55 of 2nd period - Icing by Timothy Liljegren.
12:56 of 2nd period - Sam Steel wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Avalanche zone.
13:16 of 2nd period - Icing by Wyatt Kaiser.
13:17 of 2nd period - Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Mark Scheifele in Kraken zone.
13:24 of 2nd period - Icing by Wyatt Kaiser.
13:25 of 2nd period - Ryan O'Reilly wins face-off versus Will Cuylle in Kraken zone.
13:26 of 2nd period - Shot by Sebastian Aho.
13:26 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:56 of 2nd period - Shot by Trevor Moore.
14:56 of 2nd period - Goal by Trevor Moore - Kraken : 3 - Avalanche : 3.
14:57 of 2nd period - Pius Suter wins face-off versus Sam Steel in neutral zone.
15:04 of 2nd period - Shot by Tanner Pearson.
15:04 of 2nd period - Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck with a rebound.
15:58 of 2nd period - Off-side.
15:59 of 2nd period - Matthew Peca wins face-off versus Mark Scheifele in neutral zone.
16:10 of 2nd period - Shot by Trevor Moore.
16:10 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
16:11 of 2nd period - Ryan O'Reilly wins face-off versus Logan Cooley in Kraken zone.
16:38 of 2nd period - Shot by Sebastian Aho.
16:38 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon with a rebound.
16:48 of 2nd period - Shot by Sebastian Aho.
16:48 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
16:49 of 2nd period - Pius Suter wins face-off versus Mark Scheifele in Kraken zone.
16:54 of 2nd period - Shot by Patrick Kane.
16:54 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Travis Hamonic.
16:56 of 2nd period - Shot by Patrick Kane.
16:56 of 2nd period - Goal by Patrick Kane - Kraken : 3 - Avalanche : 4.
16:57 of 2nd period - Pius Suter wins face-off versus Mark Scheifele in neutral zone.
17:09 of 2nd period - Patrick Kane is hit by Travis Hamonic.
17:13 of 2nd period - Shot by Patrick Kane.
17:13 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
17:14 of 2nd period - Sebastian Aho wins face-off versus Logan Cooley in Kraken zone.
17:17 of 2nd period - Shot by David Perron.
17:17 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
17:18 of 2nd period - Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Pius Suter in Kraken zone.
17:55 of 2nd period - Shot by Pius Suter.
17:55 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:17 of 2nd period - Shot by Alex Iafallo.
18:17 of 2nd period - Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound.
18:18 of 2nd period - Ryan O'Reilly wins face-off versus Matthew Peca in Avalanche zone.
18:18 of 2nd period - Ryan O'Reilly is hit by Sam Gagner.
18:25 of 2nd period - Ryan O'Reilly is hit by Uvis Balinskis and loses puck.
18:44 of 2nd period - Shot by Sebastian Aho.
18:44 of 2nd period - Deflect By Ryan O'Reilly.
18:44 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
18:45 of 2nd period - Sam Steel wins face-off versus Logan Cooley in Kraken zone.
18:46 of 2nd period - Shot by Eeli Tolvanen.
18:46 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
18:47 of 2nd period - Sam Steel wins face-off versus Brendan Gallagher in Kraken zone.
19:56 of 2nd period - Shot by Blake Wheeler.
19:56 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
Goals for this period are 0 for Kraken vs 3 for Avalanche.
Shots for this period are 10 for Kraken vs 17 for Avalanche.

3rd period

0:01 of 3rd period - Pius Suter wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in neutral zone.
0:19 of 3rd period - Icing by Dante Fabbro.
0:20 of 3rd period - Logan Cooley wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in Avalanche zone.
0:28 of 3rd period - Icing by Sebastian Aho.
0:29 of 3rd period - Pius Suter wins face-off versus David Perron in Avalanche zone.
0:47 of 3rd period - Shot by Pius Suter.
0:47 of 3rd period - Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound.
0:48 of 3rd period - Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Logan Cooley in Avalanche zone.
1:05 of 3rd period - Shot by Mark Scheifele.
1:05 of 3rd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
1:06 of 3rd period - Ryan O'Reilly wins face-off versus Pius Suter in Kraken zone.
1:09 of 3rd period - Shot by Sebastian Aho.
1:09 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Travis Hamonic.
1:54 of 3rd period - Icing by Sebastian Aho.
1:55 of 3rd period - Logan Cooley wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in Avalanche zone.
2:50 of 3rd period - Shot by Mark Scheifele.
2:50 of 3rd period - Goal by Mark Scheifele - Kraken : 3 - Avalanche : 5.
2:51 of 3rd period - Matthew Peca wins face-off versus Sam Steel in neutral zone.
3:00 of 3rd period - Shot by Sam Gagner.
3:00 of 3rd period - Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound.
3:01 of 3rd period - Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Pius Suter in Avalanche zone.
3:08 of 3rd period - Shot by Patrick Kane.
3:08 of 3rd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
3:09 of 3rd period - Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Pius Suter in Kraken zone.
3:09 of 3rd period - Mark Scheifele is hit by Trevor van Riemsdyk.
4:05 of 3rd period - Shot by Justin Holl.
4:05 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Trevor Moore.
4:33 of 3rd period - Shot by Anthony Beauvillier.
4:33 of 3rd period - Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck with a rebound.
4:35 of 3rd period - Shot by Sam Gagner.
4:35 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Dante Fabbro.
4:37 of 3rd period - Shot by Wyatt Kaiser.
4:37 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Cam Fowler.
5:48 of 3rd period - Sebastian Aho is hit by Travis Hamonic and loses puck.
8:20 of 3rd period - Shot by Alex Iafallo.
8:20 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Marco Scandella.
8:30 of 3rd period - Shot by Logan Cooley.
8:30 of 3rd period - Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound.
8:31 of 3rd period - Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in Avalanche zone.
8:38 of 3rd period - Shot by Travis Hamonic.
8:38 of 3rd period - Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound.
8:39 of 3rd period - Alex Iafallo wins face-off versus Trevor Moore in Avalanche zone.
8:54 of 3rd period - Shot by Alex Iafallo.
8:54 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:22 of 3rd period - Alex Iafallo is hit by David Perron and loses puck.
10:00 of 3rd period - Logan Cooley is hit by David Perron and loses puck.
10:26 of 3rd period - Shot by Sam Steel.
10:26 of 3rd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon with a rebound.
10:28 of 3rd period - Shot by Robert Bortuzzo.
10:28 of 3rd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
10:29 of 3rd period - Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Kraken zone.
10:29 of 3rd period - Trevor Moore is hit by Ethan Bear and loses puck.
10:48 of 3rd period - Shot by Will Cuylle.
10:48 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:53 of 3rd period - Icing by Trevor Moore.
10:54 of 3rd period - Pius Suter wins face-off versus Trevor Moore in Avalanche zone.
11:03 of 3rd period - Shot by Pius Suter.
11:03 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:05 of 3rd period - Shot by Tanner Pearson.
11:05 of 3rd period - Goal by Tanner Pearson - Kraken : 4 - Avalanche : 5.
11:06 of 3rd period - Ryan O'Reilly wins face-off versus Matthew Peca in neutral zone.
11:10 of 3rd period - Icing by Ethan Bear.
11:11 of 3rd period - Matthew Peca wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in Kraken zone.
11:22 of 3rd period - Shot by David Perron.
11:22 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:44 of 3rd period - Shot by Matthew Peca.
11:44 of 3rd period - Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound.
11:45 of 3rd period - Pius Suter wins face-off versus Mark Scheifele in Avalanche zone.
12:39 of 3rd period - Mark Scheifele is hit by Tanner Pearson and loses puck.
13:03 of 3rd period - Icing by Timothy Liljegren.
13:04 of 3rd period - Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in Avalanche zone.
13:27 of 3rd period - Shot by Ryan O'Reilly.
13:27 of 3rd period - Deflect By Sebastian Aho.
13:27 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Ethan Bear.
13:43 of 3rd period - Shot by Ryan O'Reilly.
13:43 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:45 of 3rd period - Shot by David Perron.
13:45 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:47 of 3rd period - Shot by Timothy Liljegren.
13:47 of 3rd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
13:48 of 3rd period - Sam Steel wins face-off versus Logan Cooley in Kraken zone.
13:53 of 3rd period - Shot by Cam Fowler.
13:53 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:55 of 3rd period - Shot by Eeli Tolvanen.
13:55 of 3rd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
13:56 of 3rd period - Sam Steel wins face-off versus Logan Cooley in Kraken zone.
14:23 of 3rd period - Shot by Brendan Gallagher.
14:23 of 3rd period - Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound.
14:24 of 3rd period - Pius Suter wins face-off versus Mark Scheifele in Avalanche zone.
14:25 of 3rd period - Shot by Blake Wheeler.
14:25 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:27 of 3rd period - Shot by Pius Suter.
14:27 of 3rd period - Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound.
14:28 of 3rd period - Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Tanner Pearson in Avalanche zone.
14:28 of 3rd period - Mark Scheifele is hit by Pius Suter.
15:43 of 3rd period - Sebastian Aho is hit by Travis Hamonic and loses puck.
16:08 of 3rd period - Shot by Brendan Gallagher.
16:08 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:18 of 3rd period - Shot by Jakub Vrana.
17:18 of 3rd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
17:19 of 3rd period - Matthew Peca wins face-off versus Patrick Kane in Kraken zone.
17:19 of 3rd period - Matthew Peca is hit by Trevor Moore.
17:52 of 3rd period - Matthew Peca is hit by Timothy Liljegren and loses puck.
17:58 of 3rd period - Justin Holl beats up Mark Scheifele.
17:58 of 3rd period - Penalty to Mark Scheifele for Fighting.
17:58 of 3rd period - Penalty to Justin Holl for Fighting.
17:59 of 3rd period - Pius Suter wins face-off versus Sam Steel in Avalanche zone.
18:00 of 3rd period - Kraken, Alex Lyon is pulled from the net.
18:11 of 3rd period - Blake Wheeler is hit by Marco Scandella and loses puck.
18:42 of 3rd period - Shot by Trevor van Riemsdyk.
18:42 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:04 of 3rd period - Shot by Logan Cooley.
19:04 of 3rd period - Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound.
19:05 of 3rd period - Pius Suter wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in Avalanche zone.
19:08 of 3rd period - Shot by Alex Iafallo.
19:08 of 3rd period - Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck with a rebound.
19:27 of 3rd period - Shot by Trevor Moore.
19:27 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:29 of 3rd period - Shot by Sebastian Aho.
19:29 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:31 of 3rd period - Shot by Cam Fowler.
19:31 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:33 of 3rd period - Shot by Cam Fowler.
19:33 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:35 of 3rd period - Shot by Trevor Moore.
19:35 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:37 of 3rd period - Shot by Aaron Ekblad.
19:37 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Trevor van Riemsdyk.
19:39 of 3rd period - Shot by Aaron Ekblad.
19:39 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Brendan Gallagher.
19:43 of 3rd period - Shot by Sebastian Aho.
19:43 of 3rd period - Deflect By Trevor Moore.
19:43 of 3rd period - Goal by Trevor Moore - Kraken : 4 - Avalanche : 6.
19:43 of 3rd period - Alex Lyon from Kraken was sent back in the game.
19:44 of 3rd period - Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Patrick Kane in neutral zone.
Goals for this period are 1 for Kraken vs 2 for Avalanche.
Shots for this period are 11 for Kraken vs 9 for Avalanche.

Full Play-by-Play

1st period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Ryan O'Reilly wins face-off versus Pius Suter in neutral zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Sebastian Aho. Puck retreived by Pius Suter. Pass by Pius Suter intercepted by Aaron Ekblad in neutral zone. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Travis Hamonic in Kraken zone. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Aaron Ekblad. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Travis Hamonic. Pass to Pius Suter in neutral zone. Pass by Pius Suter intercepted by Timothy Liljegren in Avalanche zone. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass by Trevor van Riemsdyk intercepted by Sebastian Aho. Pass to David Perron in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by David Perron. Puck retreived by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Trevor van Riemsdyk is hit by David Perron and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Sebastian Aho for Avalanche. Pass to Aaron Ekblad. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Pius Suter. Pass by Pius Suter intercepted by Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to David Perron. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by David Perron. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dante Fabbro, Cam Fowler are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Travis Hamonic. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Cam Fowler in neutral zone. Pass by Cam Fowler intercepted by Travis Hamonic in Kraken zone. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Dante Fabbro in neutral zone. Pass by Dante Fabbro intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Trevor van Riemsdyk.

Time : 1. Puck retreived by Cam Fowler. Cam Fowler is hit by Blake Wheeler and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Mark Scheifele for Avalanche. Pass by Mark Scheifele intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Dante Fabbro. Pass to Patrick Kane in neutral zone. Patrick Kane moves puck in Kraken zone. Pass to Cam Fowler. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Pass to Cam Fowler. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Pass to Cam Fowler. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Pass to Trevor Moore. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Cam Fowler. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Cam Fowler. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Steel, Jakub Vrana, Eeli Tolvanen are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Marco Scandella, Robert Bortuzzo are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Lyon. Pass to Justin Holl. Pass to Brendan Gallagher in neutral zone. Brendan Gallagher moves puck in Avalanche zone. Pass to Wyatt Kaiser. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Alex Iafallo. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyson Jost, Will Cuylle, Travis Boyd are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Uvis Balinskis, Ethan Bear are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Sam Steel. Pass to Robert Bortuzzo.

Time : 2. Pass to Eeli Tolvanen in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Matthew Peca, Anthony Beauvillier, Sam Gagner are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Ryan O'Reilly is ejected from face-off, David Perron takes his place. David Perron wins face-off versus Matthew Peca in neutral zone. Pass to Aaron Ekblad. Aaron Ekblad is hit by Sam Gagner and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Timothy Liljegren for Avalanche. Timothy Liljegren moves puck in Kraken zone. Timothy Liljegren loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Ekblad for Avalanche. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Ethan Bear. Icing by Ethan Bear. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Steel, Jakub Vrana, Eeli Tolvanen are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Marco Scandella, Robert Bortuzzo are on ice for Avalanche. Matthew Peca wins face-off versus Sam Steel in Kraken zone. Pass to Anthony Beauvillier. Pass by Anthony Beauvillier intercepted by Jakub Vrana in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Jakub Vrana. Puck retreived by Ethan Bear. Pass to Anthony Beauvillier in neutral zone. Anthony Beauvillier moves puck in Avalanche zone. Shot by Anthony Beauvillier. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matthew Peca for Kraken. Shot by Matthew Peca. Shot Blocked by Marco Scandella. Free Puck Retrieved by Uvis Balinskis for Kraken. Shot by Uvis Balinskis. Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyson Jost, Will Cuylle, Travis Boyd are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dante Fabbro, Cam Fowler are on ice for Avalanche. Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Avalanche zone. Pass to Trevor Moore. Pass to Dante Fabbro in neutral zone. Dante Fabbro moves puck in Kraken zone. Pass by Dante Fabbro intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass to Will Cuylle. Will Cuylle moves puck in neutral zone. Will Cuylle is hit by Trevor Moore and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Travis Hamonic for Kraken. Travis Hamonic moves puck in Avalanche zone. Pass to Tyson Jost. Tyson Jost loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Tyson Jost for Kraken. Shot by Tyson Jost. Goal by Tyson Jost - Kraken : 1 - Avalanche : 0. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Ryan O'Reilly is ejected from face-off, Sebastian Aho takes his place. Logan Cooley is ejected from face-off, Alex Iafallo takes his place. Alex Iafallo wins face-off versus Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Pass to Brendan Gallagher. Brendan Gallagher moves puck in Avalanche zone. Pass by Brendan Gallagher intercepted by Aaron Ekblad.

Time : 3. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Sebastian Aho. Puck retreived by Wyatt Kaiser. Wyatt Kaiser is hit by Sebastian Aho and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Timothy Liljegren for Avalanche. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Sebastian Aho loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Timothy Liljegren for Avalanche. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly. Shot by Ryan O'Reilly. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyson Jost, Will Cuylle, Travis Boyd are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Uvis Balinskis, Ethan Bear are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dante Fabbro, Cam Fowler are on ice for Avalanche. Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Kraken zone. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass by Patrick Kane intercepted by Tyson Jost. Pass by Tyson Jost intercepted by Cam Fowler in neutral zone. Pass by Cam Fowler intercepted by Uvis Balinskis in Kraken zone. Pass to Travis Boyd in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Travis Boyd. Puck retreived by Cam Fowler. Pass by Cam Fowler intercepted by Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Pass to Travis Boyd in Avalanche zone. Pass to Will Cuylle. Shot by Will Cuylle. Deflect By Travis Boyd. Shot Blocked by Cam Fowler. Free Puck Retrieved by Uvis Balinskis for Kraken. Shot by Uvis Balinskis. Goal by Uvis Balinskis - Kraken : 2 - Avalanche : 0. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Ryan O'Reilly wins face-off versus Pius Suter in neutral zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Aaron Ekblad in Kraken zone. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Tanner Pearson. Pass to Travis Hamonic in neutral zone. Travis Hamonic moves puck in Avalanche zone. Pass to Tanner Pearson.

Time : 4. Pass to Blake Wheeler. Pass by Blake Wheeler intercepted by Sebastian Aho. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Pius Suter in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Pius Suter. Puck retreived by Aaron Ekblad. Aaron Ekblad is hit by Blake Wheeler and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Travis Hamonic for Kraken. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Travis Hamonic in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Travis Hamonic. Puck retreived by Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly. Pass by Ryan O'Reilly intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass to Travis Hamonic. Pass to Pius Suter. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Pass to Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass to Blake Wheeler. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Blake Wheeler. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Matthew Peca, Anthony Beauvillier, Sam Gagner are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Sebastian Aho moves puck in Kraken zone. Sebastian Aho is hit by Justin Holl and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Timothy Liljegren for Avalanche. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Timothy Liljegren. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dante Fabbro, Cam Fowler are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Lyon. Pass to Wyatt Kaiser. Pass by Wyatt Kaiser intercepted by Cam Fowler. Pass by Cam Fowler intercepted by Wyatt Kaiser. Pass to Sam Gagner. Pass to Matthew Peca in neutral zone. Matthew Peca moves puck in Avalanche zone.

Time : 5. Matthew Peca loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Fowler for Avalanche. Pass to Mark Scheifele in neutral zone. Mark Scheifele moves puck in Kraken zone. Shot by Mark Scheifele. Shot Blocked by Wyatt Kaiser. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Fowler for Avalanche. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Mark Scheifele loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Mark Scheifele for Avalanche. Pass by Mark Scheifele intercepted by Anthony Beauvillier. Pass by Anthony Beauvillier intercepted by Dante Fabbro in neutral zone. Pass to Cam Fowler in Kraken zone. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass by Patrick Kane intercepted by Wyatt Kaiser. Pass by Wyatt Kaiser intercepted by Patrick Kane in neutral zone. Pass to Mark Scheifele in Kraken zone. Shot by Mark Scheifele. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Uvis Balinskis, Ethan Bear are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Steel, Jakub Vrana, Eeli Tolvanen are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Marco Scandella, Robert Bortuzzo are on ice for Avalanche. Sam Steel wins face-off versus Logan Cooley in Kraken zone. Pass to Eeli Tolvanen. Shot by Eeli Tolvanen. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Eeli Tolvanen for Avalanche. Shot by Eeli Tolvanen. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Robert Bortuzzo for Avalanche. Pass to Sam Steel. Pass to Jakub Vrana. Pass to Eeli Tolvanen. Pass to Marco Scandella. Pass to Sam Steel. Pass to Robert Bortuzzo. Pass by Robert Bortuzzo intercepted by Alex Iafallo. Pass by Alex Iafallo intercepted by Robert Bortuzzo. Pass by Robert Bortuzzo intercepted by Uvis Balinskis. Pass to Brendan Gallagher in neutral zone.

Time : 6. Pass by Brendan Gallagher intercepted by Marco Scandella in Avalanche zone. Pass by Marco Scandella intercepted by Uvis Balinskis in neutral zone. Pass to Ethan Bear in Avalanche zone. Pass by Ethan Bear intercepted by Marco Scandella. Pass by Marco Scandella intercepted by Logan Cooley in neutral zone. Pass by Logan Cooley intercepted by Robert Bortuzzo in Avalanche zone. Pass to Eeli Tolvanen in neutral zone. Pass to Sam Steel in Kraken zone. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Sam Steel. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Lyon. Pass to Uvis Balinskis. Pass to Alex Iafallo in neutral zone. Pass to Brendan Gallagher in Avalanche zone. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Brendan Gallagher. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyson Jost, Will Cuylle, Travis Boyd are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Sebastian Aho moves puck in Kraken zone. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Icing by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dante Fabbro, Cam Fowler are on ice for Avalanche. Tyson Jost is ejected from face-off, Will Cuylle takes his place. Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Will Cuylle in Kraken zone. Pass to Trevor Moore. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Shot by Mark Scheifele. Stopped by Alex Lyon with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor van Riemsdyk for Kraken. Pass to Travis Boyd. Travis Boyd moves puck in neutral zone. Travis Boyd loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Will Cuylle for Kraken. Pass by Will Cuylle intercepted by Dante Fabbro in Avalanche zone. Pass by Dante Fabbro intercepted by Travis Boyd in neutral zone. Pass by Travis Boyd intercepted by Cam Fowler in Avalanche zone. Pass to Mark Scheifele in neutral zone. Pass to Cam Fowler in Kraken zone. Pass to Patrick Kane.

Time : 7. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Pass by Mark Scheifele intercepted by Travis Hamonic. Pass to Travis Boyd in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Pius Suter wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in neutral zone. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Pass by Tanner Pearson intercepted by David Perron in Avalanche zone. Minor Penalty to Tanner Pearson for Slashing. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Matthew Peca, Logan Cooley are on ice for Kraken. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Ethan Bear, Justin Holl are on ice for Kraken. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Sebastian Aho, David Perron, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Fowler, Ryan O'Reilly are on ice for Avalanche. Sebastian Aho is ejected from face-off, Patrick Kane takes his place. Matthew Peca wins face-off versus Patrick Kane in Kraken zone. Pass to Logan Cooley. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Logan Cooley. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Alex Iafallo are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Connor Hellebuyck. Pass to Cam Fowler. Icing by Cam Fowler. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Pius Suter wins face-off versus Sebastian Aho in Avalanche zone. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Alex Iafallo. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Matthew Peca, Logan Cooley are on ice for Kraken. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Ethan Bear, Justin Holl are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Cam Fowler. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Pass to Cam Fowler in Kraken zone. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Cam Fowler. Shot by Cam Fowler. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Alex Iafallo are on ice for Kraken. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Mark Scheifele, Sebastian Aho, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Trevor Moore, Aaron Ekblad are on ice for Avalanche. Pius Suter wins face-off versus Mark Scheifele in Kraken zone. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Pass to Pius Suter. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Pius Suter. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Matthew Peca, Logan Cooley are on ice for Kraken. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Ethan Bear, Justin Holl are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Sebastian Aho. Pass to Patrick Kane. Patrick Kane moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Patrick Kane. Puck retreived by Matthew Peca. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Matthew Peca. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Alex Iafallo are on ice for Kraken. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Connor Hellebuyck. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Icing by Sebastian Aho. Mark Scheifele is ejected from face-off, Patrick Kane takes his place. Pius Suter wins face-off versus Patrick Kane in Avalanche zone. Pass to Travis Hamonic.

Time : 8. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Trevor Moore. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Sebastian Aho moves puck in Kraken zone. Sebastian Aho loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor Moore for Avalanche. Pass by Trevor Moore intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Alex Iafallo. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Matthew Peca, Logan Cooley are on ice for Kraken. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Ethan Bear, Justin Holl are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Aaron Ekblad. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Matthew Peca in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Matthew Peca. Puck retreived by Aaron Ekblad. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Justin Holl in Kraken zone. Pass by Justin Holl intercepted by Sebastian Aho. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Sebastian Aho. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Sam Steel, David Perron, Riley Nash are on ice for Avalanche. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Fowler, Ryan O'Reilly are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Lyon. Pass to Justin Holl. Pass by Justin Holl intercepted by Riley Nash in neutral zone. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly in Kraken zone. Shot by Ryan O'Reilly. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Fowler for Avalanche. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly. Pass to Sam Steel. Pass to David Perron. David Perron loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Riley Nash for Avalanche. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly. Pass to David Perron. Pass by David Perron intercepted by Justin Holl. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Justin Holl. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Alex Iafallo are on ice for Kraken. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Connor Hellebuyck.

Time : 9. Pass to David Perron. Pass by David Perron intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk in neutral zone. Pass by Trevor van Riemsdyk intercepted by Cam Fowler in Avalanche zone. Pass to David Perron in neutral zone. Pass by David Perron intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk in Kraken zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Steel, Jakub Vrana, Eeli Tolvanen are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Marco Scandella, Robert Bortuzzo are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyson Jost, Will Cuylle, Travis Boyd are on ice for Kraken. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Connor Hellebuyck. Pass to Robert Bortuzzo. Pass to Sam Steel. Pass to Eeli Tolvanen in neutral zone. Pass to Jakub Vrana in Kraken zone. Shot by Jakub Vrana. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyson Jost, Will Cuylle, Travis Boyd are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Sam Steel wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Kraken zone. Pass to Eeli Tolvanen. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Sam Steel. Pass to Eeli Tolvanen. Shot by Eeli Tolvanen. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dante Fabbro, Cam Fowler are on ice for Avalanche. Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Pius Suter in Kraken zone. Pass to Patrick Kane. Shot by Patrick Kane. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Pius Suter wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in Kraken zone. Pass to Blake Wheeler. Blake Wheeler moves puck in neutral zone. Blake Wheeler loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Tanner Pearson for Kraken. Pass to Trevor van Riemsdyk in Avalanche zone. Pass to Blake Wheeler. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Shot by Tanner Pearson. Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Logan Cooley wins face-off versus Mark Scheifele in Avalanche zone. Pass to Justin Holl. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Pass to Wyatt Kaiser. Pass to Brendan Gallagher. Pass to Logan Cooley. Shot by Logan Cooley. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brendan Gallagher for Kraken. Shot by Brendan Gallagher. Goal by Brendan Gallagher - Kraken : 3 - Avalanche : 0.

Time : 10. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dante Fabbro, Cam Fowler are on ice for Avalanche. Pius Suter wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in neutral zone. Pass to Trevor van Riemsdyk. Trevor van Riemsdyk moves puck in Avalanche zone. Pass by Trevor van Riemsdyk intercepted by Sebastian Aho. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Tanner Pearson in neutral zone. Pass to Pius Suter in Avalanche zone. Pass to Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass by Trevor van Riemsdyk intercepted by Cam Fowler. Pass by Cam Fowler intercepted by Blake Wheeler in neutral zone. Pass by Blake Wheeler intercepted by Dante Fabbro in Avalanche zone. Pass by Dante Fabbro intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk in neutral zone. Trevor van Riemsdyk moves puck in Avalanche zone. Pass to Travis Hamonic. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Cam Fowler. Pass by Cam Fowler intercepted by Travis Hamonic in neutral zone. Pass to Pius Suter in Avalanche zone. Pass by Pius Suter intercepted by Cam Fowler. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly in neutral zone. Pass by Ryan O'Reilly intercepted by Pius Suter. Pass to Blake Wheeler in Avalanche zone. Pass by Blake Wheeler intercepted by Dante Fabbro. Icing by Dante Fabbro. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Logan Cooley wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in Avalanche zone. Pass to Brendan Gallagher. Pass by Brendan Gallagher intercepted by Dante Fabbro. Pass by Dante Fabbro intercepted by Logan Cooley. Pass by Logan Cooley intercepted by Dante Fabbro. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Sebastian Aho moves puck in Kraken zone. Sebastian Aho loses puck.

Time : 11. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Fowler for Avalanche. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Cam Fowler. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Lyon. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Pass to Brendan Gallagher. Brendan Gallagher moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Logan Cooley. Logan Cooley moves puck in Avalanche zone. Pass to Brendan Gallagher. Shot by Brendan Gallagher. Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Iafallo for Kraken. Shot by Alex Iafallo. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Iafallo for Kraken. Shot by Alex Iafallo. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Holl for Kraken. Shot by Justin Holl. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Wyatt Kaiser for Kraken. Pass to Logan Cooley. Pass to Justin Holl. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Justin Holl. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyson Jost, Will Cuylle, Travis Boyd are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Uvis Balinskis, Ethan Bear are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Connor Hellebuyck. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Travis Boyd in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Matthew Peca, Anthony Beauvillier, Sam Gagner are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Steel, Jakub Vrana, Eeli Tolvanen are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Marco Scandella, Robert Bortuzzo are on ice for Avalanche. Sam Steel wins face-off versus Matthew Peca in neutral zone. Pass to Eeli Tolvanen. Pass by Eeli Tolvanen intercepted by Ethan Bear in Kraken zone. Pass to Sam Gagner. Sam Gagner moves puck in neutral zone. Sam Gagner is hit by Eeli Tolvanen and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matthew Peca for Kraken. Pass by Matthew Peca intercepted by Marco Scandella in Avalanche zone. Pass to Sam Steel in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Pius Suter in neutral zone. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass by Patrick Kane intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk in Kraken zone. Pass by Trevor van Riemsdyk intercepted by Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk in Kraken zone.

Time : 12. Icing by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dante Fabbro, Cam Fowler are on ice for Avalanche. Pius Suter wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in Kraken zone. Pass to Blake Wheeler. Pass by Blake Wheeler intercepted by Cam Fowler. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass to Blake Wheeler. Pass to Pius Suter in neutral zone. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Pass to Trevor van Riemsdyk in Avalanche zone. Pass to Pius Suter. Pass to Blake Wheeler. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Pass to Blake Wheeler. Pass to Pius Suter. Shot by Pius Suter. Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Logan Cooley in Avalanche zone. Pass to Aaron Ekblad. Mark Scheifele is hit by Brendan Gallagher. Aaron Ekblad moves puck in neutral zone. Aaron Ekblad moves puck in Kraken zone. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Wyatt Kaiser. Pass by Wyatt Kaiser intercepted by Trevor Moore in neutral zone. Pass by Trevor Moore intercepted by Wyatt Kaiser in Kraken zone. Pass by Wyatt Kaiser intercepted by Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Justin Holl. Pass by Justin Holl intercepted by Timothy Liljegren in Avalanche zone. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Justin Holl in neutral zone. Pass by Justin Holl intercepted by Aaron Ekblad. Pass to Trevor Moore in Kraken zone. Shot by Trevor Moore. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Ekblad for Avalanche.

Time : 13. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Pass by Mark Scheifele intercepted by Wyatt Kaiser. Pass by Wyatt Kaiser intercepted by Aaron Ekblad. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Shot by Mark Scheifele. Stopped by Alex Lyon with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor Moore for Avalanche. Pass by Trevor Moore intercepted by Wyatt Kaiser. Pass to Alex Iafallo in neutral zone. Pass to Logan Cooley. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Logan Cooley. Puck retreived by Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Justin Holl in neutral zone. Pass by Justin Holl intercepted by Aaron Ekblad in Avalanche zone. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Wyatt Kaiser in neutral zone. Pass to Brendan Gallagher. Brendan Gallagher moves puck in Avalanche zone. Brendan Gallagher loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Ekblad for Avalanche. Pass to Trevor Moore in neutral zone. Trevor Moore moves puck in Kraken zone. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Trevor Moore. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dante Fabbro, Cam Fowler are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Lyon. Pass to Wyatt Kaiser. Pass by Wyatt Kaiser intercepted by Ryan O'Reilly in neutral zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho in Kraken zone. Pass to Dante Fabbro. Pass by Dante Fabbro intercepted by Wyatt Kaiser. Pass by Wyatt Kaiser intercepted by Cam Fowler in neutral zone. Pass by Cam Fowler intercepted by Wyatt Kaiser in Kraken zone. Pass by Wyatt Kaiser intercepted by Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Wyatt Kaiser in Kraken zone.

Time : 14. Pass to Alex Iafallo in neutral zone. Pass by Alex Iafallo intercepted by Dante Fabbro. Pass by Dante Fabbro intercepted by Brendan Gallagher. Pass by Brendan Gallagher intercepted by Cam Fowler. Pass by Cam Fowler intercepted by Wyatt Kaiser in Kraken zone. Pass by Wyatt Kaiser intercepted by Cam Fowler in neutral zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to David Perron in Kraken zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Cam Fowler. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Ryan O'Reilly. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Steel, Jakub Vrana, Eeli Tolvanen are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Marco Scandella, Robert Bortuzzo are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Lyon. Pass to Wyatt Kaiser. Pass to Brendan Gallagher in neutral zone. Pass to Logan Cooley in Avalanche zone. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Logan Cooley. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Robert Bortuzzo. Pass to Sam Steel. Pass to Eeli Tolvanen. Eeli Tolvanen moves puck in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyson Jost, Will Cuylle, Travis Boyd are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Uvis Balinskis, Ethan Bear are on ice for Kraken. Sam Steel wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Pass to Eeli Tolvanen. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Eeli Tolvanen. Puck retreived by Travis Boyd. Pass to Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Tyson Jost moves puck in Avalanche zone.

Time : 15. Pass to Uvis Balinskis. Pass to Travis Boyd. Pass to Will Cuylle. Pass to Tyson Jost. Shot by Tyson Jost. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Ethan Bear for Kraken. Shot by Ethan Bear. Shot Blocked by Marco Scandella. Free Puck Retrieved by Uvis Balinskis for Kraken. Shot by Uvis Balinskis. Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Pius Suter wins face-off versus Mark Scheifele in Avalanche zone. Pass to Trevor van Riemsdyk. Trevor van Riemsdyk is hit by Aaron Ekblad and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Ekblad for Avalanche. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Pius Suter in neutral zone. Pass by Pius Suter intercepted by Aaron Ekblad in Avalanche zone. Pass to Mark Scheifele in neutral zone. Mark Scheifele moves puck in Kraken zone. Shot by Mark Scheifele. Stopped by Alex Lyon with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Ekblad for Avalanche. Shot by Aaron Ekblad. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Timothy Liljegren for Avalanche. Shot by Timothy Liljegren. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Matthew Peca, Anthony Beauvillier, Sam Gagner are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dante Fabbro, Cam Fowler are on ice for Avalanche. Ryan O'Reilly wins face-off versus Matthew Peca in Kraken zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly. Pass by Ryan O'Reilly intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass by Trevor van Riemsdyk intercepted by Cam Fowler in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Cam Fowler. Puck retreived by Matthew Peca. Pass by Matthew Peca intercepted by Sebastian Aho. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly.

Time : 16. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly. Shot by Ryan O'Reilly. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Sebastian Aho for Avalanche. Shot by Sebastian Aho. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Fowler for Avalanche. Pass by Cam Fowler intercepted by Travis Hamonic. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Cam Fowler. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Cam Fowler. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Sebastian Aho. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Lyon. Pass to Travis Hamonic. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Mark Scheifele in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Mark Scheifele. Puck retreived by Matthew Peca. Pass by Matthew Peca intercepted by Aaron Ekblad. Pass to Trevor Moore. Shot by Trevor Moore. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Uvis Balinskis, Ethan Bear are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Steel, Jakub Vrana, Eeli Tolvanen are on ice for Avalanche. Sam Steel wins face-off versus Pius Suter in Kraken zone. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Eeli Tolvanen. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Pius Suter. Pass by Pius Suter intercepted by Aaron Ekblad. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Jakub Vrana. Shot by Jakub Vrana. Shot Misses the Net.

Time : 17. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Ekblad for Avalanche. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Ethan Bear. Pass by Ethan Bear intercepted by Aaron Ekblad in neutral zone. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Uvis Balinskis in Kraken zone. Pass to Ethan Bear. Pass to Pius Suter in neutral zone. Minor Penalty to Eeli Tolvanen for High sticking. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Travis Hamonic, Justin Holl are on ice for Kraken. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Sebastian Aho, Trevor Moore are on ice for Avalanche. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Fowler, Aaron Ekblad are on ice for Avalanche. Sebastian Aho wins face-off versus Logan Cooley in Avalanche zone. Pass to Trevor Moore. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Trevor Moore. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Lyon. Pass to Justin Holl. Pass to Logan Cooley. Logan Cooley moves puck in neutral zone. Off-side. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Sam Gagner are on ice for Kraken. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Ethan Bear are on ice for Kraken. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Dante Fabbro are on ice for Avalanche. Pius Suter wins face-off versus Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Pass to Trevor van Riemsdyk in Avalanche zone. Pass by Trevor van Riemsdyk intercepted by Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Pius Suter in neutral zone. Pass by Pius Suter intercepted by Sebastian Aho. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Sebastian Aho. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Fowler, Aaron Ekblad are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Pius Suter. Pass to Sam Gagner in neutral zone. Pass to Pius Suter in Avalanche zone. Shot by Pius Suter. Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Travis Hamonic, Justin Holl are on ice for Kraken. Logan Cooley wins face-off versus Sebastian Aho in Avalanche zone. Pass to Brendan Gallagher. Pass by Brendan Gallagher intercepted by Cam Fowler. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Cam Fowler. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Dante Fabbro are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Iafallo. Pass by Alex Iafallo intercepted by Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Timothy Liljegren. Puck retreived by Justin Holl. Pass to Brendan Gallagher in neutral zone. Pass to Travis Hamonic. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Travis Hamonic.

Time : 18. Puck retreived by Timothy Liljegren. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Timothy Liljegren. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Fowler, Aaron Ekblad are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Travis Hamonic. Pass to Logan Cooley in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Iafallo in Avalanche zone. Pass to Logan Cooley. Pass to Justin Holl. Pass to Brendan Gallagher. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Pass to Logan Cooley. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Logan Cooley. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Sam Gagner are on ice for Kraken. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Ethan Bear are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Aaron Ekblad. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Aaron Ekblad. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, Sam Steel are on ice for Avalanche. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Dante Fabbro are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Lyon. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Pass to Pius Suter. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Pass to Sam Gagner. Sam Gagner moves puck in neutral zone. Sam Gagner moves puck in Avalanche zone. Shot by Sam Gagner. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor van Riemsdyk for Kraken. Pass to Pius Suter. Pass by Pius Suter intercepted by Dante Fabbro. Pass by Dante Fabbro intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass to Pius Suter. Pass by Pius Suter intercepted by Timothy Liljegren.

Time : 19. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Timothy Liljegren. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Sebastian Aho, Trevor Moore are on ice for Avalanche. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Fowler, Aaron Ekblad are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass by Trevor van Riemsdyk intercepted by Cam Fowler in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Cam Fowler. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Sam Steel, Jakub Vrana are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Lyon. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Steel, Jakub Vrana, Eeli Tolvanen are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Marco Scandella, Robert Bortuzzo are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyson Jost, Will Cuylle, Travis Boyd are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Pass by Tanner Pearson intercepted by Marco Scandella in neutral zone. Pass to Sam Steel in Kraken zone. Pass by Sam Steel intercepted by Justin Holl. Pass to Tyson Jost. Pass by Tyson Jost intercepted by Jakub Vrana in neutral zone. Pass to Sam Steel in Kraken zone. Pass to Jakub Vrana. Shot by Jakub Vrana. Goal by Jakub Vrana - Kraken : 3 - Avalanche : 1. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Uvis Balinskis, Ethan Bear are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Mark Scheifele is ejected from face-off, Trevor Moore takes his place. Trevor Moore wins face-off versus Logan Cooley in neutral zone. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Pass to Trevor Moore in Kraken zone. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Shot by Mark Scheifele. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brendan Gallagher for Kraken. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Pass to Uvis Balinskis. Pass by Uvis Balinskis intercepted by Trevor Moore. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass by Patrick Kane intercepted by Ethan Bear. Pass to Logan Cooley in neutral zone. Pass to Brendan Gallagher in Avalanche zone. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Pass to Logan Cooley. Pass to Uvis Balinskis. Pass to Brendan Gallagher.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 3 for Kraken vs 1 for Avalanche. Shots for this period are 9 for Kraken vs 12 for Avalanche.

2nd period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Pius Suter wins face-off versus Mark Scheifele in neutral zone. Pass to Travis Hamonic. Travis Hamonic moves puck in Avalanche zone. Pass to Pius Suter. Pass by Pius Suter intercepted by Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Pass to Patrick Kane in neutral zone. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Timothy Liljegren moves puck in Kraken zone. Shot by Timothy Liljegren. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Ekblad for Avalanche. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass to Tanner Pearson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Tanner Pearson. Puck retreived by Mark Scheifele. Pass to Aaron Ekblad in neutral zone. Aaron Ekblad moves puck in Kraken zone. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Pass to Patrick Kane. Shot by Patrick Kane. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyson Jost, Will Cuylle, Travis Boyd are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dante Fabbro, Cam Fowler are on ice for Avalanche. Ryan O'Reilly wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Kraken zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly. Pass to Cam Fowler. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Shot by Sebastian Aho. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Ryan O'Reilly wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Kraken zone. Pass to David Perron. Shot by David Perron. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Sebastian Aho for Avalanche. Shot by Sebastian Aho. Shot Blocked by Wyatt Kaiser. Free Puck Retrieved by Ryan O'Reilly for Avalanche. Shot by Ryan O'Reilly. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in Kraken zone. Pass to Travis Boyd. Pass to Justin Holl in neutral zone. Justin Holl loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Wyatt Kaiser for Kraken.

Time : 1. Wyatt Kaiser moves puck in Avalanche zone. Wyatt Kaiser is hit by Dante Fabbro and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Travis Boyd for Kraken. Pass by Travis Boyd intercepted by Cam Fowler. Pass by Cam Fowler intercepted by Will Cuylle in neutral zone. Pass by Will Cuylle intercepted by Dante Fabbro in Avalanche zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Justin Holl in Kraken zone. Pass to Will Cuylle. Pass by Will Cuylle intercepted by Cam Fowler in neutral zone. Pass by Cam Fowler intercepted by Travis Boyd. Pass by Travis Boyd intercepted by Cam Fowler in Avalanche zone. Pass to David Perron. Pass by David Perron intercepted by Justin Holl in neutral zone. Pass by Justin Holl intercepted by Dante Fabbro in Avalanche zone. Pass by Dante Fabbro intercepted by Wyatt Kaiser in neutral zone. Pass to Travis Boyd in Avalanche zone. Pass to Will Cuylle. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Will Cuylle. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Sebastian Aho. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Travis Hamonic in neutral zone. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Dante Fabbro in Avalanche zone. Pass by Dante Fabbro intercepted by Travis Hamonic. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Dante Fabbro. Pass to David Perron. Pass by David Perron intercepted by Blake Wheeler in neutral zone. Pass to Pius Suter in Avalanche zone. Pass to Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass by Trevor van Riemsdyk intercepted by Dante Fabbro.

Time : 2. Pass by Dante Fabbro intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk in neutral zone. Pass by Trevor van Riemsdyk intercepted by David Perron in Avalanche zone. Pass by David Perron intercepted by Travis Hamonic in neutral zone. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Cam Fowler. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Cam Fowler. Puck retreived by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass by Trevor van Riemsdyk intercepted by Cam Fowler. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Cam Fowler. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Icing by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Mark Scheifele is ejected from face-off, Trevor Moore takes his place. Pius Suter wins face-off versus Trevor Moore in Kraken zone. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Pass to Trevor van Riemsdyk in neutral zone. Trevor van Riemsdyk moves puck in Avalanche zone. Pass by Trevor van Riemsdyk intercepted by Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Pass to Trevor Moore in neutral zone. Pass by Trevor Moore intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk in Kraken zone. Pass by Trevor van Riemsdyk intercepted by Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Pass to Trevor Moore in Kraken zone. Pass by Trevor Moore intercepted by Pius Suter. Pass by Pius Suter intercepted by Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Travis Hamonic in Kraken zone. Pass to Trevor van Riemsdyk in neutral zone. Trevor van Riemsdyk moves puck in Avalanche zone. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Uvis Balinskis, Ethan Bear are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Patrick Kane in neutral zone. Patrick Kane moves puck in Kraken zone. Patrick Kane loses puck.

Time : 3. Free Puck Retrieved by Timothy Liljegren for Avalanche. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Mark Scheifele is hit by Uvis Balinskis and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Ekblad for Avalanche. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Aaron Ekblad. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Steel, Jakub Vrana, Eeli Tolvanen are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Marco Scandella, Robert Bortuzzo are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Uvis Balinskis. Pass by Uvis Balinskis intercepted by Jakub Vrana in neutral zone. Pass to Sam Steel in Kraken zone. Pass to Robert Bortuzzo. Pass by Robert Bortuzzo intercepted by Ethan Bear. Icing by Ethan Bear. Sam Steel is ejected from face-off, Eeli Tolvanen takes his place. Logan Cooley wins face-off versus Eeli Tolvanen in Kraken zone. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Alex Iafallo moves puck in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Matthew Peca, Anthony Beauvillier, Sam Gagner are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Matthew Peca wins face-off versus Sam Steel in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Holl. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Justin Holl. Puck retreived by Eeli Tolvanen. Pass by Eeli Tolvanen intercepted by Matthew Peca in neutral zone. Pass to Anthony Beauvillier in Avalanche zone. Shot by Anthony Beauvillier. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Holl for Kraken. Minor Penalty to Robert Bortuzzo for Slashing. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Ethan Bear are on ice for Kraken. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Sebastian Aho, Trevor Moore are on ice for Avalanche. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Fowler, Aaron Ekblad are on ice for Avalanche. Sebastian Aho wins face-off versus Logan Cooley in Avalanche zone. Pass to Cam Fowler. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Cam Fowler. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Lyon. Pass to Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass by Trevor van Riemsdyk intercepted by Cam Fowler in neutral zone. Pass by Cam Fowler intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk in Kraken zone. Pass to Alex Iafallo in neutral zone. Alex Iafallo moves puck in Avalanche zone. Pass to Brendan Gallagher. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Pass to Brendan Gallagher. Pass to Alex Iafallo.

Time : 4. Pass to Brendan Gallagher. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Shot by Alex Iafallo. Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Sam Gagner are on ice for Kraken. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Travis Hamonic, Justin Holl are on ice for Kraken. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Dante Fabbro are on ice for Avalanche. Pius Suter is ejected from face-off, Sam Gagner takes his place. Sebastian Aho wins face-off versus Sam Gagner in Avalanche zone. Pass to Trevor Moore. Trevor Moore is hit by Tanner Pearson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Holl for Kraken. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Shot by Tanner Pearson. Shot Blocked by Sebastian Aho. Free Puck Retrieved by Tanner Pearson for Kraken. Shot by Tanner Pearson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Pius Suter for Kraken. Shot by Pius Suter. Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Fowler, Aaron Ekblad are on ice for Avalanche. Sebastian Aho wins face-off versus Pius Suter in Avalanche zone. Pass to Cam Fowler. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Cam Fowler. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Lyon. Pass to Travis Hamonic. Pass to Pius Suter in neutral zone. Pius Suter moves puck in Avalanche zone. Pass to Sam Gagner. Pass to Justin Holl. Pass to Travis Hamonic. Shot by Travis Hamonic. Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Ethan Bear are on ice for Kraken. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Timothy Liljegren, Dante Fabbro are on ice for Avalanche. Sebastian Aho wins face-off versus Logan Cooley in Avalanche zone. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Timothy Liljegren is hit by Brendan Gallagher and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ethan Bear for Kraken. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Pass to Brendan Gallagher. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Pass to Logan Cooley. Pass to Brendan Gallagher. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Pass to Logan Cooley. Pass to Brendan Gallagher.

Time : 5. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Pass to Brendan Gallagher. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Pass to Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass to Logan Cooley. Pass to Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass by Trevor van Riemsdyk intercepted by Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Sebastian Aho. Puck retreived by Ethan Bear. Pass to Brendan Gallagher in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Iafallo in Avalanche zone. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Alex Iafallo. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Sam Gagner are on ice for Kraken. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Travis Hamonic, Justin Holl are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Connor Hellebuyck. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Sebastian Aho. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Ryan O'Reilly, Sam Steel are on ice for Avalanche. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Fowler, Aaron Ekblad are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Travis Hamonic. Pass to Sam Gagner in neutral zone. Sam Gagner moves puck in Avalanche zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Steel, Jakub Vrana, Eeli Tolvanen are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Marco Scandella, Robert Bortuzzo are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyson Jost, Will Cuylle, Travis Boyd are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Pass to Tyson Jost. Shot by Tyson Jost. Deflect By Will Cuylle. Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound. Sam Steel wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Avalanche zone. Pass to Eeli Tolvanen. Pass to Sam Steel in neutral zone. Pass to Robert Bortuzzo in Kraken zone. Pass by Robert Bortuzzo intercepted by Travis Boyd. Pass to Tyson Jost. Tyson Jost moves puck in neutral zone. Tyson Jost is hit by Eeli Tolvanen. Pass by Tyson Jost intercepted by Marco Scandella in Avalanche zone. Pass by Marco Scandella intercepted by Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Pass to Will Cuylle in Avalanche zone. Shot by Will Cuylle. Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Pius Suter wins face-off versus Sam Steel in Avalanche zone. Pass to Blake Wheeler. Pius Suter is hit by Timothy Liljegren.

Time : 6. Pass to Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Tanner Pearson is hit by Aaron Ekblad and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Timothy Liljegren for Avalanche. Pass to Eeli Tolvanen in neutral zone. Pass to Sam Steel in Kraken zone. Pass to Aaron Ekblad. Pass to Eeli Tolvanen. Shot by Eeli Tolvanen. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Marco Scandella, Robert Bortuzzo are on ice for Avalanche. Logan Cooley wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in Kraken zone. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Logan Cooley is hit by Sebastian Aho. Alex Iafallo moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Alex Iafallo intercepted by David Perron in Avalanche zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly in Kraken zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Shot by Sebastian Aho. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Matthew Peca, Anthony Beauvillier, Sam Gagner are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Uvis Balinskis, Ethan Bear are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dante Fabbro, Cam Fowler are on ice for Avalanche. Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Matthew Peca in Kraken zone. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Pass by Mark Scheifele intercepted by Uvis Balinskis. Pass to Anthony Beauvillier in neutral zone. Pass to Matthew Peca in Avalanche zone. Pass to Ethan Bear. Pass to Matthew Peca. Matthew Peca loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Patrick Kane for Avalanche. Pass to Mark Scheifele.

Time : 7. Mark Scheifele moves puck in neutral zone. Mark Scheifele moves puck in Kraken zone. Pass to Trevor Moore. Shot by Trevor Moore. Shot Blocked by Ethan Bear. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor Moore for Avalanche. Shot by Trevor Moore. Shot Blocked by Uvis Balinskis. Free Puck Retrieved by Dante Fabbro for Avalanche. Pass to Trevor Moore. Pass to Patrick Kane. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Patrick Kane. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Steel, Jakub Vrana, Eeli Tolvanen are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Lyon. Pass to Uvis Balinskis. Pass to Matthew Peca in neutral zone. Pass to Ethan Bear. Ethan Bear is hit by Sam Steel and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Sam Steel for Avalanche. Pass to Jakub Vrana in Kraken zone. Pass to Sam Steel. Sam Steel loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Ekblad for Avalanche. Pass to Sam Steel. Shot by Sam Steel. Deflect By Jakub Vrana. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Sam Steel for Avalanche. Shot by Sam Steel. Stopped by Alex Lyon with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Eeli Tolvanen for Avalanche. Shot by Eeli Tolvanen. Deflect By Jakub Vrana. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Marco Scandella, Robert Bortuzzo are on ice for Avalanche. Ryan O'Reilly is ejected from face-off, David Perron takes his place. David Perron wins face-off versus Pius Suter in Kraken zone. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly. Shot by Ryan O'Reilly. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor van Riemsdyk for Kraken. Pass to Pius Suter in neutral zone. Pius Suter moves puck in Avalanche zone. Pass to Travis Hamonic. Pass to Blake Wheeler.

Time : 8. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Shot by Tanner Pearson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Tanner Pearson for Kraken. Pass by Tanner Pearson intercepted by Marco Scandella. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly. Pass by Ryan O'Reilly intercepted by Tanner Pearson in neutral zone. Pass to Pius Suter in Avalanche zone. Shot by Pius Suter. Shot Blocked by Marco Scandella. Free Puck Retrieved by Travis Hamonic for Kraken. Shot by Travis Hamonic. Shot Blocked by Robert Bortuzzo. Free Puck Retrieved by Pius Suter for Kraken. Shot by Pius Suter. Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor van Riemsdyk for Kraken. Pass to Travis Hamonic. Pass to Pius Suter. Pass to Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass to Pius Suter. Shot by Pius Suter. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Wheeler for Kraken. Shot by Blake Wheeler. Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Steel, Jakub Vrana, Eeli Tolvanen are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Sam Steel wins face-off versus Logan Cooley in Avalanche zone. Pass to Aaron Ekblad. Pass to Eeli Tolvanen. Eeli Tolvanen moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Eeli Tolvanen intercepted by Justin Holl in Kraken zone. Pass to Brendan Gallagher in neutral zone. Pass by Brendan Gallagher intercepted by Sam Steel. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Sam Steel. Puck retreived by Justin Holl. Pass to Logan Cooley in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Logan Cooley. Puck retreived by Aaron Ekblad. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Brendan Gallagher. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Pass to Brendan Gallagher. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Shot by Alex Iafallo. Shot Misses the Net.

Time : 9. Free Puck Retrieved by Wyatt Kaiser for Kraken. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Pass by Alex Iafallo intercepted by Aaron Ekblad. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Alex Iafallo. Pass to Logan Cooley. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Alex Iafallo. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyson Jost, Will Cuylle, Travis Boyd are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass to Travis Hamonic. Pass to Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass by Trevor van Riemsdyk intercepted by Jakub Vrana. Icing by Jakub Vrana. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Uvis Balinskis, Ethan Bear are on ice for Kraken. Sam Steel is ejected from face-off, Eeli Tolvanen takes his place. Eeli Tolvanen wins face-off versus Pius Suter in Avalanche zone. Pass to Sam Steel. Pass by Sam Steel intercepted by Pius Suter. Pass by Pius Suter intercepted by Aaron Ekblad. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Ethan Bear in neutral zone. Pass to Pius Suter in Avalanche zone. Pius Suter loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ethan Bear for Kraken. Pass to Pius Suter. Pass to Blake Wheeler. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Pass to Uvis Balinskis. Shot by Uvis Balinskis. Shot Blocked by Aaron Ekblad. Free Puck Retrieved by Ethan Bear for Kraken. Shot by Ethan Bear. Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyson Jost, Will Cuylle, Travis Boyd are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dante Fabbro, Cam Fowler are on ice for Avalanche. Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Avalanche zone. Pass to Patrick Kane. Patrick Kane moves puck in neutral zone. Patrick Kane loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dante Fabbro for Avalanche.

Time : 10. Dante Fabbro moves puck in Kraken zone. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Cam Fowler. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Pass to Trevor Moore. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Pass to Dante Fabbro. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Mark Scheifele is hit by Travis Hamonic and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dante Fabbro for Avalanche. Pass to Trevor Moore. Shot by Trevor Moore. Shot Hit the Post. Free Puck Retrieved by Mark Scheifele for Avalanche. Pass to Trevor Moore. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Pass by Mark Scheifele intercepted by Travis Hamonic. Pass to Will Cuylle in neutral zone. Pass to Travis Boyd in Avalanche zone. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Travis Boyd. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Connor Hellebuyck. Pass to Dante Fabbro. Pass by Dante Fabbro intercepted by Pius Suter in neutral zone. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Tanner Pearson moves puck in Avalanche zone. Pass to Pius Suter.

Time : 11. Pass by Pius Suter intercepted by Cam Fowler. Pass to Mark Scheifele in neutral zone. Mark Scheifele moves puck in Kraken zone. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Mark Scheifele. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Marco Scandella, Robert Bortuzzo are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Lyon. Pass to Justin Holl. Icing by Justin Holl. Ryan O'Reilly wins face-off versus Pius Suter in Kraken zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Shot by Sebastian Aho. Goal by Sebastian Aho - Kraken : 3 - Avalanche : 2. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Uvis Balinskis, Ethan Bear are on ice for Kraken. Logan Cooley wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in neutral zone. Pass to Brendan Gallagher. Pass to Logan Cooley. Pass by Logan Cooley intercepted by Robert Bortuzzo in Avalanche zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to David Perron in neutral zone. Pass by David Perron intercepted by Ethan Bear in Kraken zone. Pass by Ethan Bear intercepted by Robert Bortuzzo in neutral zone. Pass by Robert Bortuzzo intercepted by Uvis Balinskis in Kraken zone. Pass by Uvis Balinskis intercepted by Robert Bortuzzo in neutral zone. Pass by Robert Bortuzzo intercepted by Brendan Gallagher in Kraken zone. Pass to Alex Iafallo in neutral zone. Pass by Alex Iafallo intercepted by Robert Bortuzzo in Avalanche zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Uvis Balinskis. Pass by Uvis Balinskis intercepted by Robert Bortuzzo. Pass by Robert Bortuzzo intercepted by Uvis Balinskis. Pass by Uvis Balinskis intercepted by David Perron. Pass by David Perron intercepted by Uvis Balinskis in neutral zone. Pass by Uvis Balinskis intercepted by Robert Bortuzzo in Avalanche zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Sebastian Aho moves puck in Kraken zone.

Time : 12. Pass to David Perron. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Ryan O'Reilly. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Steel, Jakub Vrana, Eeli Tolvanen are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Lyon. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Pass to Brendan Gallagher in neutral zone. Pass to Ethan Bear in Avalanche zone. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Ethan Bear. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Connor Hellebuyck. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Sam Steel in neutral zone. Off-side. Sam Steel is ejected from face-off, Eeli Tolvanen takes his place. Eeli Tolvanen wins face-off versus Pius Suter in neutral zone. Pass to Aaron Ekblad. Aaron Ekblad moves puck in Kraken zone. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Travis Hamonic. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Eeli Tolvanen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Eeli Tolvanen. Puck retreived by Travis Hamonic. Travis Hamonic is hit by Eeli Tolvanen and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Ekblad for Avalanche. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Travis Hamonic. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Sam Steel in neutral zone. Pass to Eeli Tolvanen. Pass to Sam Steel in Kraken zone. Pass to Aaron Ekblad. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Travis Hamonic. Pass to Trevor van Riemsdyk in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Puck retreived by Timothy Liljegren. Icing by Timothy Liljegren. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyson Jost, Will Cuylle, Travis Boyd are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Sam Steel wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Avalanche zone. Pass to Jakub Vrana. Pass to Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone.

Time : 13. Timothy Liljegren moves puck in Kraken zone. Pass to Aaron Ekblad. Pass to Eeli Tolvanen. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Eeli Tolvanen. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dante Fabbro, Cam Fowler are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Wyatt Kaiser. Icing by Wyatt Kaiser. Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Mark Scheifele in Kraken zone. Pass to Travis Boyd. Pass by Travis Boyd intercepted by Patrick Kane in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Patrick Kane. Puck retreived by Wyatt Kaiser. Icing by Wyatt Kaiser. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Tyson Jost is ejected from face-off, Will Cuylle takes his place. Ryan O'Reilly wins face-off versus Will Cuylle in Kraken zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Shot by Sebastian Aho. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Dante Fabbro for Avalanche. Pass by Dante Fabbro intercepted by Travis Boyd. Pass to Tyson Jost. Pass to Travis Boyd in neutral zone. Pass to Will Cuylle in Avalanche zone. Pass to Wyatt Kaiser. Pass to Travis Boyd. Pass to Will Cuylle. Pass by Will Cuylle intercepted by Cam Fowler. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Sebastian Aho. Puck retreived by Justin Holl. Pass to Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Tyson Jost loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Fowler for Avalanche. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Cam Fowler.

Time : 14. Puck retreived by Travis Boyd. Pass by Travis Boyd intercepted by Cam Fowler in neutral zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho in Kraken zone. Pass to David Perron. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Sebastian Aho. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Lyon. Pass to Wyatt Kaiser. Pass by Wyatt Kaiser intercepted by Aaron Ekblad in neutral zone. Pass to Timothy Liljegren in Kraken zone. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Pass to Aaron Ekblad. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Pass to Patrick Kane. Patrick Kane loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Timothy Liljegren for Avalanche. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Trevor Moore. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Pass to Trevor Moore. Shot by Trevor Moore. Goal by Trevor Moore - Kraken : 3 - Avalanche : 3. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Steel, Jakub Vrana, Eeli Tolvanen are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Marco Scandella, Robert Bortuzzo are on ice for Avalanche. Pius Suter wins face-off versus Sam Steel in neutral zone. Pass to Trevor van Riemsdyk. Trevor van Riemsdyk moves puck in Avalanche zone.

Time : 15. Pass to Pius Suter. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Shot by Tanner Pearson. Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor van Riemsdyk for Kraken. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Pass to Pius Suter. Pass to Blake Wheeler. Pass to Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass to Blake Wheeler. Blake Wheeler loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Wheeler for Kraken. Pass to Pius Suter. Pass to Travis Hamonic. Pass to Blake Wheeler. Pass by Blake Wheeler intercepted by Robert Bortuzzo. Pass by Robert Bortuzzo intercepted by Travis Hamonic in neutral zone. Pass to Tanner Pearson in Avalanche zone. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Tanner Pearson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Uvis Balinskis, Ethan Bear are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Connor Hellebuyck. Pass to Robert Bortuzzo. Pass to Marco Scandella in neutral zone. Marco Scandella moves puck in Kraken zone. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Marco Scandella. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dante Fabbro, Cam Fowler are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Lyon. Pass to Ethan Bear. Pass to Alex Iafallo in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Matthew Peca, Anthony Beauvillier, Sam Gagner are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Matthew Peca wins face-off versus Mark Scheifele in neutral zone. Pass to Sam Gagner.

Time : 16. Sam Gagner moves puck in Avalanche zone. Pass to Ethan Bear. Pass by Ethan Bear intercepted by Dante Fabbro. Pass to Trevor Moore in neutral zone. Trevor Moore moves puck in Kraken zone. Shot by Trevor Moore. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Ryan O'Reilly wins face-off versus Logan Cooley in Kraken zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly. Pass to Aaron Ekblad. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly. Pass by Ryan O'Reilly intercepted by Uvis Balinskis. Pass by Uvis Balinskis intercepted by Aaron Ekblad in neutral zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho in Kraken zone. Pass to David Perron. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Shot by Sebastian Aho. Stopped by Alex Lyon with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Timothy Liljegren for Avalanche. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Shot by Sebastian Aho. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dante Fabbro, Cam Fowler are on ice for Avalanche. Pius Suter wins face-off versus Mark Scheifele in Kraken zone. Pass to Blake Wheeler. Pass by Blake Wheeler intercepted by Cam Fowler in neutral zone. Pass to Patrick Kane in Kraken zone. Shot by Patrick Kane. Shot Blocked by Travis Hamonic. Free Puck Retrieved by Patrick Kane for Avalanche. Shot by Patrick Kane. Goal by Patrick Kane - Kraken : 3 - Avalanche : 4. Pius Suter wins face-off versus Mark Scheifele in neutral zone. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Pass by Tanner Pearson intercepted by Patrick Kane.

Time : 17. Pass to Dante Fabbro in Kraken zone. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Cam Fowler. Pass to Patrick Kane. Patrick Kane is hit by Travis Hamonic. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Pass to Patrick Kane. Shot by Patrick Kane. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Ryan O'Reilly is ejected from face-off, Sebastian Aho takes his place. Sebastian Aho wins face-off versus Logan Cooley in Kraken zone. Pass to David Perron. Shot by David Perron. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dante Fabbro, Cam Fowler are on ice for Avalanche. Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Pius Suter in Kraken zone. Pass to Cam Fowler. Pass by Cam Fowler intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Tanner Pearson moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Wheeler in Avalanche zone. Pass by Blake Wheeler intercepted by Cam Fowler. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass by Patrick Kane intercepted by Blake Wheeler in neutral zone. Pass to Pius Suter in Avalanche zone. Pass to Travis Hamonic. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Pass to Pius Suter. Pass to Travis Hamonic. Pass to Pius Suter. Shot by Pius Suter. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Travis Hamonic for Kraken. Pass to Pius Suter.

Time : 18. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Pius Suter. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Cam Fowler. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Pass to Cam Fowler. Pass by Cam Fowler intercepted by Justin Holl in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Iafallo in Avalanche zone. Shot by Alex Iafallo. Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Matthew Peca, Anthony Beauvillier, Sam Gagner are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Uvis Balinskis, Ethan Bear are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Ryan O'Reilly wins face-off versus Matthew Peca in Avalanche zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Ryan O'Reilly is hit by Sam Gagner. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly. Ryan O'Reilly moves puck in neutral zone. Ryan O'Reilly moves puck in Kraken zone. Ryan O'Reilly is hit by Uvis Balinskis and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Timothy Liljegren for Avalanche. Pass to Aaron Ekblad. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Ethan Bear. Pass by Ethan Bear intercepted by David Perron in neutral zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho in Kraken zone. Pass to Aaron Ekblad. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Shot by Sebastian Aho. Deflect By Ryan O'Reilly. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Steel, Jakub Vrana, Eeli Tolvanen are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Marco Scandella, Robert Bortuzzo are on ice for Avalanche. Sam Steel wins face-off versus Logan Cooley in Kraken zone. Pass to Eeli Tolvanen. Shot by Eeli Tolvanen. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Logan Cooley is ejected from face-off, Brendan Gallagher takes his place. Sam Steel wins face-off versus Brendan Gallagher in Kraken zone. Pass to Eeli Tolvanen. Pass to Sam Steel. Pass to Jakub Vrana. Pass to Sam Steel.

Time : 19. Pass by Sam Steel intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass by Trevor van Riemsdyk intercepted by Robert Bortuzzo in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Robert Bortuzzo. Puck retreived by Travis Hamonic. Pass to Alex Iafallo in neutral zone. Pass by Alex Iafallo intercepted by Marco Scandella in Avalanche zone. Pass by Marco Scandella intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk in neutral zone. Pass to Brendan Gallagher in Avalanche zone. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Pass to Logan Cooley. Logan Cooley loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor van Riemsdyk for Kraken. Pass by Trevor van Riemsdyk intercepted by Marco Scandella. Pass by Marco Scandella intercepted by Travis Hamonic in neutral zone. Pass to Logan Cooley. Pass to Alex Iafallo in Avalanche zone. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Alex Iafallo. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Sam Steel. Pass by Sam Steel intercepted by Wyatt Kaiser in neutral zone. Wyatt Kaiser moves puck in Avalanche zone. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Pass to Blake Wheeler. Shot by Blake Wheeler. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Pius Suter for Kraken.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 0 for Kraken vs 3 for Avalanche. Shots for this period are 10 for Kraken vs 17 for Avalanche.

3rd period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dante Fabbro, Cam Fowler are on ice for Avalanche. Pius Suter wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in neutral zone. Pass to Travis Hamonic. Travis Hamonic moves puck in Avalanche zone. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Dante Fabbro. Pass by Dante Fabbro intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass to Pius Suter. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Pass by Tanner Pearson intercepted by Dante Fabbro. Icing by Dante Fabbro. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Logan Cooley wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in Avalanche zone. Pass to Brendan Gallagher. Pass by Brendan Gallagher intercepted by Cam Fowler. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Icing by Sebastian Aho. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Ryan O'Reilly is ejected from face-off, David Perron takes his place. Pius Suter wins face-off versus David Perron in Avalanche zone. Pass to Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Pass to Pius Suter. Pass to Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass by Trevor van Riemsdyk intercepted by David Perron. Pass by David Perron intercepted by Travis Hamonic in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Wheeler. Blake Wheeler moves puck in Avalanche zone. Blake Wheeler loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor van Riemsdyk for Kraken. Pass to Pius Suter. Shot by Pius Suter. Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Logan Cooley in Avalanche zone. Pass to Aaron Ekblad. Pass to Trevor Moore. Trevor Moore moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Mark Scheifele in Kraken zone. Pass to Timothy Liljegren.

Time : 1. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Shot by Mark Scheifele. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dante Fabbro, Cam Fowler are on ice for Avalanche. Ryan O'Reilly wins face-off versus Pius Suter in Kraken zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Shot by Sebastian Aho. Shot Blocked by Travis Hamonic. Free Puck Retrieved by Travis Hamonic for Kraken. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Ryan O'Reilly. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Cam Fowler. Pass by Cam Fowler intercepted by Travis Hamonic. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Dante Fabbro in neutral zone. Pass by Dante Fabbro intercepted by Travis Hamonic. Travis Hamonic moves puck in Avalanche zone. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Dante Fabbro. Pass by Dante Fabbro intercepted by Travis Hamonic in neutral zone. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Sebastian Aho in Avalanche zone. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Travis Hamonic in neutral zone. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Cam Fowler in Avalanche zone. Pass by Cam Fowler intercepted by Tanner Pearson in neutral zone. Pass to Pius Suter in Avalanche zone. Pass to Travis Hamonic. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by David Perron. Pass by David Perron intercepted by Travis Hamonic in neutral zone. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Dante Fabbro in Avalanche zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Icing by Sebastian Aho. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Logan Cooley wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in Avalanche zone. Pass to Alex Iafallo.

Time : 2. Pass to Wyatt Kaiser. Pass to Logan Cooley. Pass by Logan Cooley intercepted by Sebastian Aho. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Alex Iafallo in neutral zone. Pass to Brendan Gallagher. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Pass by Alex Iafallo intercepted by Cam Fowler in Avalanche zone. Pass to David Perron in neutral zone. Pass by David Perron intercepted by Brendan Gallagher in Kraken zone. Pass to Logan Cooley. Logan Cooley moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Logan Cooley intercepted by Cam Fowler in Avalanche zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Sebastian Aho moves puck in Kraken zone. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Sebastian Aho. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Holl. Pass by Justin Holl intercepted by Aaron Ekblad. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Justin Holl. Pass to Alex Iafallo in neutral zone. Pass by Alex Iafallo intercepted by Timothy Liljegren in Avalanche zone. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Justin Holl in neutral zone. Pass by Justin Holl intercepted by Mark Scheifele. Pass to Patrick Kane. Patrick Kane moves puck in Kraken zone. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Shot by Mark Scheifele. Goal by Mark Scheifele - Kraken : 3 - Avalanche : 5. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Matthew Peca, Anthony Beauvillier, Sam Gagner are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Uvis Balinskis, Ethan Bear are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Steel, Jakub Vrana, Eeli Tolvanen are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Marco Scandella, Robert Bortuzzo are on ice for Avalanche. Matthew Peca wins face-off versus Sam Steel in neutral zone. Pass to Anthony Beauvillier. Pass by Anthony Beauvillier intercepted by Sam Steel. Pass by Sam Steel intercepted by Uvis Balinskis. Pass to Sam Gagner in Avalanche zone.

Time : 3. Shot by Sam Gagner. Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Pius Suter in Avalanche zone. Pass to Patrick Kane. Patrick Kane moves puck in neutral zone. Patrick Kane moves puck in Kraken zone. Shot by Patrick Kane. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Pius Suter in Kraken zone. Pass to Trevor Moore. Mark Scheifele is hit by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Pass by Mark Scheifele intercepted by Pius Suter. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Pass by Tanner Pearson intercepted by Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Travis Hamonic. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Aaron Ekblad in neutral zone. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk in Kraken zone. Pass to Pius Suter. Pass by Pius Suter intercepted by Aaron Ekblad in neutral zone. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass by Trevor van Riemsdyk intercepted by Aaron Ekblad in Avalanche zone. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Travis Hamonic in neutral zone. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Mark Scheifele. Pass to Aaron Ekblad. Aaron Ekblad moves puck in Kraken zone. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass to Tanner Pearson in neutral zone. Tanner Pearson moves puck in Avalanche zone. Pass by Tanner Pearson intercepted by Patrick Kane. Pass by Patrick Kane intercepted by Travis Hamonic in neutral zone. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Aaron Ekblad in Avalanche zone. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Pius Suter in neutral zone. Pass to Tanner Pearson in Avalanche zone. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Tanner Pearson.

Time : 4. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Matthew Peca, Anthony Beauvillier, Sam Gagner are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Aaron Ekblad. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Wyatt Kaiser. Pass to Justin Holl. Shot by Justin Holl. Shot Blocked by Trevor Moore. Free Puck Retrieved by Mark Scheifele for Avalanche. Pass by Mark Scheifele intercepted by Justin Holl in neutral zone. Pass by Justin Holl intercepted by Aaron Ekblad. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Justin Holl in Kraken zone. Pass by Justin Holl intercepted by Aaron Ekblad in neutral zone. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Wyatt Kaiser in Kraken zone. Pass by Wyatt Kaiser intercepted by Patrick Kane in neutral zone. Pass to Mark Scheifele in Kraken zone. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Mark Scheifele. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dante Fabbro, Cam Fowler are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Holl. Pass to Matthew Peca in neutral zone. Matthew Peca moves puck in Avalanche zone. Pass to Anthony Beauvillier. Shot by Anthony Beauvillier. Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Sam Gagner for Kraken. Shot by Sam Gagner. Shot Blocked by Dante Fabbro. Free Puck Retrieved by Wyatt Kaiser for Kraken. Shot by Wyatt Kaiser. Shot Blocked by Cam Fowler. Free Puck Retrieved by Matthew Peca for Kraken. Pass by Matthew Peca intercepted by Dante Fabbro. Pass by Dante Fabbro intercepted by Matthew Peca in neutral zone. Pass to Anthony Beauvillier. Pass to Matthew Peca in Avalanche zone. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Matthew Peca. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Uvis Balinskis, Ethan Bear are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Cam Fowler. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly. Ryan O'Reilly moves puck in neutral zone.

Time : 5. Pass by Ryan O'Reilly intercepted by Ethan Bear in Kraken zone. Pass to Alex Iafallo in neutral zone. Pass to Logan Cooley. Pass by Logan Cooley intercepted by Sebastian Aho. Pass to Cam Fowler in Kraken zone. Pass by Cam Fowler intercepted by Brendan Gallagher. Pass to Alex Iafallo in neutral zone. Pass to Logan Cooley in Avalanche zone. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Pass to Brendan Gallagher. Pass to Ethan Bear. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Pass to Brendan Gallagher. Pass to Ethan Bear. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Ethan Bear. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyson Jost, Will Cuylle, Travis Boyd are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Connor Hellebuyck. Pass to Cam Fowler. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Sebastian Aho moves puck in neutral zone. Sebastian Aho moves puck in Kraken zone. Sebastian Aho is hit by Travis Hamonic and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Travis Hamonic for Kraken. Pass to Trevor van Riemsdyk in neutral zone. Trevor van Riemsdyk moves puck in Avalanche zone. Pass by Trevor van Riemsdyk intercepted by Cam Fowler.

Time : 6. Pass to David Perron in neutral zone. Pass to Cam Fowler in Kraken zone. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Cam Fowler. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Steel, Jakub Vrana, Eeli Tolvanen are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Marco Scandella, Robert Bortuzzo are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Tyson Jost. Pass to Will Cuylle. Pass to Trevor van Riemsdyk in neutral zone. Trevor van Riemsdyk moves puck in Avalanche zone. Pass to Tyson Jost. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Tyson Jost. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Robert Bortuzzo. Pass by Robert Bortuzzo intercepted by Pius Suter in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Wheeler. Blake Wheeler moves puck in Avalanche zone. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Pass to Pius Suter. Pass to Blake Wheeler. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Pass by Tanner Pearson intercepted by Marco Scandella. Pass by Marco Scandella intercepted by Justin Holl in neutral zone. Pass by Justin Holl intercepted by Robert Bortuzzo in Avalanche zone. Pass by Robert Bortuzzo intercepted by Pius Suter. Pass by Pius Suter intercepted by Marco Scandella. Pass by Marco Scandella intercepted by Pius Suter. Pass by Pius Suter intercepted by Robert Bortuzzo. Pass by Robert Bortuzzo intercepted by Pius Suter in neutral zone. Pass to Tanner Pearson in Avalanche zone.

Time : 7. Pass by Tanner Pearson intercepted by Robert Bortuzzo. Pass to Jakub Vrana in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Jakub Vrana. Puck retreived by Tanner Pearson. Pass by Tanner Pearson intercepted by Sam Steel. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Sam Steel. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Wheeler. Pass to Pius Suter in neutral zone. Pius Suter moves puck in Avalanche zone. Pius Suter loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Pius Suter for Kraken. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Pius Suter. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Matthew Peca, Anthony Beauvillier, Sam Gagner are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Uvis Balinskis, Ethan Bear are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Aaron Ekblad. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Anthony Beauvillier in neutral zone. Pass to Matthew Peca in Avalanche zone. Pass by Matthew Peca intercepted by Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Patrick Kane in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Patrick Kane. Puck retreived by Ethan Bear. Pass to Matthew Peca. Pass to Sam Gagner in neutral zone. Sam Gagner moves puck in Avalanche zone. Pass to Matthew Peca. Matthew Peca loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Sam Gagner for Kraken. Pass to Uvis Balinskis. Pass to Matthew Peca. Pass by Matthew Peca intercepted by Aaron Ekblad. Pass to Mark Scheifele in neutral zone. Pass to Patrick Kane.

Time : 8. Pass to Trevor Moore in Kraken zone. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Trevor Moore. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Steel, Jakub Vrana, Eeli Tolvanen are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Marco Scandella, Cam Fowler are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Lyon. Pass to Ethan Bear. Pass to Anthony Beauvillier in neutral zone. Anthony Beauvillier moves puck in Avalanche zone. Anthony Beauvillier loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Uvis Balinskis for Kraken. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Uvis Balinskis. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Marco Scandella. Pass by Marco Scandella intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Iafallo in Avalanche zone. Shot by Alex Iafallo. Shot Blocked by Marco Scandella. Free Puck Retrieved by Travis Hamonic for Kraken. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Pass to Travis Hamonic. Pass to Logan Cooley. Shot by Logan Cooley. Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyson Jost, Will Cuylle, Travis Boyd are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in Avalanche zone. Pass to Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass to Travis Boyd. Pass to Tyson Jost. Pass to Travis Hamonic. Shot by Travis Hamonic. Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dante Fabbro, Cam Fowler are on ice for Avalanche. Mark Scheifele is ejected from face-off, Trevor Moore takes his place. Logan Cooley is ejected from face-off, Alex Iafallo takes his place. Alex Iafallo wins face-off versus Trevor Moore in Avalanche zone. Pass to Travis Hamonic. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Dante Fabbro. Pass to Trevor Moore in neutral zone. Pass by Trevor Moore intercepted by Brendan Gallagher in Kraken zone. Pass to Logan Cooley in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Alex Iafallo moves puck in Avalanche zone. Shot by Alex Iafallo. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Fowler for Avalanche. Pass by Cam Fowler intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass to Alex Iafallo.

Time : 9. Pass to Brendan Gallagher. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Pass by Alex Iafallo intercepted by Cam Fowler. Pass to Mark Scheifele in neutral zone. Pass to Trevor Moore in Kraken zone. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Trevor Moore. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Lyon. Pass to Travis Hamonic. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Sebastian Aho. Puck retreived by Alex Iafallo. Alex Iafallo is hit by David Perron and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by David Perron for Avalanche. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Sebastian Aho loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by David Perron for Avalanche. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Aaron Ekblad. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Aaron Ekblad. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Travis Hamonic. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Ryan O'Reilly in neutral zone. Pass by Ryan O'Reilly intercepted by Logan Cooley. Pass by Logan Cooley intercepted by Sebastian Aho. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Sebastian Aho.

Time : 10. Puck retreived by Logan Cooley. Logan Cooley is hit by David Perron and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Timothy Liljegren for Avalanche. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Timothy Liljegren. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Steel, Jakub Vrana, Eeli Tolvanen are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Marco Scandella, Robert Bortuzzo are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Lyon. Pass to Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass to Alex Iafallo in neutral zone. Alex Iafallo moves puck in Avalanche zone. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Alex Iafallo. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Connor Hellebuyck. Pass to Robert Bortuzzo. Pass to Sam Steel. Pass to Eeli Tolvanen in neutral zone. Pass to Jakub Vrana in Kraken zone. Jakub Vrana loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Marco Scandella for Avalanche. Pass to Sam Steel. Shot by Sam Steel. Stopped by Alex Lyon with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Robert Bortuzzo for Avalanche. Shot by Robert Bortuzzo. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyson Jost, Will Cuylle, Travis Boyd are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Uvis Balinskis, Ethan Bear are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dante Fabbro, Cam Fowler are on ice for Avalanche. Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Tyson Jost in Kraken zone. Pass to Trevor Moore. Trevor Moore is hit by Ethan Bear and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Fowler for Avalanche. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Pass by Mark Scheifele intercepted by Ethan Bear. Pass to Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Pass to Travis Boyd in Avalanche zone. Pass to Will Cuylle. Shot by Will Cuylle. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Dante Fabbro for Avalanche. Pass to Trevor Moore. Icing by Trevor Moore. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Mark Scheifele is ejected from face-off, Trevor Moore takes his place. Pius Suter wins face-off versus Trevor Moore in Avalanche zone. Pass to Wyatt Kaiser. Pass by Wyatt Kaiser intercepted by Trevor Moore. Pass by Trevor Moore intercepted by Blake Wheeler.

Time : 11. Pass to Pius Suter. Shot by Pius Suter. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Tanner Pearson for Kraken. Shot by Tanner Pearson. Goal by Tanner Pearson - Kraken : 4 - Avalanche : 5. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Matthew Peca, Anthony Beauvillier, Sam Gagner are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Uvis Balinskis, Ethan Bear are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Ryan O'Reilly wins face-off versus Matthew Peca in neutral zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Ethan Bear in Kraken zone. Icing by Ethan Bear. Matthew Peca wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in Kraken zone. Pass to Sam Gagner. Pass by Sam Gagner intercepted by Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Ethan Bear in Kraken zone. Pass to Matthew Peca in neutral zone. Pass by Matthew Peca intercepted by Sebastian Aho. Pass to David Perron in Kraken zone. Shot by David Perron. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Ethan Bear for Kraken. Pass to Anthony Beauvillier in neutral zone. Pass by Anthony Beauvillier intercepted by Ryan O'Reilly in Avalanche zone. Pass by Ryan O'Reilly intercepted by Ethan Bear in neutral zone. Pass by Ethan Bear intercepted by Aaron Ekblad in Avalanche zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Pass by Sebastian Aho intercepted by Uvis Balinskis in Kraken zone. Pass to Matthew Peca. Matthew Peca moves puck in neutral zone. Matthew Peca moves puck in Avalanche zone. Shot by Matthew Peca. Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Marco Scandella, Robert Bortuzzo are on ice for Avalanche. Pius Suter wins face-off versus Mark Scheifele in Avalanche zone. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Pass to Justin Holl. Pass to Blake Wheeler. Pass to Wyatt Kaiser. Pass by Wyatt Kaiser intercepted by Robert Bortuzzo. Pass to Mark Scheifele in neutral zone.

Time : 12. Mark Scheifele moves puck in Kraken zone. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Trevor Moore. Pass by Trevor Moore intercepted by Pius Suter. Pass by Pius Suter intercepted by Robert Bortuzzo in neutral zone. Pass by Robert Bortuzzo intercepted by Pius Suter. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Pass by Tanner Pearson intercepted by Robert Bortuzzo. Pass by Robert Bortuzzo intercepted by Justin Holl. Pass by Justin Holl intercepted by Trevor Moore. Pass by Trevor Moore intercepted by Wyatt Kaiser in Kraken zone. Pass to Pius Suter. Pass by Pius Suter intercepted by Robert Bortuzzo in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Robert Bortuzzo. Puck retreived by Tanner Pearson. Pass to Wyatt Kaiser in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Wyatt Kaiser. Puck retreived by Mark Scheifele. Mark Scheifele is hit by Tanner Pearson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Pius Suter for Kraken. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Pius Suter. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Connor Hellebuyck. Pass to Marco Scandella. Pass to Patrick Kane in neutral zone. Patrick Kane moves puck in Kraken zone. Patrick Kane loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Marco Scandella for Avalanche. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Marco Scandella. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Lyon. Pass to Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass to Alex Iafallo in neutral zone. Alex Iafallo moves puck in Avalanche zone.

Time : 13. Alex Iafallo loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Timothy Liljegren for Avalanche. Icing by Timothy Liljegren. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyson Jost, Will Cuylle, Travis Boyd are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Uvis Balinskis, Ethan Bear are on ice for Kraken. Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in Avalanche zone. Pass to Travis Boyd. Pass by Travis Boyd intercepted by Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Will Cuylle in neutral zone. Pass by Will Cuylle intercepted by Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Aaron Ekblad in Kraken zone. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly. Pass by Ryan O'Reilly intercepted by Tyson Jost. Pass by Tyson Jost intercepted by Aaron Ekblad in neutral zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho in Kraken zone. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly. Shot by Ryan O'Reilly. Deflect By Sebastian Aho. Shot Blocked by Ethan Bear. Free Puck Retrieved by Timothy Liljegren for Avalanche. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Ethan Bear. Pass by Ethan Bear intercepted by Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Will Cuylle in Kraken zone. Pass to Travis Boyd. Pass by Travis Boyd intercepted by Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly in Kraken zone. Shot by Ryan O'Reilly. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by David Perron for Avalanche. Shot by David Perron. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Timothy Liljegren for Avalanche. Shot by Timothy Liljegren. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Steel, Jakub Vrana, Eeli Tolvanen are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dante Fabbro, Cam Fowler are on ice for Avalanche. Sam Steel wins face-off versus Logan Cooley in Kraken zone. Pass to Eeli Tolvanen. Pass to Sam Steel. Pass to Cam Fowler. Shot by Cam Fowler. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Eeli Tolvanen for Avalanche. Shot by Eeli Tolvanen. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Sam Steel wins face-off versus Logan Cooley in Kraken zone. Pass to Cam Fowler. Pass by Cam Fowler intercepted by Logan Cooley.

Time : 14. Pass by Logan Cooley intercepted by Cam Fowler in neutral zone. Pass by Cam Fowler intercepted by Travis Hamonic. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Cam Fowler in Avalanche zone. Pass by Cam Fowler intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass by Trevor van Riemsdyk intercepted by Cam Fowler. Pass by Cam Fowler intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk in neutral zone. Pass by Trevor van Riemsdyk intercepted by Cam Fowler in Avalanche zone. Pass by Cam Fowler intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk in neutral zone. Pass by Trevor van Riemsdyk intercepted by Dante Fabbro in Avalanche zone. Pass by Dante Fabbro intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Pass to Brendan Gallagher. Shot by Brendan Gallagher. Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Pius Suter wins face-off versus Mark Scheifele in Avalanche zone. Pass to Blake Wheeler. Shot by Blake Wheeler. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Pius Suter for Kraken. Shot by Pius Suter. Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound. Pius Suter is ejected from face-off, Tanner Pearson takes his place. Mark Scheifele wins face-off versus Tanner Pearson in Avalanche zone. Pass to Patrick Kane. Mark Scheifele is hit by Pius Suter. Patrick Kane moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Aaron Ekblad in Kraken zone. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Justin Holl. Pass to Pius Suter. Pius Suter moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Pius Suter intercepted by Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Patrick Kane in Kraken zone. Pass to Trevor Moore. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass by Patrick Kane intercepted by Justin Holl. Pass by Justin Holl intercepted by Trevor Moore in neutral zone.

Time : 15. Pass to Aaron Ekblad in Kraken zone. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Aaron Ekblad. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Aaron Ekblad. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Ryan O'Reilly, David Perron, Sebastian Aho are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dante Fabbro, Cam Fowler are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Lyon. Pass to Wyatt Kaiser. Pass to Blake Wheeler. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Tanner Pearson moves puck in neutral zone. Tanner Pearson moves puck in Avalanche zone. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Tanner Pearson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Cam Fowler. Pass by Cam Fowler intercepted by Logan Cooley in neutral zone. Pass by Logan Cooley intercepted by Cam Fowler in Avalanche zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly in Kraken zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Sebastian Aho is hit by Travis Hamonic and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Travis Hamonic for Kraken. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Alex Iafallo moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Brendan Gallagher in Avalanche zone. Pass to Logan Cooley. Pass to Brendan Gallagher.

Time : 16. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Pass by Alex Iafallo intercepted by Dante Fabbro. Pass by Dante Fabbro intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk in neutral zone. Pass to Brendan Gallagher in Avalanche zone. Shot by Brendan Gallagher. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Travis Hamonic for Kraken. Pass to Brendan Gallagher. Pass to Logan Cooley. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Logan Cooley. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyson Jost, Will Cuylle, Travis Boyd are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Uvis Balinskis, Ethan Bear are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Connor Hellebuyck. Pass to Cam Fowler. Pass by Cam Fowler intercepted by Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Pass to Will Cuylle in Avalanche zone. Pass by Will Cuylle intercepted by Cam Fowler. Pass to Sebastian Aho in neutral zone. Pass to David Perron. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly. Ryan O'Reilly moves puck in Kraken zone. Ryan O'Reilly loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by David Perron for Avalanche. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by David Perron. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Steel, Jakub Vrana, Eeli Tolvanen are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Marco Scandella, Robert Bortuzzo are on ice for Avalanche. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Lyon. Pass to Uvis Balinskis. Pass to Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Pass by Tyson Jost intercepted by Robert Bortuzzo in Avalanche zone. Pass to Sam Steel. Pass to Jakub Vrana. Pass by Jakub Vrana intercepted by Tyson Jost in neutral zone. Pass by Tyson Jost intercepted by Robert Bortuzzo in Avalanche zone. Pass to Eeli Tolvanen in neutral zone. Pass to Jakub Vrana in Kraken zone. Pass to Robert Bortuzzo.

Time : 17. Pass to Sam Steel. Sam Steel loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Marco Scandella for Avalanche. Pass to Eeli Tolvanen. Pass to Jakub Vrana. Pass to Marco Scandella. Pass to Eeli Tolvanen. Pass to Sam Steel. Pass to Eeli Tolvanen. Pass to Jakub Vrana. Shot by Jakub Vrana. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Matthew Peca, Anthony Beauvillier, Sam Gagner are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Justin Holl, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mark Scheifele, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Mark Scheifele is ejected from face-off, Patrick Kane takes his place. Matthew Peca wins face-off versus Patrick Kane in Kraken zone. Pass to Wyatt Kaiser. Matthew Peca is hit by Trevor Moore. Pass by Wyatt Kaiser intercepted by Aaron Ekblad. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass by Patrick Kane intercepted by Wyatt Kaiser. Pass by Wyatt Kaiser intercepted by Aaron Ekblad in neutral zone. Pass by Aaron Ekblad intercepted by Matthew Peca. Pass to Justin Holl in Avalanche zone. Pass to Anthony Beauvillier. Pass by Anthony Beauvillier intercepted by Aaron Ekblad. Pass to Mark Scheifele. Pass by Mark Scheifele intercepted by Justin Holl in neutral zone. Pass by Justin Holl intercepted by Aaron Ekblad. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass by Patrick Kane intercepted by Justin Holl in Kraken zone. Pass to Matthew Peca in neutral zone. Matthew Peca moves puck in Avalanche zone. Matthew Peca is hit by Timothy Liljegren and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Holl for Kraken. Pass to Wyatt Kaiser. Pass to Matthew Peca. Justin Holl beats up Mark Scheifele. Penalty to Mark Scheifele for Fighting. Penalty to Justin Holl for Fighting. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Pius Suter, Tanner Pearson, Blake Wheeler are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Steel, Jakub Vrana, Eeli Tolvanen are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Marco Scandella, Robert Bortuzzo are on ice for Avalanche. Pius Suter wins face-off versus Sam Steel in Avalanche zone. Pass to Travis Hamonic.

Time : 18. Kraken, Alex Lyon is pulled from the net. Pass to Pius Suter. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Pass to Blake Wheeler. Blake Wheeler is hit by Marco Scandella and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor van Riemsdyk for Kraken. Pass to Travis Hamonic. Pass by Travis Hamonic intercepted by Robert Bortuzzo. Pass by Robert Bortuzzo intercepted by Trevor van Riemsdyk in neutral zone. Pass to Pius Suter in Avalanche zone. Pass to Travis Hamonic. Pass to Pius Suter. Pass to Blake Wheeler. Pass to Tanner Pearson. Pass to Trevor van Riemsdyk. Shot by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Tanner Pearson for Kraken. Puck is dumped in Avalanche zone by Tanner Pearson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Logan Cooley, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Uvis Balinskis, Ethan Bear are on ice for Kraken. Puck retreived by Connor Hellebuyck. Pass to Marco Scandella. Pass by Marco Scandella intercepted by Ethan Bear in neutral zone. Pass to Brendan Gallagher in Avalanche zone. Pass to Logan Cooley. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Pass to Brendan Gallagher.

Time : 19. Pass to Logan Cooley. Shot by Logan Cooley. Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck without a rebound. Last Minute Offensive Line - Pius Suter, Alex Iafallo, Brendan Gallagher are on ice for Kraken. Trevor van Riemsdyk, Travis Hamonic are on ice for Kraken. Last Minute Defensive Line - Ryan O'Reilly, Sebastian Aho, Trevor Moore are on ice for Avalanche. Cam Fowler, Aaron Ekblad are on ice for Avalanche. Pius Suter wins face-off versus Ryan O'Reilly in Avalanche zone. Pass to Alex Iafallo. Shot by Alex Iafallo. Stopped by Connor Hellebuyck with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Ekblad for Avalanche. Pass to Trevor Moore in neutral zone. Pass to Ryan O'Reilly in Kraken zone. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Sebastian Aho loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ryan O'Reilly for Avalanche. Pass to Trevor Moore. Shot by Trevor Moore. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Sebastian Aho for Avalanche. Shot by Sebastian Aho. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Fowler for Avalanche. Shot by Cam Fowler. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Fowler for Avalanche. Shot by Cam Fowler. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor Moore for Avalanche. Shot by Trevor Moore. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Ekblad for Avalanche. Shot by Aaron Ekblad. Shot Blocked by Trevor van Riemsdyk. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Ekblad for Avalanche. Shot by Aaron Ekblad. Shot Blocked by Brendan Gallagher. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Ekblad for Avalanche. Pass to Sebastian Aho. Shot by Sebastian Aho. Deflect By Trevor Moore. Goal by Trevor Moore - Kraken : 4 - Avalanche : 6. Alex Lyon from Kraken was sent back in the game. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyson Jost, Will Cuylle, Travis Boyd are on ice for Kraken. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Uvis Balinskis, Wyatt Kaiser are on ice for Kraken. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sam Steel, Trevor Moore, Patrick Kane are on ice for Avalanche. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Aaron Ekblad, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Avalanche. Sam Steel is ejected from face-off, Patrick Kane takes his place. Tyson Jost wins face-off versus Patrick Kane in neutral zone. Pass to Will Cuylle. Pass by Will Cuylle intercepted by Timothy Liljegren in Avalanche zone. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Uvis Balinskis in neutral zone. Pass by Uvis Balinskis intercepted by Timothy Liljegren in Avalanche zone. Pass to Patrick Kane in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Kraken zone by Patrick Kane. Puck retreived by Will Cuylle. Pass by Will Cuylle intercepted by Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Wyatt Kaiser in Kraken zone.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 1 for Kraken vs 2 for Avalanche. Shots for this period are 11 for Kraken vs 9 for Avalanche.